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About fLx

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    L2J Advanced

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  1. Found this on Old L2jserver forum. Works very nice. Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java =================================================================== activeChar.sendPacket(new QuestList()); loadTutorial(activeChar); + if (activeChar.getPvpKills()>100) activeChar.updatePvPColor(activeChar.getPvpKills()); + if (Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION > 0) activeChar.setProtection(true); Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java =================================================================== } } + public void updatePvPColor(int pvpKillAmount) + { + if (isGM()) return; + String colorCode = "0xFFFF77"; + if ((pvpKillAmount >= 500) && (pvpKillAmount <= 999)) colorCode = "0x006400"; + else if ((pvpKillAmount >= 1000) && (pvpKillAmount <= 1499)) colorCode = "0xec5e00"; + else if ((pvpKillAmount >= 1500) && (pvpKillAmount <= 1999)) colorCode = "0x00ffff"; + else if ((pvpKillAmount >= 2000) && (pvpKillAmount <= 2499)) colorCode = "0x0054ff"; + else if (pvpKillAmount >= 2500) colorCode = "0x0800ff";+ else colorCode = "0xFFFF77"; + getAppearance().setTitleColor(Integer.decode(colorCode)); + } + in hexadecimal just put colors you would like to use.
  2. link is dead whatever :/
  3. ty very much guys!
  4. Hey guys, i've just been looking for a char name color chage in function of PvPs. Exapmle: if you have 200 pvp, your nick becomes yellow, forever. With 500 is green, and so on. Can you give me any idea 'bout how can I put it on my server? Thank you very much for possible help! (Gracia Epilogue) L2J server
  5. html/default -> script/quest -> i think there
  6. omg this dont give PvPs so just change town zone from Peace to not:< at least this will give pvp/pk points!
  7. Hello, again me, sorry for make a new Topic but i think this will be much different from other. So i will say thank you to everybody who can and could help me in 2 questions what I have bout scripting (i just started do my first server 1,5 weeks before so dont laugh alotif I have some errors :D). ok here I come: 1). First of all I would like to know how I can make my buffer remember and restore player's buff, I have a custom npc buffer but dont know how to make and option abous save/restore buffs. 2). I was tryin to make a NPC who enchant your Armor, Weapon, Jewel and so on +30 (while server max enchant is +25) to improve donations from people so I've done the code, tell me why doesn't work and what do I do bad? : import sys from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jserver import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.itemcontainer import Inventory from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest qn= "99991_NpcEnchant" NPC=[99991] ADENA_ID=57 QuestId = 99991 QuestName = "NpcEnchant" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "ENCHANT NPC LOADED" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event #Helmet if event == "1": st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) ench = 30 armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD; st.setEnchant(activeTarget, ench, armorType); QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) This is only for a Helmet but dont even work correctly :< "Your character dont ...blablalba... minimal quest requirements" = this. Help me please and thanks all again!!
  8. 2 Things, because I wanna make a 2 coins important to acquire things in shops so for improve playerTOplayer trade I would like to change adena in private store( /vendor , /buy and so on) to a coin I want and think more convenient. I dont have problems with GM-Shop, neither HTML, i think vendor It is in vendor script but I dont know where it is and what to change to :< I am new in this, just 2 weeks and dont even know good the jyton codes :<
  9. Hello, I was doing and reading things over here and haven found any good explication about this question: -> How can I change a private shop (sell/buy/packagesell/packagebuy) currency without changing all game currancy(adena)? Thx for help!
  10. for archer: Passive: Duel Might Active: P.Def
  11. Greeks: some of them are good people, maybe most of them but they are just so impressive like americans: "OMFG ZOMG WTF LOL RLOL ROFL" Polish: "kurwa", i saw this word more times than hello so I have not very good opinion bout them :D almos they are good in pvp. Spanish: weapon? sell? do u speek anglish? set +? nothing more xD Russian: almost very dedicated players but 99% of the use bots, programs and glitches. :< Europe: "I will kill u noob, hahahahahaHAHAHhaha!" : D
  12. ST for all life snipe and hawkeye rulz. more hp/critical power determine pvp.
  13. Hello ppl! I hope I will get a lot of very evil knowledge here(joke)!! : D Hello again!
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