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Everything posted by b0rto

  1. hello Mxc i need some help from who understands java since i'm a bit noob as you can see and i'll go crazy, i made a antibot captcha by levels of punishment and i have tried using these pieces of code to put a config to look for items in the player's inventory and if you have to delete them, but i get 5000 errors in the server console after the system try to delete the items. this is the config.java: ANTIBOT_3_LEVEL_LISTITEMS_REMOVE = L2JModSettings.getBoolean("AntiBotLevel3ListItemsRemove", true); String[] AntibotRemoveItems = L2JModSettings.getString("AntibotRemoveItems", "").split(","); ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST = new ArrayList<>(AntibotRemoveItems.length); for (String id : AntibotRemoveItems) { ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST.add(Integer.parseInt(id)); } this is my antibot file ( piece of code): if (Config.ANTIBOT_3_LEVEL_LISTITEMS_REMOVE) { for (L2ItemInstance item : player.getInventory().getAllItemsByItemId2(Config.ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST)) { if (item != null) { player.getInventory().destroyItem("Anti Bot", item, player, player); } } } break; and this is the method that i created in pcinventory.java to check the list...: /** * @param ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST * @return */ public L2ItemInstance[] getAllItemsByItemId2(List<Integer> ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST) { return getAllItemsByItemId2(ANTIBOT_REMOVE_ITEMS_LIST); } and this is the config.ini: # Remove the list of items listed below on third level punishment? AntiBotLevel3ListItemsRemove = True # Remove the list of items listed below on third level punishment # Example 6673,3470 (festival adena, gold bars) AntibotRemoveItems = 6673,3470 i am getting the errors in the method getAllItemsByItemId2() , if someone can give me a hand 's take will be thankful ,thanks in advance.
  2. hello yes exactly i used your answer and worked as a charm , very thanks , I can take advantage for the title post and ask one more thing? i am trying to edit the simple clan list from comunity board , and it work fine but it show the clans order by clan members count and i want to do it by clan level, can you tell me please where to add a piece of code to organize the result descendant from clan level 11 to 0? because i trying some ways and nothing work for me, thanks in advance. here the clanlist method; private void clanlist(L2PcInstance activeChar, int index) { if (index < 1) { index = 1; } // header final StringBuilder html = StringUtil.startAppend(2000, "<html><body><br><br><br><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=5A5A5A width=650><tr><td FIXWIDTH=5></td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>Clan Name</td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>Clan Leader</td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>Clan Level</td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>Clan Members</td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>Info</td><td FIXWIDTH=5 align=center></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.Squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"5\">"); int i = 0; for (L2Clan cl : ClanTable.getInstance().getClans()) { if (i > ((index + 1) * 7)) { break; } if (i++ >= ((index - 1) * 7)) { StringUtil.append(html, "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=\"610\" height=\"3\"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=650><tr> <td FIXWIDTH=5></td><td FIXWIDTH=55 align=center><font color=\"99FF66\">" + cl.getName(), " <br1></font></td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>", cl.getLeaderName(), "</td><td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>", "<font color=\"LEVEL\">" + String.valueOf(cl.getLevel()), "</font></td><td FIXWIDTH=40 align=center>", String.valueOf(cl.getMembersCount()), "</td><td FIXWIDTH=60 align=center><button action=\"bypass _bbsmemo_clanhome;" + String.valueOf(cl.getId()) + "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1_down\" fore=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1\" width=16 height=16 ></td><td FIXWIDTH=5></td></tr><tr><td height=5></tr><tr><td height=5></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=\"610\" height=\"3\"><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><br>"); } } html.