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Everything posted by `RoSe^

  1. koita einai axrhsto share.. dioth mporeis na kaneis alt+g kai na to breis mesa apo to Game alla anyway h prospa8eia metrah
  2. kai h www.hostyourdreams.net einai poly kalh Host
  3. nmzo einai hdh perasmenoi
  4. ayto to Template exei gini shares panw apo 100 fores.
  5. opa la8os re grafw sta skotina :S p 8es na blepw :S
  6. to udp blockari tis port tou router m to ekane kai mena anoikse se TCP
  7. bare8ika na blepw akurous p opio forum doun lene sunexeia Leech k Leech paw stoixhma pou oute auth kan den kseroun ti einai to leech.. lete gia to DevZones apo ti exw dei sto devzones o admin oti leech post dei to kanei Delete h Move. kai ban sto Member p to kanei opote . kalo 8a htan merika atoma na ma8oun ti einai to Leech kai meta na kanoun report h na poun leech Auta
  8. Wo_OW Perfect Share . Good Job man
  9. mia erwthsh giath eimai ligo akuros etsi.:P forum h site h kati tetoio exei to PRoject ?:S
  10. gia na kanw new filous kai na ma8w pragmata pou den gnwrizw
  11. i dont think the Z Letter wil be Removed
  12. Sorry im lagged and reply Wronge please Delete this Post
  13. re file autos den prepei na kanei rap to gamah stin kuroleksia kalhtera na gini group mazi me tous kafrilion
  14. Poly kalo bravo sou diko sou einai???
  15. the Chinese girls is very hot :P
  16. oh yes :/ i dont remember :P
  17. Hello Guys i need a new Avatar i need the Face of Ichigo and put the Text Bleach-X :D
  18. For Epilogue / L2J Man Can you Give More Infos about Event???
  19. Hello Guys Today i find one guide on Google for Make Program in Visual BaSiC and i share here Write your First Visual Basic Program Lesson 1 What Is Visual Basic and Why do I need it? Visual Basic is Easy to learn Programming language. With Visual Basic you can develop Windows based applications and games. Visual Basic is much more easier to learn than other language (like Visual C++), and yet it's powerful programming language. Visual Basic suit more for application developing than for Games developing. You can create sophisticated games using Visual Basic, But If you want to make a really advanced professional game like Quake 2, You may choose other language (like C++), that would be much more harder to program with. However, Visual Basic will be probably powerful enough to suit all your application and games programming needs. The advantages of Visual Basic: 1) It's simple language. Things that may be difficult to program with other language, Can be done in Visual Basic very easily. 2) Because Visual Basic is so popular, There are many good resources (Books, Web sites, News groups and more) that can help you learn the language. You can find the answers to your programming problems much more easily than other programming languages. 3) You can find many tools (Sharewares and Freewares) on the internet that will Spare you some programming time. For example, if you want to ping a user over the internet in your program, Instead of writing the ping function yourself, you can download a control that does it, and use it in your program. Compare to other languages, Visual Basic have the widest variety of tools that you can download on the internet and use in your programs. The disadvantages of Visual Basic: 1) Visual Basic is powerful language, but it's not suit for programming really sophisticated games. 2) It's much more slower than other langauges. Click Forward to start writing now your first Visual Basic program! Lesson 2 Learning about Variables Using Variables is one of the most basic and important subjects in programming, so this lesson is very important. Variables are destined to save data. You can save in variable Text or number. For example, you can have one variable that holds the Text "Hello and Goodbye", and have another variable that holds the number 623882 You can think about variables as a cabinet's drawers. Every drawer has a sticker on it with its unique name. You can put in each one of the drawers one number or one text String. During your program, you can open the drawer with the sticker "TheUserName" and get the text string that found inside the drawer. You can also delete the text string that found inside the drawer and put instead of it other text string. Right now, we are going learn about 2 variable types. The first type called Integer. Integer variable can store an Integer number (round number without any fraction) between -32,768 to 32,767. You can store in Integer variable the number 0 or the number 375 or the number -46, but you can't store the number 4.5 (Because of the .5) or the number 100,000 (Because It's bigger than 32767) or the number -50,042 (Because it's smaller than -32,768) The second type called String. You can store in String variable any text that you want. For example "Hello" or "abcDDefGhIjk123456 blah blah %$#@!??? Blah!" Lesson 3 The Command Button's KeyPress, KeyDown and KeyUp Events The events that will be mentioned in the following pages are commonly used, and without learning about them you really can't go anywhere in Visual Basic programming. To try these examples, start a new project (as being taught in Lesson 1). Add 1 Command Button to your form. The Command Button is called by default Command1. Copy the following code to the code window (you can copy and paste it using Ctrl + C for copying and Ctrl + V for pasting): Private Sub Command1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Print "KeyDown" End Sub Private Sub Command1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Print "KeyPress" End Sub Private Sub Command1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Print "KeyUp" End Sub When the Command Button's KeyDown event will be executed, "KeyDown" will be printed on the form, When the Command Button's KeyPress event will be executed, "KeyPress" will be printed on the form, and when the Command Button's KeyUp event will be executed, "KeyUp" will be printed on the form. Run the program, and click the button with the mouse. Nothing has happened. It's because the KeyDown, Key_Press, and KeyUp events are being executed Only when you press a key on the keyboard. Now press any key on the keyboard, hold it down for few seconds, and then release it. Your form will look like this: Figure 1 Lets see: The first event that been executed is the KeyDown event, because "KeyDown" was the first text that been printed on the form. The second event was KeyPress, and then again KeyDown. After every KeyDown event that been executed, a KeyPress event had been executed. We learnt that when a key is being holded down, the KeyDown and the KeyPress events are being executed in this order over and over again, until