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Everything posted by Hli4Snet

  1. ok great !
  2. lol this was all ? 25 episodes. buw it was really good. i start watching it yesterday and i finish it today.
  3. pooo pios merimeni tr mexri tin kiriaki ksana ... mou fenete dn tha dw one piece gia kana 2-3is mines gia na dw meta etsi polla episodia mazi gt ena tha mou vgi h pisti idika tr pou arxizoun na poronoun pio poli.
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208552.0 Offer Powerleveling & Support
  5. den bazis id kai pass, tin ip tou pc bazis kai pass
  6. I have vote One Piece , Fairy Tail and Bleach.
  7. i created this in some minutes i didn't check it about sql injection but i think only blind sql injection will work because anything you will type as a char name its prints a picture. anyway i will fix it later.
  8. kala re xaibania asxeto oti afto einai poli palio "Onion News" sas akougete real kai exoune episimo site kai ftiaxnoun pseftika gegonota ktlp.. trollaroun diladi.
  9. undig from 2007 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3525.0
  10. nai re afou fenete opws nane einai oi fake.
  11. gamiseta oloi poli pro ginane.
  12. thnxxxx !!! I am glad to see that some people will actually use it !
  13. pm me your msn or your skype. we will try to slove this.
  14. you must find an other host then :S Pm me i can suggest you one free good one.
  15. you get the error because you haven't uploade the fonts.
  16. poo dn mporw na perimenw mexri tin kiriaki gia na dw to new episode .....
  17. L2j Promo Banner Generator Information: I didn't have what to do the past minutes so i decide to code a small php script. Its an L2j Promotional Banner Generator. It generaters a banner which shows live some of the players stats. It get the stats live from your server database . And because its working only for l2j i decide to call it "L2j Promo". Here is an example: And here is a small Demo: http://www.hli4s.net/l2jpromo Download Link: Click here Password: www.hli4s.net and ofc credits to me ! .
  18. naiiii alla pali an 200 atoma kanane afto to pragma kai aftoi xriastikan na akirosoun kamia 200-300 domains ee mpori px na doune to diko sou na nevriasoun kai na kini8oun nomika enantion sou.
  19. nai to kserw poli porosi twra :)
  20. ante epitelous sto epomeno tha tous diksi meta to train !!!!
  21. mia xara tha se paroun xampari. kai gia na se kanoun minisi prepei na arxisis na kanis abuse tin methodo afti diladi na paris kamia 100aria domain.
  22. yes you can ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have lower the price to 75 Euro ! So i don't want to hear any more complains about the price.
  23. I have pre-order it 2 days ago from Steam !!! and they also give cod 4 as gift.
  24. http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=116055361263 and http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=116055361263&v=app_6261817190&sk=reviews
  25. i don't have it now . search on the facebook.
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