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Everything posted by Hli4Snet

  1. pedia poli endiaferon ola afta pou grafete edw. thelw na asxoli8w na psaksw gia afta alla logo oti teleftea mou xronia fetos panelinies kltp.. dn tha exw poli xrono ee kana sabbatokiriako tha mpenw na diabazw to topic. alla diabasa kai kapies iperboles opws: @Steven7 ilikrina dn nmz na egine kai na egine dn nmz na egine mprosta sta matia sou. allios tr pistebw tha hsoun akomi se kamia kliniki apo to psixologiko sok pou tha eixes iposti. Gt edw iparxoun ,ginonte atiximata mprosta se kosmo h pe8enoun an8rwpoi kai poloi apo to sok pigenoun se psixologous ktlpp gia na to antimetopisoun to sok h kapia fobia pou tous prokalese to simban. @bleik ola afta sou fenonte astia ,opws eipane poli parapanw apla min postaris. nai men na sebasto ekfrazis tin gnomi sou afise ena post me tin gnomi sou oti apla dn pistebis esy se afta ,to exeis trabiksi poli to thema kai ama synexisis to topic tha kataliksi se war bleik vs afton pou endiaferonte gi afto. Omws simfono mazi sou sto thema tou justin bieder. Pragmati xaris ta lefta ton goniwn tou kai tis gnorimies pou eixan egine afto pou einai. PS: dn 8imame pios to exei grapsi kati gia tin thiba kai mia piramida kai oti eixe trabiksi foto. mpori kapios na mou stili merikes foto ktlp. h kapio ar8ro sxetika me afto? thnxx
  2. dn nmz pos ginete afto. dn exw akousi genikos kati tetio. afto einai app gia kinita gia na diaxirizonte to paypal tous. o maximilion2 psaxni tropo na bazi karta sto kinito tou kai na metaferi afta ta lefta sto paypal h stin credit tou.
  3. I just Add a Small Tip about Better and fast EXP. no so far i haven't discover any bug.
  4. gamatoo !!!! PS: One Piece pexnidi sto bf: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=219829.0 opios endiaferete mpeni :D
  5. yeah when you deposit them and they win you on a fight they get 0 berry :D
  6. some mission require to have an amount of players on your crew. and the people who join to the game from my link they are added on my crew and they have me as a member of their crew also :D
  7. yeah to join my crew :D and also you can see me on your crew .
  8. when you win a fight you receive an amount of berries from the person you won. so when you win a rich guy you take a lot of berries.
  9. xexe yeah :d
  10. i have a litle bit richer than you Berry 154,231,512,043 :
  11. Game Description: Fight other pirates on the high seas, build a mighty fleet of pirate ships with your friends. Become a High Seas Pirate! Other Info : its a simple game browser based on the anime One Piece. you choose if you want to became Pirate, Marine or Bounty Hunter and you get a random devil fruit. it has missions based on the One Piece story , you can do fights or group fights with other random players if you win them you take an amount of Berry from them . You have option also to choose different language: Deutsch, Dutch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Polski, Português, Türkçe Join the Game: Click here Small Tips : Tip 1# ( Better & Fast Exp ): If you want to earn better and fast exp then do the follow missions from Alabasta Zone: Mission 1: Clcik Here Mission 2: Click Here Mission 3: Click Here Mission 4: Click Here Those missions gives you the double amount of exp from the amount of haki you gave. Example when you do the Mission which asks 4 haki you get 8 exp when you do the mission which asks 3 haki you get 6 exp. etc... .
  12. if you decide to buy a DS Console don't buy any from the new ones try to find the DS Lite its better and more hackable.
  13. NVIDIA
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=219532 he wants to buy ddoser.
  15. move to an other hosting... or it might be problem on your domain.
  16. +1 to that so far all the new members who created topics for money exchange after some days they prooved scammers.
  17. ama to metafrasis kata leksi oi metafrasis apo google translate einai sostes alla xwtis sosti sintaksi alla san frasi h san enia einai "palikari dn na pas na gamithis". dn mou to metafrase allos egw to metafrasa. alla dn eimai kai 100% sigouros opws eipa gt exw poli kairo kairo na eksaskisw ta germanika.
  18. Ellinika: palikari dn pas na gamithis. English: why don't you go f@ck yourself. alla dn eimai kai 100% sigouros.
  19. i am suggesting you to check the tutorials from here: http://www.cheathappens.com/tutorials.asp
  20. Huawei Ideos X5
  21. Hli4Snet


    an dn 8imase kai to email se zitaei alla stixeia opws hmerominia gennisis , erotisi asfalias ktlp.. wste na epanaferis ton kwdiko sou
  22. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=205788.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208346.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207122.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204647.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204741.0 Programming http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=205924.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204144.0 Guides & Tutorials http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204524.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204626.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204522.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204415.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203824.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208691.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207942.0 Website Templates
  23. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=209197.0 Programming
  24. yes but they don't belong to the "programming" section..
  25. Hli4Snet

    [gr]help pc

    pane sto "run" tou ipologisti sou h stin "ektelesi" allios kai grapse msconfig kai meta tha dis mia kartela tha exei ta programa pou ksekinane stin ekkinisi an pali dn to bris stile me se pm to teamviewer sou na mpw na sto kanw.
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