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Everything posted by Ghost|Dreams

  1. Exactly... I also consider providing an antitard firewall service to our players, would you like to contribute your help by being our test slave? the thing is still in beta. And yeah, Luna has donations... nothing extreme however such as the crap you've stated. And I, at least, unlike many other admins, don't run away with donations. Not saying they all do, but many does. I've been around for years, don't see where the hate's coming from. That said, if I'm going to open up a new server, it isn't for the money even though there'll be donations. (I wish our host wouldn't mind renting us a box for free, but I doubt they'll like the idea...) We just want to, finally, provide our community (and those coming our way) with a server we've been talking of since quite a while. A retail-like experience at higher rates. Having those files gave us a perfect opportunity to achieve this. Why not? Now, if you're interested and need any further information, you're very welcome to come on our boards and request them rather throwing your random guesses on an advertisment thread. Otherwise, don't see why you're talking, just lick mah nunuts and move on... While I'm at it, thanks lixxit for giving us an hand with the advertisment! =) Oh and thanks for the laugh my two little einstein reincarnations, I'm back to usual activity - spamming about L2Dreams on random servers.
  2. Welcome back! hahaha... gotta love those l2off faggots. The legend? Only thing that will stay in our head regarding L2Vendetta is the excessive amount of comebacks. ;D
  3. The programming language doesn't matter, what matters is how it is codded. And this is extremely scary ;D Anyways, yeah, L2J (even by default - but with properly configured MySQL Database and Thread Pools) can handle thousands players without any issue. But as long as you're doing it just for fun because you are bored, it's all good =)
  4. They're comparing theirselves to L2J - by saying their performances will be better. All I'm saying is if this is really their goal and they're not doing this for fun but to achieve something then they failed before even starting. It's not comparable to L2J and will never be ^_^
  5. Doesn't change the fact the game is old - an expansion coming out in 2010 doesn't make the game from 2010. There are already plenty of emulators and there's absolutely no point creating a new one. By the time they get something that's even close to L2J, this game will be completely dead. One thing I'm sure of - they'll never ever reach our back with this emulator nor will they achieve to get as much content as L2J has/neither its stability/performances. That'll just stay a little dream, not critiquing their work - but saying in big "we're gonna rape l2j performances with our emulator yoyo" is just making me laugh.
  6. Lmao... what's the point starting an emulator from scratch on such an old game? If you're doing it just for fun and not to compete with L2J nor achieve something or whatsoever then fine - otherwise, get real man... this is just complete bullshit. ;D
  7. nVmlution is crap compared to the Bee Engine. Nothing to worry about.
  8. L2Phx works anywhere unless the server launcher has something to get rid of it (running processes check or whatever), then it becomes a little harder. What you gotta find out is... which packets manipulations are possible.
  9. I'm making convos? Nope dude, we are. 2 - 0. Imo just stop answering you're getting it worse xD
  10. Lil' fix. And yeah, that means anyone can join. I realize I'm not "good" enough by the way... =[ wasn't even going to attempt to join :'( EDIT: (as requested) =Ghost= | www.lineage2dreams.com says: OK YOU WANTED IT http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=168287.msg1297351#msg1297351 TO MOTHERFUCKIN' VILLAGE Horus says: oh dude don't do that =Ghost= | www.lineage2dreams.com says: lol Horus says: playing with me its np but with jfree its not a very pleasant thing to do just edit it to smth "horus you wish you were half the dev I am" or w/e *Wasn't me...*
  11. Alternatively you could use Hopzone.net, the real one. (much more popular, which is obvious when you see the wannabes)
  12. Bet I can scam your GM account on your server this way.
  13. That's lame scam. Plus you can easily get caught and your main accounts gone (unless the "GMs" are complete tails). Come up with something more creative... :)
  14. Doubt it. As far as I understand you gotta switch the weapon while casting its skill augmentation, which should not be possible (it's either impossible, or queued and changed when the cast is done). Not to mention active augment skills effects does not stack with eachothers....:P You're probably playing some censored up server ^_^
  15. I don't get how Kamael in full A grade can handle two mages in S80/S84 if mages are able to 1shoot. Maybe you forgot to buy jewels?
  16. :D p1p2p3 imo. And yeah... time and perseverance. NEVER GIVE UP! And one day... maybe... On a side note.. if I were you, I'd target professianal rather professional.
  17. You guys likes retail-like farming? don't you bot to avoid the farm part as much as you can while playing retail-like servers? Considering you're a part of such a community I'm guessing you do. Now the question is... how do you explain that you like retail-like farming but avoid it as much as you can? I don't get it.
  18. It's called a retarded feature, someone retarded first came up with a while back.
  19. L2Extreme is back for the 50th time! FUCK YEAH!
  20. This guy probably got banned after a failed attempt to bot or something, I see a lot of hate. Everything he said is bullshit, log-in and find out on your own. :)
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