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About ReilAoI

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  1. na ru offe mozhet bot byl no ne kakix diupov :/
  2. bozhe moj po samomu titulu mozhno poniat' shto libo FAKE libo nerabotaet ;D
  3. launch game with l2tower and when u are in game just type /cfg //cfg ///cfg ( how u like ) than u just mark things u want bot to do for u
  4. well actually there are 3 pretty awesome bots 1. L2 Tower (IG - in game) : its working when u are logged on the game 2. L2NET (IG / OOG ) : ig working like tower and OOG is like an app u adjust customize etc and launch it to work 3. L2 Walker ( IG / OOG ) same as l2 net
  5. LAMEGUARD cannot be bypassed dude. its one of TOP protections
  6. best share :D
  7. u said that open that patcher and than choose l2.ini . but its not working .. sad
  8. Q.Q not working for me . tested on l2 sun , easyfun
  9. LOL 800 post for that kind of bugg that is working not 100% .... over rated ur topic
  10. tested on l2 sun , its not working
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