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareBlank\" width=\"610\" height=\"2\"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 border=0><tr>"); if (index == 1) { html.append("<td><button action=\"\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1_down\" fore=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1\" width=16 height=16 ></td>"); } else { StringUtil.append(html, "<td><button action=\"_bbsmemo_clanlist;", String.valueOf(index - 1), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1_down\" fore=\"l2ui_ch3.prev1\" width=16 height=16 ></td>"); } i = 0; int nbp = ClanTable.getInstance().getClanCount() / 8; if ((nbp * 8) != ClanTable.getInstance().getClanCount()) { nbp++; } for (i = 1; i <= nbp; i++) { if (i == index) { StringUtil.append(html, "<td width=8></td>"); StringUtil.append(html, "<td> ", String.valueOf(i), " </td>"); StringUtil.append(html, "<td width=8></td>"); } else { StringUtil.append(html, "<td><a action=\"bypass _bbsmemo_clanlist;", String.valueOf(i), "\"> ", String.valueOf(i), " </a></td>"); } } if (index == nbp) { html.append("<td><button action=\"\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.next1_down\" fore=\"l2ui_ch3.next1\" width=16 height=16 ></td>"); } else { StringUtil.append(html, "<td><button action=\"bypass _bbsmemo_clanlist;", String.valueOf(index + 1), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.next1_down\" fore=\"l2ui_ch3.next1\" width=16 height=16 ></td>"); } html.append("</tr></table><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=610><br><img src=\"sek.cbui141\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><br><br></td></tr></table></center></body></html>"); separateAndSend(html.toString(), activeChar); } and here a screenshot to see what i am asking...
  3. goodnight hello people , I 'll post a problem that took several days fighting with and you do not know what do to with the solution I tried to copy pieces of code with similar operations and have not gotten more than what you see in the image below . I 'm trying to leave the skills clan organized in the table on the right and when it exceeds the width of the table rather than leapfrog continue straight breaking the width of the table are 35 skill in all that I have and just 13 appear others lost in the table ... , here you will see the image when the clan has skills: in this clan has no skills yet: this is the code in clanbbs: This part is completely up --> private static final String SKILL_LIST = "%clanskills%"; private void clanhome(L2PcInstance activeChar, int clanId) { L2Clan cl = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clanId); if (cl != null) { if (cl.getLevel() < 2) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_CB_IN_MY_CLAN); cbByPass("_bbsmemo_clanlist", activeChar); } else { ClanHall clanhall = ClanHallManager.getInstance().getClanHallByOwner(cl); Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(cl.getCastleId()); Fort fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFortById(cl.getFortId()); String content = ""; String path = "data/html/CommunityBoard/clanInfo.htm"; content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), path); content = content.replaceAll("%clan_name%", cl.getName()); content = content.replaceAll("%leader_name%", cl.getLeaderName()); content = content.replaceAll("%alliance%", (cl.getAllyName() != null ? cl.getAllyName() : "No")); content = content.replaceAll("%level%", String.valueOf(cl.getLevel())); content = content.replaceAll("%base%", (castle != null ? castle.getName() + " Castle" : (fort != null ? fort.getName() + " Fortress" : "No"))); content = content.replaceAll("%hall%", (clanhall != null ? clanhall.getName() : "No")); content = content.replaceAll("%members%", (cl.getMembersCount() > 0 ? String.valueOf(cl.getMembersCount()) : "No")); content = content.replaceAll("%reputation%", (cl.getReputationScore() > 0 ? String.valueOf(cl.getReputationScore()) : "No")); content = content.replaceAll("%memberson%", (cl.getOnlineMembersCount() > 0 ? String.valueOf(cl.getOnlineMembersCount()) : "0")); String list = ""; final Map<Integer, L2Skill> skills = cl.getSkills(); for (L2Skill s : skills.values()) { String largo = Integer.toString(s.getId()); String largo3 = "0" + largo; list += SKILL_LIST; list = list.replace("%clanskills%", "<td align=center><button width=32 height=32 back=\"Icon.skill" + (largo.length() > 3 ? largo : largo3) + "\" fore=\"Icon.skill" + (largo.length() > 3 ? largo : largo3) + "\"></td>"); } content = content.replace("%clanskills%", list); separateAndSend(content, activeChar); } } } and here the htm part: <td width=456> <table width=456 