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Everything posted by Hli4Snet

  1. oups yes sorry my mistake i wanted to type big companies...
  2. the only think i can do for mxc now is as i have write in my main topic.. i have blacklisted the mxc forum ip so no one with Sky booter can attack it...
  3. it doesn't work in lineage2.com general the booter doesn't work on big companies etc.... but to the most of the sites or online server-games it works...
  4. so far i have test it on website ,l2 servers kai cs servers.. and also you can kick off people conection !
  5. Small test to the official callofduty site: http://www.callofduty.com/ proof: click here
  6. add me to my msn or skype..
  7. you are trusted for me.. so aproved !!
  8. Sky Booter (Looking for Beta testers) Hello guys i am proud to presend you my newest application with simple words with the Sky booter you can shutdown: websites and general online servers-games example: l2, wow, aion etc... and also kick off people conection... !!! for now i am looking beta testers.. i will accept only 3 beta testers and only trusted members... when the testing period finish the Sky booter will be for sale.. ScreenShots: Screen 1: click here Screen 2: click here Beta testers: 1) katara 2) Ventic 3) Frank Contact: MSN: hlias-0210@hotmail.com Skype: Hli4S.net Email: hlias@hli4s.net I will not anwser in pms... PS: Messege for the beta testers and to the future buyers.. you can not test it or use it on mxc because i have blacklisted mxc ip so you can't harm this forum... Can Somone Lock it please? Beta Period Ends SkyBooter is now on sale: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=165448
  9. .... Just a small BuMp !!!! :P soo bUmP :D
  10. emena prosopika dne me sigkinoune tetia pragmata diabazontas ta... allo na to blepis kai allo na to diabazis... kai epsisi yparxi kia o tropos pou 8a to diigi8i kapios...
  11. you haven't understand it yet...???? he want to find someone who will pay more... its all about money....
  12. xaxaa akomi xirotera.. toulaxiston nomiza oti edixne kati...
  13. [GR]Pws Na Ftiakseis To Diko Sou Programa ....[GR] Hide posts 45 kala me doulebete balate hide posts... kai na fantasto 8a leei pos na ftiaksis programma kati me visual basic vb6 h vb.net ..... eleos....
  14. hmm new anime.. it looks good !
  15. http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Name_Variants or http://apforums.net/showthread.php?t=3099 i hope this will help..
  16. nice share thnxxx !!!
  17. hmm.. very nice sign :D
  18. nice Share! thnxx !
  19. Nice! thnxx !!!
  20. welcome :P
  21. when this is going to end ...???
  22. [gr] an kai den nomizo na doulepsi.. alla nice share !!
  23. HostGator Coupons ($9.94 off) Pay the first month only 0.01$ HostGator Coupons (25% off) Buy any hosting plan you want with 25% discount ! Coupons ($9.94 off): 1 ) HOPZONESNET 2 ) MAXCHEATERS 3 ) GETCHEAPNOW 4 ) TOPCHEAPHOST 5 ) GETFREESHARED 6 ) GETHGDISCOUNT Coupons (25% off): 1 ) HOST25OFFGATOR 2 ) WWWHLI4SNET 3 ) GETYOUR25OFFNOW HOSTGATOR : http://www.hostgator.com/
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