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Everything posted by jssom

  1. piotress he did and got paid im testing files now hes trusted and skilled :)
  2. who buy it will get free updates?
  3. piotress on it now
  4. hmm maybe ill find something here
  5. hmm where can i ask them for something like this?
  6. Hello all i need the chat on lineage to support Arabic Language there is only 1 Arabic server solved it and for sure he won't share it I'm waiting now ..
  7. no i can run a full server , im not good with php i can create a new website for the server but wont be a pro 1 , the java Dev will help me on the server side to get a good project
  8. 3 games :D
  9. lol sry for that stuff* xD
  10. Hello guys its a good acc but i need money for now so .. Champions = 53 skins = Akali= silverFang akali Ashe= freljord ashe - Woad ashe - Queen ashe Caitlyn = Resistance Caautlyn Eve= Shadow Evelynn Heimendinger= Blast zone kennen= Deadly kennen - Karate Kennen Lux= Spellthief lux Masteryi = Assasian yi Shaco = Asylum shaco Tryndmare = Viking Tryndmare ((( the limited edition skin ))) Twisted fate = Jack of Hearts Vladimire = Vandal Vladimire Warwick = Tundra Hunter Warwick rune pages = 4 normal wins = 733 i need a good offer so pm me
  11. Hello i'm going for a new Freya server mid rate or pvp and Ofc. i can't do it alone so i need a good serious Java Dev and a web Dev Donates will be used 4 server and for the whole team send me a massage with your experience
  12. ill test it ... i think
  13. guys i need a little help here
  14. Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery x 200 Nucleus of a Freed Soul x 50 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm x 12,000,000 adena
  15. Nucleus of a Freed Soul Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
  16. hello guys how can i get the scroll of Dual Dagger Mastery i know i can buy it from GF but how to get the items
  17. man u wont be able to play with bot with out the website
  18. u wont be able to use it if the website is dawn and i wonder is the website will come online again or not
  19. no not working
  20. thanks man im downloading it
  21. hello i cant edit .dat files i dont know why tried another l2 editor and didnt work and im getting that error
  22. wrong section ... u can make your custom teleports and then make your GK or edit any GK from here
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