height=180> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"> <table border=0 width=456 height=249 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 background="l2ui_ct1.ComboBox_DF_Dropmenu_Bg"> <tr> <td width=220 align=left valign=top> <table width=439 height=25 bgcolor=0e0d0d> <tr> <td width=406 align=center valign=center> <font color="LEVEL">Clan Skills</font> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=456 bgcolor=333333> <tr> %clanskills% </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> i try to add a counter variable called "cantidad" to count the result in a loop, and it work, but i dont know what to do to make it working fine, look the changes; int cantidad = 0; for (L2Skill s : skills.values()) { String largo = Integer.toString(s.getId()); String largo3 = "0" + largo; list += SKILL_LIST; list = list.replace("%clanskills%", "<td align=center><button width=32 height=32 back=\"Icon.skill" + (largo.length() > 3 ? largo : largo3) + "\" fore=\"Icon.skill" + (largo.length() > 3 ? largo : largo3) + "\"></td>"); cantidad++; if (cantidad == 12) { break; } } content = content.replace("%clanskills%", list); separateAndSend(content, activeChar); } when i test , it break the loop when 12 results but how can i do to change line and continue the results till the next change line? sorry for my english, if anyone knows where the error may be what I will be grateful 've tried everything and no where to take her to repair it , thanks in advance.
  4. hello guys i want to buy lindvior weapons and armors working for high five with the effect exactly of this video because i tested many ways and always get ugly effects from the free downloads, my skype is b0rtzito and my email: b0rtzito@hotmail.com and here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q--M6H2Txvs i can pay through paypal , thanks in advance. P.D already take lindvior weapons working , asking for armors. i solved my request thanks for your fast answer guys.
  5. anybody know how to fix that?. seriously i need this issue fixed because i am fighting 4 days with the same shit, if someone have knowledge to fix that i can pay 10€ through paypal to fix it because i very need this working fine, contact me in skype: b0rtzito thanks in advance. P.D a person already helped me to solve this, the problem was in actionhandlers -> l2pcinstanceAction , just add a check if isSellBuffs do the same action as private shops and it work as it should now :p.
  6. thanks sweets i will try now. edit: well i try to add this change as you said, i added the "ifs" in the setTarget method as the script is example; super.setTarget(newTarget); <-- this is the reference line. L2PcInstance = null; if(newtarget instanceof L2pcinstance) { t = (L2PcInstance) newTarget; } if(t != null) { if(t.issellBuff() && t != this) { showHtm() } --------------------------------- then the method showhtm(): textbuilder etc.. i added this but no work, if i target the buffer from far it show the html anyway, and if i add a restriction for if isinsideradius(target, l2npc.interact_distance true , false) --> return it works fine if i am far of buffer, but when i go near the buffer if i have it targeted it dont show the html ( because i have it targeted before enter in his radius LOL),i just want the html working the same as all npcs and texts, this problem are killing my life, thanks if someone can help me, greetings. this is the final work using this base script:
  7. hello first thanks for this sellbuffer i added it right in my server and with somethings changed work fine, but i have a problem with the target. 1- if i target the buffer seller on the first clik the window to sell buffs appear ( even if you aren't near buffer). 2- if i close that window and try to reopen (with the buffer targeted) dont work and no errors ( seems only show htm in the first target click) if i leave target and target again work fine. 3- you are allowed to use buffs till your target dissappear from far far far. someone know how to fix the issue with target to work normally as all npcs? i mean if you are inside radius it show htm i hope you understand me and sorry for my english not good, thanks in advance.
  8. hello thanks for answer me this line dont work for my eclipse, says unreachable code: return RANDOM_LOCATIONS[Rnd.get(6)]; also i try with this line and eclipse accept it but anyway random respawns dont work :/ return RANDOM_LOCATIONS[Rnd.get(0, 5)]; if someone know where is the problem..because always get the first random respawn filled in configs, thanks in advance.
