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Everything posted by Dask

  1. Dask

    hellbound L2 Fov

    Locked. Already posted in Preview section. PM a Moderator to unlock this when it will be open.
  2. Οk then, I'm a democratic person. Let's discuss what is your problem, can I help you?
  3. Nikoloudos is a kid, that's all.
  4. Ok, keep going. Next time you'll take your -1. /Locked again.
  5. We are mods. /Locked.
  6. Το σαλιγκάρι στην πρώτη εικόνα κάνει body building, παίρνει πρωτείνες;
  7. Άχουυυυυυυυυυυυυυ το, γλύκα είναι
  8. Dask

    WTB Account East

    Bump for last time, I'll lock it next time since there are no offers.
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