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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Its your mistake, fault you use wrong words. But ye, its easier to whine at the toxic community.
  2. Ofc, its all about the msg, just edit the structure.
  3. The question is, what's your pack? Since with aCis, for example, you have to change.. nothing. Only xml and client. Msg, no. It's like that.
  4. Locked :o
  5. Search for lobby-edit.bat works 100%.
  6. Ganja the hackz0r. Locked.
  7. change_buttons_property.bat on it's way :dat: :happyforever: :you serious?: :happyforever: :you serious?: :-beep- yeah:
  8. Quality bullshit. Changing the file do not guarantee it's better as most of the files are pretty much the same, if not identical. Sure, you can compare the size, time edited, but still. That does not mean it's better. You have to open/debug the geodata file in proper program to find out what's wrong and fix it - if it's geodata issue.
  9. Check the instance. Mby there is something onSpawn to dont save it.
  10. SweeTs


    You dont say.
  11. You won't collect much votes/opinions. You won't create a server everyone enjoy. It's 2k16, the enjoy server few few days, weeks, month or two and bb. Another one. Just create a server YOU would like to play / see.
  12. Looks like.
  13. You are so mean :D It's a piece of cake for him!
  14. The same way, but you simply have to for loop all the participants to do it.
  15. What he said :( I don't know how to, please heeeelp us :(
  16. Please code it, boss.
  17. Yeah, soon on marketplace :D Locked.
  18. Fixed, as he is unable to do it :P
  19. Simply save player position before teleport, ez. It's one code line. On aCis player.getSavedLocation().set(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); And then you get the coords with Location loc = player.getSavedLocation(); and teleport player.teleToLocation(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), 0);
  20. Choose honesty over perfection, every single time.

  21. Windows Defender most likely removed file. No other explanation.
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