  9. hello maxcheaters i added a piece of code that i found here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171501-helprandom-spawns/ for random respawns after death, all seems work fine but when i tested in my server only get the first random spawn config, if someone can give me a hand I will be grateful, because i have death my mind xD here the code requestrestartpoint.java: case 27: // to jail if (!activeChar.isInJail()) return; loc = new Location(-114356, -249645, -2984); break; default: if(activeChar.isInsideZone((byte) 23) && Config.CUSTOM_RANDOM_RESPAWN_AFTER_DEATH) loc = new Location(getRandomArray()[0], getRandomArray()[1], getRandomArray()[2]); else loc = MapRegionManager.getInstance().getTeleToLocation(activeChar, MapRegionManager.TeleportWhereType.Town); break; } // Teleport and revive activeChar.setInstanceId(instanceId); activeChar.setIsIn7sDungeon(false); activeChar.setIsPendingRevive(true); activeChar.teleToLocation(loc, true); } private static int[][] RANDOM_LOCATIONS = { {Config.LOCATIONX,Config.LOCATIONY,Config.LOCATIONZ}, {Config.LOCATION2X,Config.LOCATION2Y,Config.LOCATION2Z}, {Config.LOCATION3X,Config.LOCATION3Y,Config.LOCATION3Z}, {Config.LOCATION4X,Config.LOCATION4Y,Config.LOCATION4Z}, {Config.LOCATION5X,Config.LOCATION5Y,Config.LOCATION5Z}, {Config.LOCATION6X,Config.LOCATION6Y,Config.LOCATION6Z} }; public static int[] getRandomArray() { return RANDOM_LOCATIONS[Rnd.get(RANDOM_LOCATIONS.length)]; } i try to fix it with this line but my eclipse says unreachable code and no solutions availables: return RANDOM_LOCATIONS[Rnd.get(1, 6)]; thanks in advance.
  10. I bought this community board and my players are very happy , I must say that the service that the person provides is quality and good feedback deserves , I recommend it 100 % by the support offered because it responds quickly, and because the comunity this very cool :) and work 100% well , at least for me Y.Y.
  11. trusted , skilled and fast!! recommend his services 100%.
  12. hello guys 8 days ago i buyed theengo panel 3.0.5 and his owner can't support me because he is always afk, and never answer, then i need his panel working 100% i want skilled programmer with knowledge about php and paypal ipn, there have some problems that i list: 1- invitation system don't work when you post your custom link to bring people the script dont fill nothing to the database when the people click your link. 2- paypal ipn isn't working properly i have paypal account pro and my ipn configs pointing to my paypalCallback.php and my hosting is not blocking fsockopen port 80, and my ipn history paypal mark the ipn response with http 200 ( successfully) when you complete the payment and back to the control panel the credits not added and nothing happen. 3- the button item enchanter don't work when you press item enchant send you to a blank page. 4- auction system works fine until you win the auction and try to claim the item(the item can't claim) and the button "claim" never dissapear. if you can fix this problems add my to skype: b0rtzito and tell me your price thanks in advance. here is the website control panel www.lineage2bort.com/control/
  13. hello mxc i want a good java developer to fix in my l2jserver high five 3 things: 1- cancellation system that give back buffs was implemented buf isn't working in all cancel skills, i very need it working 100%. 2- i have the console spamming errors about L2CubicInstance.doAction(). 3- olympiads time end in the front page olympiad manager. i need java developer and i pay through paypal, if you want can contact me by email b0rtzito@hotmail.com or skype: b0rtzito , thanks in advance.
