Hello all,
My Nickname is Vinou, i'm looking for a server where i'll be able to help you !
I'm 23 years old, married ( stable in life & stable minded), from France.
I'm playing Lineage 2 since the start (2004) and I was GM / dev on several server ( 2000+ players).
I know the game, how it works ( in game and server side).
I'm fair and know how hard is it to play and respect players ( I played retail for 7years)
I speak French and English.
I started to work on L2OFF, then I went to L2J
I'm Engeneer in informatic ( Job title : Search & Developpement in Web & Application)
I know some things about OS &Apps : Windows Server 2008 – 2012(Certification 410-411), Citrix Virtualisation, SQL server, Linux ( Archlinux), Cisco ( CCNA), Oracle, Sql ( MSSQL / Mysql), …
I can be online in less than an hour during day time ( I’m at GMT +1)I can be online for too many hours!
What am i looking for ?
A serious server that need me, where I can help server side and player side. I like to communicate with person and help solve problem.
How to contact ?
skype : thevinou
or leave a msg here with your information, i'll contact you.