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Everything posted by ShadowNetwork

  1. Actually, we'd much prefer you post things for free instead of charging $20,000. That was kinda the whole point and its impressive you missed that.
  2. Clearly, you're getting a little flustered You're just making shit up about charging $500 for an Interlude pack that is completely free. P.S: You're still gay and have gay sex with trans men. Do what you said you'd do or just fuck off, retard.
  3. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks into your head; the Interlude package I shared (and all its future updates) is completely free. No idea where you're getting this imaginary $500 price tag from.
  4. How can you be so brain dead as to call the people you've mentioned scammers? Ironically the easiest way to quieten those that are shitting on you would be to post the files and do exactly what you said in the original post, which you have not done because you're nothing but a gay attention seeking trans man. You also make it seem like the people you mentioned have an interest in actually using the files and we most definitely do not. Word for word, couldn't agree with you more.
  5. Here lies Gaytits, the gayest scammer to ever exist... RIP King -- You won't be missed.
  6. Having recently spoken with Salem, he seems like a genuine person and was quick to help me with design ideas for the Chronicle Coders discord which we are now using. Appreciate your work @ThatSalem.
  7. On a daily basis you check my posts and downvote them regardless of if you've been mentioned or what I've said, you've recently leaked files as per your own title description, are still attempting to sell $20,000 files that are likely to be low quality or result in a giant refund shitstorm/scam, called me a scammer when I've uploaded everything I've worked on for free/made it available to MaxCheaters and you actively shit on forum staff. Penalize a little? Your penis size is little.
  8. The only thing you've contributed to is the spreading of aids throughout your hometown, via sex with gay men, because you are gay.
  9. As a member of the community and someone completely unrelated to UnknownSoldier I'd like to say, on behalf of the community, you're the biggest down syndrome cunt this forum has ever seen & deserves to be banned. You contribute nothing, are highly toxic, a con-artist and also gay.
  10. It's in the Chronicle Coders Discord channel (previously named L2DEV) Alternatively, you can get it here. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  11. Exactly, I'd simply like the "complete release" to not end up in the hands of complete dickheads. Even something as simple as generic L2 related chit-chat in the Discord is appreciated and shows peoples true character over time. Bonus points if you are able to find bugs in the mods which I will fix and use the publicly available aCis sources to suggest improvements in the original code.
  12. We're just talking in circles now. P.S: You're still gay.
  13. Very cool & innovative idea. I'm excited to see the final result. Wishing you and your team the best of luck with development & future sales
  14. Not sure why you're only quoting me when the entire comment section of your post is shunning you for being a moron. It's not the marketplace that I (or others) have a problem with; its scammers like yourself that turn the marketplace in to a giant shit pit. If your price was even remotely reasonable, I'd have wished you good luck in your potential sales. The main problem I have with MaxCheaters is that the staff doesn't actively ban people for posting what is a blatant scam, letting retards like yourself run wild like down syndrome children in a gymnasium.
  15. Sorry to hear you're upset over files that have been made available for free; I hope you find a project that is better suited for your needs. Perhaps a scammers $20,000 USD version of a chronicle without mods is more your speed? Wish you the best of luck in your attempts to pray the gay away.
  16. If that's how you feel, that's fine, though I imagine you didn't bother to try them at all and are just lashing out because you're upset over being disliked for trying to scam users on this forum for $20,000 USD in your own retarded post. Judging by the growth of the Discord channel and direct messages I'm receiving, the files I've shared here seem to be receiving generally positive feedback, with a few suggestions and bug reports mainly stemming from the dungeon instance, which have now been fixed. If you did try them & still dislike it, consider yourself lucky the files are free and not hidden behind a scam $20,000 paywall like yours are, then move on with your day. P.S: You are still gay and still have gay sex with men.
  17. Even if people had the source their projects would likely only be a worse version of what I've already created. While I'm sure people have a few ideas or changes in mind, why bother splitting the development into multiple branches that would likely be worse than the original? Most of the 'devs' in the L2 modding community can barely put a sandwich together, let alone functional code. As mentioned in this topic already the basic version will be updated sometime️, so people that aren't contributing or being a valuable member of the community can just sit back and wait. The files would also likely be resold and shared without proper vetting.
  18. If you took the time to look properly, you'd notice that most of my content is shared for free Even if people wanted to buy stuff from me, I wouldn't really be interested as this is just a hobby, not a main source of income. I'd rather see a community of people who truly love the game and modding community, instead of watching retarded scammers like yourself take over this space entirely. PS: You are gay and have gay sex with men.
  19. You're basically starting an L2 Pyramid Scheme. Probably only accepts Bitcoin for a "smooth & easy transaction" as well.
  20. $20,000 worth of progress I'm sure Big scammer going for big money. You suck.
  21. This is an exceedingly homosexual post from Gaytits. People could either put a deposit down on a house or buy your server files, tough choice to make. Hope you get banned.
  22. At x1200 rates any server is "a finished project". You're max level within 30 minutes and have a GM shop carry you the rest of the way. Probably packed with stolen content from other servers/NevesOma.
  23. 2.5 Hours difference between the original post and the updated link. During which time there was no option to edit posts. Either edit feature is bugged or I'm blind.
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