  14. hello guys i want help with my file " ExOlympiadMatchList.java" im trying to add the class name of every participant in the olympiads participation list , but i can't do because im limited with java but i believe for some person with basic knowledge can tell me what to do here, thanks in advance. the script ExOlympiadMatchList.java : /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.AbstractOlympiadGame; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameClassed; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameNonClassed; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameTask; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad.OlympiadGameTeams; /** * Format: (chd) ddd[dddS] * d: number of matches * d: unknown (always 0) * [ * d: arena * d: match type * d: status * S: player 1 name * S: player 2 name * ] * * @author mrTJO */ public class ExOlympiadMatchList extends L2GameServerPacket { private static final String _S__FE_D4_OLYMPIADMATCHLIST = "[S] FE:D4 ExOlympiadMatchList"; private final List<OlympiadGameTask> _games = new ArrayList<>(); public ExOlympiadMatchList() { OlympiadGameTask task; for (int i = 0; i < OlympiadGameManager.getInstance().getNumberOfStadiums(); i++) { task = OlympiadGameManager.getInstance().getOlympiadTask(i); if (task != null) { if (!task.isGameStarted() || task.isBattleFinished()) { continue; // initial or finished state not shown } _games.add(task); } } } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0xFE); writeH(0xD4); writeD(0x00); // Type 0 = Match List, 1 = Match Result writeD(_games.size()); writeD(0x00); for (OlympiadGameTask curGame : _games) { AbstractOlympiadGame game = curGame.getGame(); if (game != null) { writeD(game.getStadiumId()); // Stadium Id (Arena 1 = 0) if (game instanceof OlympiadGameNonClassed) { writeD(1); } else if (game instanceof OlympiadGameClassed) { writeD(2); } else if (game instanceof OlympiadGameTeams) { writeD(-1); } else { writeD(0); } writeD(curGame.isRunning() ? 0x02 : 0x01); // (1 = Standby, 2 = Playing) writeS(game.getPlayerNames()[0]); // Player 1 Name writeS(game.getPlayerNames()[1]); // Player 2 Name } } } @Override public String getType() { return _S__FE_D4_OLYMPIADMATCHLIST; } } and this line is where i must modify the player name to the class name writeS(game.getPlayerNames()[0]); // Player 1 Name writeS(game.getPlayerNames()[1]); // Player 2 Name to see the result here i tested with all and nothing work the only variable i get always there is 0 :-\ if you can help me thanks.:
  15. i get this errors when compile with eclipse , i solved it opening the l2jserver.jar after compile and deleting the file META-INF and now the server work fine, good luck.
  16. hello people were looking for a l2jfrozen squash.py working event since the last revision of this l2jfrozen bugged, the problem that I have in my script is that the seeds do not grow to feed them, when use nectar the console say: Attribute Error getLifeTime() here is my script: import sys from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai import CtrlIntention from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.idfactory import IdFactory from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql import NpcTable from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2GourdInstance from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets import CreatureSay from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SocialAction from com.l2jfrozen.util.random import Rnd POLLEN = 6391 SKILL_NECTAR = 9998 class squash (JQuest): # Init function. Add in here variables that you'd like to be inherited by subclasses (if any) def __init__ (self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__ (self, id, name, descr) # Pour self.wateredSquash = [12774,12775,12776,12777,12778,12779] # Raised self.adultSmallSquash = [12775,12776] self.adultLargeSquash = [12778,12779] self.nectar = 0 for i in self.wateredSquash: self.addSkillUseId (i) self.addAttackId (i) self.addKillId (i) def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player): objId = npc.getObjectId () if event == "Good By" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Good By!! LOL.")) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = 0 elif event == "Good By1" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Everybody, goodbye ... Big Pumpkin said good-bye ...")) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = 0 elif event == "Good By2" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "you do not need? After 30 seconds, I run away ...")) elif event == "Good By3" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "I interrupt with you in 20 seconds!")) elif event == "Good By4" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Hurry up, I was left with just 10 seconds! 