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Everything posted by `RoSe^

  1. Ο Μαλακας Της Παρεας -> Overdosed Aka Crystalin
  2. not allowed the Preview Servers
  3. WoW amazing share now you cannot Stealing Accounts Good.
  4. ο Αλκαιος εμφανιστηκε στην 11η θεση.....Βγηκε 8ος αφου πηρε απο τη Γερμανια,που ηταν η νικητρια, 8 βαθμους και απο την Πορτογαλια, που καταγεται κατα το ημισυ ο Αλκαιος, 8 βαθμους,,,,Ολο μαζι 11888. τυχαιο; δε νομιζω.....
  5. 1on gt ebales ta Preconshit packs sto collection ?? afou kaneis dn ta Use Pleon. 2on an tin kaneis update ka8e mera. 8a einai poly kalh an k dn nmzo arga i grhgora 8a ginis ban opos san kapious allous
  6. Happy Birthday Devangell
  7. 3/10 .mapa einai.
  8. Bump.
  9. ahaha very Funny Song.. I like =]
  10. hello guys im playing in WoWBeez and i want trick the Vote system to Get Points
  11. Use the Web Studio Antenna Its Very Easy For Newbies in Design but i can explain you.. So. in Top Part of Use the <html> <body> in a Bottom Part of Use The < /body> </ html> one code start with <> and Finish with < / > Search in Google have many HTML Codes For Webs
  12. hello. i know 2 Languages Greek,German i have Expiriance Web Developer/Designer. and im very Good Supporter
  13. `RoSe^

    [L2 Anekdota]

    pw legete to kokkino agoraki? KarmaBoy =]
  14. egw paidia pantws an eimoun sths dunamhs MAT. 8a tous afhnan na ekfrasoun ta dikaiomata tous.
  15. [gr] re nooba to topic gt ginete? gia na kaneis kai comments gia to share ante palio karagkiozh
  16. now Crystalin you can report me Request For BaN ;) Noob
  17. the noob Crystalin Delete my Post in Cs Section and have reason Spamm? Crystalin are u noob??? really solve my question. i posted in Devangell Guide and tell me no use " Good Share keep up Devangell and what want i say noob? The Old MxC are Very Good the New MxC with new Noobs Moderator its Suck
  18. lol ? u are stupid???? what want i say?.pff
  19. Very Good Guide Devangell Keep Up
  20. den 8a to krinoume emeis an to aksizi h oxi h staffers 8a to apofasisoun..
  21. kai egw vlepw :P Ontopic: gia enan server kai idika pvp prepei na exei balance alliws kseneronoun i players kai tin kanoun
  22. Best Regards DesignYourWay are you blind?
  23. CS:S Fight CS:S Versus CS:S KillZone CS:S Fight Zone CS:S No Mercy
  24. Step 1. Open the Original Image Launch Photoshop. Press Ctrl+O to open the source image to be modified. I used a photo taken in Venice by an inexpensive Canon camera. Step 2. Adjust the Hue/Saturation Let’s improve saturation: Image > Adjustments> Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U). This step is optional: you can skip it if your image doesn’t require correction. Step 3. Apply a Filter Forge Filter – “Watercolor Painting” Now we’ll apply the Watercolor Painting filter. Launch the Filter Forge plugin (Filter > Filter Forge > Filter Forge). Open the filter web page – http://www.filterforge.com/filters/7227.html – and click the ‘Open in Filter Forge’ button. Note: if you don’t have Filter Forge installed, download and install a free trial version using this link: Filter Forge Download Step 4. Fine-Tuning the Filter Parameters Now we’ve got the necessary filter and can figure out the parameters required for the modification. For the start let’s try the factory presets (on the Presets tab) – double-click a preset thumbnail. One of them is acceptable but can be fine-tuned. Click the Settings tab and start experimenting with the sliders. One thing can be of great help: the ‘Next variant’ button in the Randomizer section. You can simply click it until you get sufficient results. The following variant seems to be close to perfect: Step 5. Looking for Imperfections Look thoroughly at the result. The dirty blotches near the boat reflection spoil the picture. Some extra correction is needed. Step 6. Masking Places that Need Fixing Undo the last action (Ctrl+Z) and start the color correction. Switch to the Quick Mask mode (Q) and use Soft Round brush to paint the areas that are meant to be preserved – everything except the water. Step 7. Fixing the Water with Masked Levels Switch to the Standard Mode (Q) and invert the image: Select > Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I). Go to Image>Adjustments>Levels and drag the slider until you get the detail that looks good to you. Step 8. Sharpening the Water For better results sharpen the water areas using the Sharpen Tool ® with large diameter and soft edges. Step 9. Final Filtering Launch the Filter Forge plugin and apply the Watercolor Painting again. Here is the final result: Best Regards DesignYourWay NOTE: For Blind's Credits:DesignYourWay
  25. omg this topic have already 1000 posted time
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