the key is up again. When you release the key, the KeyUp event is being executed once. Conditional Statements Tutorial Lesson 1 What Are Conditional Statements? Suppose you want to protect your program with password. You ask from the user to enter the password. If the password is correct - you want to let the user in, if not - you want to end the program. To do this, you have to use conditional statement because the code you will execute (let the user in or end the program) is depend on what is the password that the user has entered. One of the basics of Conditional statement are Boolean variables. Boolean variables are commonly used in programming, and you have to understand them before continuing with conditional statements. Boolean Variables As we learnt, String variables store text, and Integer Variables Store numbers. Boolean variable stores one of the following constant values: "True", or "False". For example: Dim Kuku As Boolean Kuku = True Dim YoYo As Boolean YoYo = False What are the True and False stand for? They are the result of every "Boolean expression". Boolean Expressions Boolean expression is like a question that the answer to it is "True" or "False" For example: Is 4 Plus 6 is 10? True Is 2 bigger than 4? False But the question How much is 4 Plus 6? Is not a boolean expression, because its answer is 10 (and not True or False) Examples of Boolean expressions in the next page. Make your First ActiveX Control Lesson1 First of all, what is ActiveX Control? ActiveX control is control like all visual basic common controls: Command Button, Label, etc. You can make your own ActiveX control, for example hover button control, and use it in every VB program you make without addition of code. Instead of writing the same code every time you want to use the hover button, make once hover button ActiveX control, and drag it to your form every time you want to use it, like it was the usual Command Button. How can you make your own ActiveX control? In this tutorial we will make a button control, that will pop a message box when the user will click on it. I know that it's not very useful, and for this purpose you don't have to make an ActiveX control, but this example will teach you how to make an ActiveX control. Lesson 2 Adding more properties to the control Now we want that the control will have all the Command Button properties. lets add the BackColor property. Enter the following code to your form: Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR BackColor = Command1.BackColor End Property Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal New_BackColor As OLE_COLOR) Command1.BackColor() = New_BackColor PropertyChanged "BackColor" End Property Enter the following line to the UserControl_ReadProperties function: Command1.BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", &H8000000F) Enter the following line to the UserControl_WriteProperties function: Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor", Command1.BackColor, &H8000000F) The OLE_COLOR is the type of the BackColor property variable, the same as the Boolean is the type of the Enabled property variable, and the Integer is the type of the Height property variable. What we did now is almost the same as we did with the Text property. The difference is that in the text property we used a variable (TextVariable) to store the property information. Here we not using a variable, we read and write the information directly to the Command1.BackColor property. The Command1.BackColor property is here our variable that store the information. Why is that? Because when the user set the Control BackColor property, we actually want to set the Command1 BackColor property. Suppose the user set the Control BackColor to Black. In that case, We want to set the Command1 BackColor to Black. So actually, the Control BackColor property is the Command1 BackColor property. So instead of reading and writing to variable, we read and write directly to the Command1 BackColor property. It's exactly the same thing with all of the other properties. Working with Resource File Lesson 1 What is Resource File? Resource file is file that can contains multiple image files (BMP, GIF, JPG, ICO and more), Cursors (CUR), Sound files and other files. All these files can be in single Resource file, and you can access them from your program. For example, you can load an icon from resource file to your Command Button. Resource file has RES extension. Why should I use Resource File? Resource file is very useful when you use the same image several times in your code. For example, you have two Command Buttons with the same icon or two Picture Boxes with the same BMP picture. If you won't use resource file, but simply add the same icon to both Command Buttons Picture property, the icon will be embedded in each of the Command Buttons. so actually, your icon will be saved twice, and your application file will be bigger. If you'll use resource file, you will have only 1 icon saved in your application. Lesson 2 Accessing GIF and JPG files from your Program There is no Built-In option to load GIF and JPG files, There is no vbResGIF or vbResJPG. So to load these files you'll have to use the following Function: Public Sub LoadDataIntoFile(DataName As Integer, FileName As String) Dim myArray() As Byte Dim myFile As Long If Dir(FileName) = "" Then myArray = LoadResData(DataName, "CUSTOM") myFile = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary Access Write As #myFile Put #myFile, , myArray Close #myFile End If End Sub What does this function do? The function gets two parameters: DataName and FileName. It simply copy the File that found in the resource file, under the CUSTOM "Folder" With the Id that found in DataName variable. The new file name will be the String that found in the FileName variable. For example, assume I have a resource file, with EXE file that found under the CUSTOM "Folder". The EXE file ID is 101. Calling to: LoadDataIntoFile 101, "c:\MyDir\myFile.ddd" Will copy the EXE file to c:\MyDir\myFile.ddd It doesn't matter if the file is EXE, GIF, JPG, TXT or WAV. Because of that, this function can extract any file from resource file, and can be used to extract Sound files, Text files, and other files. Credits:cuinl tripod
  20. den xreiazete na phgaineis apo topic se topic kai na les help me deite to prob m sto Request Help. ama einai na se help kapios 8a to dei sto Request Help Section.. Ontopic:kalo Share man an kai to ftiaxni kai h koutsi maria pleon alla dn prz h prospa8eia metrah
  21. Thank You Devangell for Gift :)
  22. Hurt Locker this movie its the Best
  23. Send please Photo The Start of the .bat File
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