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Everything posted by thevinou

  1. Client packet > GiveNickName or Give title, or other similar. depend on pack
  2. Forum doesn't send confirmation email!
  3. looks good, hardcore mod, like old time ;)
  4. Is it a french server ? GL btw
  5. Looks interesting. Add me on skype,we can talk a bit : thevinou
  6. The truth remains the truth. There are 4 ppl on server, and you want GM for this. Good for you.
  7. man, u know, i'm not here to trash ppl. Don't make me get the logs of chat. I'm here to support L2 playing, nothing else. Don't start to insult and everything will stay as it is now.
  8. Pay 40€ to be part of staff, 4 player on ...
  9. As tu essayé de lettre L2.exe en mode de compatibilité pour Windows 7 ? Moi je n'ai pas ce problème sur Win 8 X64 pro
  10. Accounts are auto create, you need client !
  11. Before give pvp point check if its same ip ( wan or lan) thats all
  12. Ok, I'll wait for your invitation . Skype : thevinou
  13. Not all french are, even if they want to allow homosexual marriage
  14. Hello all, My Nickname is Vinou, i'm looking for a server where i'll be able to help you ! I'm 23 years old, married ( stable in life & stable minded), from France. I'm playing Lineage 2 since the start (2004) and I was GM / dev on several server ( 2000+ players). I know the game, how it works ( in game and server side). I'm fair and know how hard is it to play and respect players ( I played retail for 7years) I speak French and English. I started to work on L2OFF, then I went to L2J I'm Engeneer in informatic ( Job title : Search & Developpement in Web & Application) I know some things about OS &Apps : Windows Server 2008 – 2012(Certification 410-411), Citrix Virtualisation, SQL server, Linux ( Archlinux), Cisco ( CCNA), Oracle, Sql ( MSSQL / Mysql), … I can be online in less than an hour during day time ( I’m at GMT +1)I can be online for too many hours! What am i looking for ? A serious server that need me, where I can help server side and player side. I like to communicate with person and help solve problem. How to contact ? 92353@supinfo.com skype : thevinou or leave a msg here with your information, i'll contact you.
  15. char under the ground. no head, ... just for me ?
  16. Nice to know, thanks man, but wrong part on forum ;)
  17. Thanks man, looks good :D
  18. u should create a new class : Policemen :D
  19. normal lion looks awesome, other are too flashy :D nice job man, gz
  20. nice, but it edit title color, not name color, any way to mod it only the name ?
  21. dont like them, but I appreciate work and share, so thanks
  22. nice job, but I prefear old one :D
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