9. 8. 7 ..")) elif event == "Good By5" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Hey, Good luck! Idiot, forget about me!")) def onSkillUse (self, npc, player, skill): npcId = npc.getNpcId () skillId = skill.getId () if skillId != SKILL_NECTAR: return if npcId not in self.wateredSquash: return objectId = npc.getObjectId () if skillId == SKILL_NECTAR: # The first watering if self.nectar == 0: if npc.getLifeTime () == 1000: # bad mytext = ["Do not hurry! Too often, I do not have time!" "I'm not a machine, I did not rate of napoish"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 elif npc.getLifeTime () == 2000: # bad mytext = ["Do not hurry as you are! Too often, I do not have time!" "Ooopyat, twenty-five, I told you - not part of the"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 elif npc.getLifeTime () == 3000: # bad mytext = ["Yes, where are you hurry! Too often, I do not have time!" "Oops, again too soon"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 elif npc.getLifeTime () == 4000: # bad mytext = ["Come a bit more slowly, slowly, slowly take out a bottle and pour it slowly!" "Have you no sense of speed? Slower come"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 elif npc.getLifeTime () == 5000: # good mytext = ["fruit of a beautiful young pumpkin starts to shine when the seed is buried! Since that time will be able to become healthy and strong!" "Oh, have not seen?" "Suddenly to see my beautiful appearance?" "Well, this is - something! Nectar?" "Refueling! Season 5 bottles so I could turn into a big pumpkin! Oh!"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 else: npc.setLifeTime (5000) # bad mytext = ["To be able to grow, I should only drink nectar and more ..." "If you will soon pour nectar to me - I grow up faster!" "Well, believe me, sprinkles the nectar, I can certainly turn into a big pumpkin!" "Bring the nectar to grow a pumpkin!"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 # The second irrigation elif self.nectar == 1: if npc.getLifeTime () == 10000: # good mytext = ["I wish to become a big pumpkin!" "Yum, yum, yum! It turned out! Cares - good!" "How dumaesh I mature, or rotten?" "Nectar - only the best! Ha! Ha! Ha!"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 else: npc.setLifeTime (10000) # bad mytext = ["Oh, by again! Maybe too fast raskhoduesh nectar?" "If I die like now, you only get a young pumpkin ..." "Grow a little faster! A good idea to become a big pumpkin, a young pumpkin is not good!" "This little pumpkin you all need to eat? Bring nectar, I can be more!"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 # The third irrigation elif self.nectar == 2: if npc.getLifeTime () == 15000: # good if npcId == 12774: newGourd = self.addSpawn (12775, npc) self.startQuestTimer ("Good By1", 120,000, newGourd, player) # # After 2 minutes, the disappearance of self.startQuestTimer ("Good By2", 90000, newGourd, player) # 30 seconds to extinction self.startQuestTimer ("Good By3", 100,000, newGourd, player) # 20 seconds to extinction self.startQuestTimer ("Good By4", 110,000, newGourd, player) # 10 seconds to extinction mytext = ["Young pumpkin zhazhdyaschaya! As already grown?" "I'll run in 2 minutes" "A couple of times and I'll be ready ..."] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 else: newGourd = self.addSpawn (12778, npc) self.startQuestTimer ("Good By1", 120,000, newGourd, player) # After 2 minutes, the disappearance of self.startQuestTimer ("Good By2", 90000, newGourd, player) # 30 seconds to extinction self.startQuestTimer ("Good By3", 100,000, newGourd, player) # 20 seconds to extinction self.startQuestTimer ("Good By4", 110,000, newGourd, player) # 10 seconds to extinction mytext = ["Mercy is a very good feature. Now look, I feel increasingly good," "I'll run in 2 minutes"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 else: # failed npc.setLifeTime (15000) if npcId == 12774: newGourd = self.addSpawn (12776, npc) mytext = ["Hey, was - was not! Done Now! You can not properly care? so I rot!" "Wow, stop? Why thank you," "I thirst for the nectar ..." "You want a great pumpkin? But I want to stay a little pumpkin ..."] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 if npcId == 12777: newGourd = self.addSpawn (12779, npc) mytext = ["Hey, was - was not! Done Now! You can not properly care? I rot!" "Wow, stop? Why thank you," "I thirst for the nectar ..." "You want a great pumpkin? But I want to stay a little pumpkin ..."] