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Everything posted by `RoSe^

  1. i cant see the Image of the Web
  2. Good Luck with the Battle Guys.
  3. Good i like Russian Flash Webs =]
  4. s fenete gia Guide???:S OMG ti allo 8a akousw.. Ontopic: bravo papaditsa poly orea h GK Sou =]
  5. ahahaha.. Epic .. Ontopic: Poly kalo to Share sou Papaditsa
  6. file den einai shop. NPC Information einai :/
  7. sorry pou postaro se topic tou 2009 alla i8ela na rwthsw douleui se Interlude??
  8. ti paei na pei auto? dld k egw ama kanw post 20 se 30 lepta 8a faw baN?? den mporo na sas katalabw pws tin exete dei :/
  9. xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0 OMG.. den uparxhs file.. koita ti skeftike mono kai mono na kanei post =] xa0xa0
  10. paidia mono to WoW Aksizi 8a sas pw gt ... giath poly ligi asxolounte me to Development tou WoW kai auth ligoi einai anw ton 25 h 30 eno sto l2??? o ka8e 12-13 pernei ena pack vlepei enan odhgo kai ksekinah ton diko tou Game
  11. ti sxesh exei auto me to 8ema tou topic?? hdate oti merikh eiste oti nane kai meta exete problhma me to Spam Gr Topic
  12. +1 ston Coyote. loipon diabasa kai ta 3 pages tou Topic kai 8elw na pw kai egw duo logakia =] polly apo edw to exete pari gia plaka lete ela mwre twra ena Forum einai 8a kanoume ekei 2-3 post 8a paroume kana duo karma kai teliwse. kai omws oxi guys dn einai etsi. o ka8e ksemparkos mpenei hte dhmosieuh hte. postari gia tin Ntoubli.. hte spamari ola Ta Sections gia ton skopo tou na apokthsh post se opio section kai na pas vlepeis Spam Spam Spam Spam.:/ auto einai kourastiko kai gia mas tous Regulars na ta Diabazoume kai gia tous Moderators kai sto katw katw kanenas moderator dn einai hpoxreomenos na mas Clean ta Spamm Replys Auta Apo emena -Eyxaristw
  13. Dude i hacking 1 Cs Private Server 1.6 Non Steam Name:RoDiNaTe Reward me ;)
  14. nai omws dn mporite na brizete etc sto ksekarfoto:P parasirete kai ta alla melh tou forun kai molis sas tin poun erxeste sto Report Section kai kanete Report auton p sas tin eipe+sas ebrise
  15. Nice tutorial Crystalin keep up Brother=]
  16. me 2 =] i play this map 2 Summers
  17. εδω απλα σπαμαρουμε γιατη απλα χαμογελαμε =] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D λεμε οτι μας κατεβη =] αυτα ;D
  18. sto admin panel kapou ekei exei ena .Koumpi p leei ReSpawn all NPC m eixe gini mia fora kai patisa auto kai m ksanabgikane :/
  19. in some days i try to make Hack to give Administrator Acces =]
  20. ofc. its Ddos attacker dude. but Cs Servers are made on Home Network will hacking easy =]
  21. SoZ for Dublepost my Wronge ;D Speak in Banned Author pff. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=129593.30
  22. an einai adiko milise me ton Maxtor gia unban. an kai dn nmzo efoson leei Spamming olo kai kati 8a ekanes.
  23. ***** IMPORTANT : ***** Run the program before doing anything ! Follow the Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M52JdDXtilI&feature=player_embedded Download 1 [RS] Download 1[HF] Credits:iwdnplay
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