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Posts posted by xdem

  1. 13 minutes ago, xRelic said:

    No matter how good you are and only that you reduce it to every person who enjoys it, you have lost it .... and you have become a candy that I work with shared files. I never worked on a package from the Internet. I may not have that much knowledge in Java, because for me my job is not exactly programming, but every time I open my package for the data of the 9 months I work, I did much better than you who worked for 10 years!

    Relic season 5 in less than a year... lets goooo clown

  2. 12 hours ago, Lafayette said:

    Still learning and never criticise other ppl work. Every fail is a lesson, even though l2relic is a project that still now with a few fixes can provide the dream of then. Upbringing is something extremely rare nowadays 😊

    if you want the good old dream, come join L2 Legacy beta and help us open the server faster, but I guess all you want is to make some money out of a 1 week server with bots and shit ?

  3. 2 hours ago, Gladicek said:

    Mobius is "decent" pack? When this shit happened?? :D



    ask yourself if mobius isn't, then what is ? 



    If you come back with no answer go back to your corner and cry when gods enter the topic discussion talking facts.

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Elfocrash said:

    It's nothing new. You probably missed my edit but:


    Here is an example of an AWS dedicated to this exact concept called AWS Global Accelerator with a dedicated section on how this benefits Gaming. I personally know that Blizzard is using it for games like WoW, Overwatch.


    Basically every company that does any sort of networking is using that concept and has been for years in both gaming and other general networking.

    These services are per traffic and do not come cheap, also you need lots of research and azure knowledge to implement it - still not being aware of the actual network boost you are going to get, and by your sayings your proxy is not torture tested in a live production environment with hundreds or even thousands of foreign connections on the proxy. Don't get me wrong but I am just thinking out loud my concerns regarding this project

  5. 2 minutes ago, Elfocrash said:

    It's not theory at all. It might be new to you but it's actually how things work. Backbone networking is one of the selling features of cloud providers and I use them on a day to day basis. Some basic googling will answer all your questions. You can get anything from a 10% to a 60% reduction depending on the region and the status of the network.


    Those are actual numbers. Feel free to create a free account on AWS or Azure and test it on your own. Also the project is used in multiple live servers and it has been running in its previous form on a few other servers since 2018. Nothing educational here and nothing to sell (so nothing to market). You can disagree all you want but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because it's just ignorance talking.


    So I suppose you have already implemented your reverse proxy that proves the 50-60% flat latency reduction on servers on Azure SA where we can test ? If what you are saying is not just theory but also practical for L2 GameServers then this is a breakthough

  6. 2 minutes ago, Elfocrash said:





    It won't do miracles because the speed of light is the speed of light at the end of the day but it can make a noticable difference. You also get minor protection and control that the GS itself doesn't have to waste resources to deal wiht.


    I don't want to be annoying or anything, but this diagram right here is just theory. There are no guarantee whatsoever that even if you use Azure's backbone network as the given example implies that you would get a flat 50% latency reduction, this graph looks extremely manipulative and false marketing to me.

    Even if a possible 10% latency reduction was possible the above architecture is off-limits for the 99% of the live servers out there, making your share another educational usage project :)

  7. mitm is not a technical term as I am aware of.

    It would be either a reverse proxy or a proxy, and since its server side this is would be a reverse proxy implementation for which I find no beneficial use for a l2 server rather than just making things more complicated.

    The features list is already in the spectrum of what the LS/GS can already do, reverse proxies do not decrease latency as a matter of fact

  8. Create one new Skill preferrably the one called during /unstuck of type


    Modify L2SkillTeleport.java

    Add this:


        private static final HashMap<L2Character, L2TeleportLocation> _values = new HashMap<>();

    And this


        public static void initTeleport(L2PcInstance player, int teleId)
            final L2TeleportLocation temp = TeleportLocationTable.getInstance().getTemplate(teleId);
            if (temp == null || player.isCastingNow() || player.isSitting() || player.isMovementDisabled() || player.isOutOfControl() || player.isInOlympiadMode() || player.inObserverMode() || player.isInJail())
                player.sendMessage("Your current state doesn't allow you to cast a teleport!");
            int id = 7066;
            if (player.isGM() || player.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE))
                id = 7065;
            else if (player.isInCombat() || player.getPvpFlag() > 0 || player.getKarma() > 0)
                id = 7067;
            player.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, 1));
            _values.put(player, temp);

    edit useSkill


    add this 


                    final L2TeleportLocation teleport = _values.get(activeChar);

    null check it, make your checks

    and call this 


                            activeChar.teleToLocation(teleport.getLocX(), teleport.getLocY(), teleport.getLocZ(), 30);


