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Everything posted by Nosti21

  1. thats why i love my rl friend xD . thanks man.
  2. einai enas poli kalos server exw na pw
  3. nai afto tha kaneis gia na mn mperdeftoun meta.
  4. this is not the real weaponrpg.dat but its the txt file where are the codes for the glows. my friend search for the weaponrpg.dat not the txt.
  5. http://leagueoflegends.com join einai afto pou xreiazese.
  6. egw sinithos se IL sps. k se epilogue sph ;P
  7. afto mono dn vgazei grammata i tpt tetio?? logika prepei na sou vgalei allios dn pezei.
  8. dld otan les dn sto anigi katholou ti kanei? patas gia na ani3i anigi ligo k meta klini xwris na patiseis tpt?
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=104.0 dead section. :/
  10. i like all this. its the best till now for me. 9,5/10
  11. yeah its unbanned. + he passed the lesson. ;)
  12. the true its hard i know that. but if you share something and want opinions you can hear and good opinions and bad thats all. you can understand what i say.
  13. why you do the topic here? can you open it at the spam section?? or you want posts?? pfff. he passed.
  14. Hello Maxcheaters.com New Share For Aion. "Bot Status" - Tab shows you... • ...what the bot has accomplished before • ...what the bot is doing in this moment • ...how long he is playing and how much time is remaining til shutdown At the top is a status log which lists up all important events. It contains counter and timer, eg. how long he still needs for a LvLUP; how much EXP he has earned and how many adversaries he has killed. Among is the shutdown timer. You can specify there how long the bot is 'allowed' to play - you have to enter the time in MINUTES. If its playing time is executet, he automatically logs off from the game or goes AFK (adjustable). At the moment it is possible to start the bot in two differend modes. Combat mode, and Traveler Mode. • Combat Mode --> Searching & Killing Enemies & Moving from Waypoint to Waypoint • Travel Mode --> Only cheking Waypoints only one time by running from waypoint to waypoint. He will defend himself if there is an pre-emptive monster... Perfect for testing waypoints for the Combat mode once or automatically overcome long distances. The start button is inactive as long as you create a profile and has not loaded the waypoints! Is this done the button will turn active. After pressing the button "Run Bot" he will start after 3s. It can be interrupted by the F5 key. "WayPoints" - Tab To create a waypoint-file you have to enter a name first, eg. "Belu_30_Keep". After this press the 'Create WP-List" Button. Now you can add waypoints either pushing the "Add WayPoint" button or the plus key upon your NumPad. Between the single waypoints should be no obstacles. They should have a minimum distance of 5m and a maximum distance of 100m. If you set an incorrect waypoint, you can remove the latest waypoint with the "Delete last WP" button or the minus key upon your NumPad. After creating the waypoint list they are automatically loaded. If you restart the bot you have to load the Waypoint list again. This can be done with the "Load WP-List"- and "Load GhostWP-List" button. Waypoints are points he always run over. When your character dies you will release at the obilisk where are you binded. Then the bot uses the GWP come back to your farmspot. Combat Waypoints and GhostWayPoints will be created in the same way and then you must load the waypoints into the appropiate slots. "Attack-Config" - Tab The combat-system is oriented to the HealthPoints of the adversary. For Example: Adversary over 88% press 4 / - / 3 / 3. If the adversary didn't reach 88% while this KeySet is active it will start over until he reaches the questioned precentage. Adversary over 60% press 2. If the adversary didn't reach 60% while this KeySet is active it will start over until he reaches the questioned precentage. ...and so on. The last selected HP fiel MUST end with 0 (!!!) and the attack-keys must be seperated with a semicolon in the "KeySet". • Pre-Cast --> executed before the fight starts; You have to enter the cooldown (in seconds) and the casttime in milliseconds. An instant cast should be declared with a castime of 800ms an the cooldown as in the ingame tooltip. • Post-Cast --> executed after the fight ... • EM-Cast --> It is your guarantee against dying. The EM Cast will cancel all your casts/actions, when you drop under your entered HP value and uses the pots or healing spells on your key. Also use a casstime of 800ms here. • Loot --> There you have to enter the Key, where your button "Pick Up Item" lies on. • Reg --> There you have to enter the Key, where your button "Toggle Rest" lies on. It is really neccessary that you enter a HP percentage, where the bot starts regging. Press the "Save" button after each time you have changed your settings. You can also load other profiles. Simply select another from the drop-down-box and press on "Load". Never put keys into the "KeySet" without a instant where the cooldown time is too long. It can always be resisted, dodged or something like that... Don't panic if any chainskill wouldn't be triggered. Simply place the key several times, eg.: 5;5;5;5;3;3;2;5;5;5;5;6;.... "Advanced" - Tab In the "Advanced" Settings you can choose how the bot will behave in general. Fight, if the bot is configured right... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvSgXcoSutc&feature=player_embedded Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/372601456/AutoAion__Free_Bot__v1_RC2.2.rar Credits: WhiteStar.
  15. Welcome Maxcheaters.com Here Is New Share. Its free at the moment but its going to get p2p. Usage: 1. start KtzAionMain.exe 2. hit the load (it prolly says failed but open aion anyway) 3. open aion 4. log in 5. press home and walkerlike window popups 6. log in with: username: ktztest pw: 888888 (bot announces that it is one hour trial, but it will work longer) 7. set up options! basicly you enter there (at fight tab) radius and click add, then press "training" or ingame insert, and bot will start atacking. check and setup atleast next tabs: fight,skills,protect: 1. setting up protect (example of cleric setup) 2. setting up attacking skills (example of cleric setup) http://i35.tinypic.com/dzdxyv.jpg[/img] 3. setting up radius and starting botting http://i38.tinypic.com/nlszrt.jpg[/img] Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/371367626/AionKtz1.5.rar Credits: WhiteStar
  16. XAXAXAXAXAXA popo porosi ;) . arxisame kala exoume sinolo 3 nikes k 1 ita mia xara pame.
  17. nice desing my friend. i wish you the best with your sell.
  18. 0a0xa0x0a0xa0x0x0a milas re vlaka?? exeis stoma k to anigis?? pou persi i dietisia sas ithele perissotero k apo tn gavro na poume. ante lagoudakia mpike mesa stis tripes k mn milate katholou. nai o vazelos tha kanei megalo kako stn mpartsa. tha faei 5 gol k tha tis kanei kako apo ta gelia.
  19. apoti vlepw i metagrafes mia xara einai. pires k adu apo benfica ti allo thes?? megalo mpam einai afto. oi sinomilies ta spane k pali xaxaxaxa
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