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) npc.onDecay () self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 # The fourth irrigation elif self.nectar == 3: if npc.getLifeTime () == 20000: # good mytext = ["Great Pumpkin, starved! Requests to quench your thirst!" "Well, finally ... it's really tasty! There yet?" "Take care of me just to eat? Well, is your chance ... to prevent suicide manna"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 else: npc.setLifeTime (20000) # bad mytext = ["Do not water if you add? What flavor?" "Master, save me ... I do not have the flavor of the nectar, I shall die ..."] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 # Fifth watering elif self.nectar == 4: if npc.getLifeTime () == 25000: # good mytext = ["Very well, doing extremely well! You know what the next step should be done?" "If you catch me, I give you 10 million adena!!! Do you agree?"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = 5 else: npc.setLifeTime (25000) # bad mytext = ["I'm hungry, you want me to dried?" "I demand the nectar to grow a little faster."] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objectId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) self.nectar = self.nectar + 1 return # Unfortunately onAttack () gets the focus only if # Damage> 0, but it is necessary that worked and damage == 0 # Otherwise the sentence will appear only in the case of a Chrono weapon def onAttack (self, npc, player, damage, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId () objId = npc.getObjectId () if npcId not in self.wateredSquash: return if npcId in self.adultLargeSquash: if Rnd.get (30) <2: # TODO: need to pick up the frequency of cries mytext = ["rat bites tat ... to replace ... the body ...!" "Ha ha, grew! Fully at all!" "You can not aim at all chtoli? See everything not to run away ..." "I feel your blows Oh, like a blow again!" "Do not waste your time!" "Ha, that sounds really good to hear?" "I consume your attacks to grow up!" "The time to strike again! Hit it again!" "Only the music can be useful to open a large pumpkin ... I can not open arms!"] npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), mytext [Rnd.get (len (mytext))])) return def onKill (self, npc, player, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId () objId = npc.getObjectId () if npcId not in self.wateredSquash: return if npcId in self.adultSmallSquash: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Pumpkin opened!")) npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "eeee! Opens! A lot of good things ...")) self.nectar = 0 elif npcId in self.adultLargeSquash: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Pumpkin opened!")) npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "eeee! Opens! A lot of good things ...")) self.nectar = 0 else: npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "For what, boss?")) npc.broadcastPacket (CreatureSay (objId, 0, npc.getName (), "Oh, spilled guts!")) self.nectar = 0 return QUEST = squash (-1, "group_template", "ai") if anyone knows I would appreciate any solution,thanks.
  17. hi maxcheaters, I have a problem, I just bought a nexus event engine to hnoke for 95 euro gold member and my surprise is that when I get VIP access to the event forum nexus me I have to install nexus event files in my server sources I have tried to pay hnoke to help me and why do I have no idea, but I say it is a very busy person, if someone offers to do this work is like this: I give the sources of my server nexus files and event engine and compile everything, if you're interested give me pm here or contact b0rtzito@hotmail.com here I can send you the guide screens are made ​​by hnoke to install your files, if needed, thanks in advance
  18. I do not know why the post closed sales wingchun claiming full of bugs being this is not true, I am currently working on a new server datapack wingchung bought and now everything is perfect, so do not say stupid things without datapack doubt the best I've seen so far and I find it shameful that close a post for no reason, I see here benefit from being friends of the moderators, greetings.
  19. if you want a server pvp or for low rates pack, this is a your server,i buy this two days ago and am very happy with the datapack and the support provided,is a professional server, definitely the best option! and trusted seller good job!.
  20. i found the problem in other website ,now is working i go post for other people this is the change: the import i add from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad import OlympiadManager and the restriction is if OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(player) : return showText(st,"Info","You are in <font color=\"FF0000\">Olympiad!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you are out of Olympiad!","False","Return","main") when you join olys and go to the buffer show this: http://imageshack.us/a/img401/345/solvedx.png thanks for your help and interest, a greeting.