    Now, you have the logic you need to change L2TeleporterInstance


    change your teleportTo location methods with 


    L2SkillTeleport.initTeleport( ........ )



    Now you have a mechanism that instead of instant teleport your character casts a skill of defined duration that will do the actual teleportation

  9. On 2/17/2021 at 5:23 PM, Maxtor said:

    καποια ειναι free, καποια θα πληρωνονται και καποια θα τα πληρωνουν.

    ela pes to... gia na parw to L2 Server Owner, tha prepei na ferw olo mou to community edw p einai isws pio active apo to forum sou, kai na plirwnw kiolas !

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, InTheEndॐ said:

    There are 2 type of antibot. AC & the rest. So I can say 100% everything else is equal, everything has its price so if you don’t want to pay a lot of money get a standard version of the antibot that are released.


    There is only 1 type of antibot, that one that can be bypassed by adrenaline easily.

    • Haha 1
  11. They must met some criteria to qualify


    A) Resemble the real life coins 

    B) They should have a native L2 look and feel QPRFT7Q.png


    C) They have to be satisfying and have premium quality


    I am going to pay a decent amount for your work, but I will be expecting a preview of both before the payment (watermarked or whatever)

  12. NeverMode I won't debate with a fool that can't understand statistics.


    The server's you've posted are all low quality with just a dozen $ paid on votesites for a temporal boost.


    Fucktards like you are the reason that great projects like L2JServer are dead, those serious heavy lifter developers are sick of trash like you that re-sell their open source work.

     The trash servers you posted have no quality feature in them, it could be any L2J pack.


    A big FUCK OFF to you and never quote me again you trash, I wish you all the worst

    21 hours ago, `NeverMore said:

    great share
    and up to date don't u think? it's only 5 months old and 250 revisions back
    like you are the only one, jbrasil is full of outdated sunrise files




    You commits are laughable scammer clowns



    • Haha 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Tryskell said:


    Lol, you would figure out what I have to reparse, you would reformulate immediately... Spawnlist, zones, skills, items, npc templates have to be reparsed and got their own issue tab on my gitlab... Without counting what I already did since few years.


    You got it all wrong, but that's np, you're a "car driver". From the moment wheels and engine are working, everything is good.


    All in one, it changes nothing to the concept - my point isn't to insult (or "forget") old retired L2J developers, who did what they could. At that time, there was no special leader, there was no special code rules and conventions (that's the real, only thing than Zoey76 did - for the team management, imho, he just destroyed L2J, forcing the split of L2JUnity, not accepting forks help for YEARS, etc).


    My point is to make my pack the most practical for ME and my COMMUNITY to MAINTAIN. I got few, basic, rules you are free to respect or not - which I believe improve aCis and will allow to maintain its legacy - and until now, it worked.


    My point is to deliver a IL pack for everyone. If you still didn't get it, I can't help you.


    I would want to make it private, I would simply make my own server, back in 2010, and only rely on players reports. I wouldn't care about javadoc, about methods rename, about splitting classes.


    But I know aCis is far more than "that" - some people litteraly LEARNT coding, reading my code. Some people PMed me, saying than my project gave them the desire to go in developer classroom - or simply thanked me for the "player memories".


    And if aCis is still used, it's only because it's coded in a serious way. There is a vision and there is a team leader, with defined goals. Which most of projects simply don't have.


    I can't deny all these, im an aCis fanboi since 10 years, you know that. I even upgraded it to H5 because I couldn't let go when I wanted to move on to a different chronicle. Its fine work such an old pack - so I can understand the level of quality aCis delivers now.


    I just really believe that acis-based custom projects that are for sell should be allowed given that the work they've put on to customize it justifies the money asked - even if its aCis based or not.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Tryskell said:

    And saying my (and my community) work equals 5% is, as I said, either ignorance or a lie.


    It doesn't matter if you reworked or coded something from scratch, I do appreciate and understand the need of it - Yet you have to realise that taking a car and tuning it or changing the tires doesn't make you a car manufracturer - You used a solid base, L2J that is and it does not come only with a java source but with a battle proven Database architecture and a retail like Datapack. Packet reverse engineering is also a big thing, I've already mentioned before these guys did the heavy lifting for us but you probably didn't notice or ignored. This is what matters most - not scrapping out working things and re-doing them. So I still personally believe that it tops 5-10%

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