  21. yes this work if player.InOlympiadMode() : but now appear atribute error: 'InOlympiadMode' and i have the import for l2pcinstance ,this error will haunt me to death XD thanks .
  22. still having the same atribute error: 'getplayer' using this: st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO) if st.getPlayer().InOlympiadMode() : return showText(st,"info","You can't use the scheme buffer while you're registered for the Olympiad Games!","False","Return","main") i dont know why, the scheme buffer have this atribute st.getplayer() in other part above of the script and it works fine,thanks in advance.
  23. here is the code changed and i deleted the import line ok but im still having problem with atribute error: getplayer def onFirstTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO) if st.getPlayer.InOlympiadMode() : return showText(st,"info","You can't use the scheme buffer while you're registered for the Olympiad Games!","False","Return","main") if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player) if player.isGM(): if SCRIPT_RELOAD == True: return reloadPanel(st) else: return rebuildMainHtml(st) elif int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"): if ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == False or player.getAccessLevel().getLevel() == VIP_ACCESS_LEVEL and ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == True: if BUFF_WITH_KARMA == False and player.getKarma() > 0 : return showText(st,"Info","You have too much <font color=\"FF0000\">karma!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you don't have any karma!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.getLevel() < MIN_LEVEL : return showText(st,"Info","Your level is too low!<br>You have to be at least level <font color\"LEVEL\">"+str(MIN_LEVEL)+"</font>,<br>to use my services!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.isInCombat() : return showText(st,"Info","You can't buff while you are attacking!<br>Stop your fight and try again!","False","Return","main") else: return rebuildMainHtml(st) look here the picture: http://imageshack.us/a/img201/6243/fail2oc.png thanks for taking your time answering ,greetings.
  24. Hi all, I have a server with about 200 players online, when registering in Olympiads await the last second and click in the buff button and enter the buffer scheme fullbuff in Olympiads, is that this problem has been answered in some posts but I've tried everything and nothing works I'm sure it's because those posts are from previous versions to my server, I use l2j high five and it fetches buffer scheme by no retouched to high five, not much but trying and testing codes I get only atribute error here is my code in Python: here the imports: import sys from java.lang import System from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jserver import Config from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager import QuestManager from com.l2jserver import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import ItemTable from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PetInstance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2SummonInstance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetSummonRemainTime from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetupGauge from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad import Olympiad this line: from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.olympiad import Olympiad and here the part of the code i modified: def onFirstTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO) isInOly = st.getPlayer().InOlympiadMode() if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player) if player.isGM(): if SCRIPT_RELOAD == True: return reloadPanel(st) else: return rebuildMainHtml(st) elif isInOly == True: return showText(st,"info","You can't use the scheme buffer while you're registered for the Olympiad Games!","False","Return","main") elif int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"): if ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == False or player.getAccessLevel().getLevel() == VIP_ACCESS_LEVEL and ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == True: if BUFF_WITH_KARMA == False and player.getKarma() > 0 : return showText(st,"Info","You have too much <font color=\"FF0000\">karma!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you don't have any karma!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.getLevel() < MIN_LEVEL : return showText(st,"Info","Your level is too low!<br>You have to be at least level <font color\"LEVEL\">"+str(MIN_LEVEL)+"</font>,<br>to use my services!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.isInCombat() : return showText(st,"Info","You can't buff while you are attacking!<br>Stop your fight and try again!","False","Return","main") else: return rebuildMainHtml(st) else: return showText(st,"Sorry","This buffer is only for VIP's!<br>Contact the administrator for more info!","False","Return","main") else: return showText(st,"Sorry","You have to wait a while!<br>if you wish to use my services!","False","Return","main") always get the same error atribute here the image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/failku.png/ i test this code and nothing.. elif OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(player): return showText(st,"info","You can't use the scheme buffer while you're registered for the Olympiad Games!","False","Return","main") atribute error: isRegistered I would appreciate any help, and yes i used google translator, thanks in advance.
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