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Everything posted by KristetUtseende

  1. Looking for 2k coins to good price also looking for full stacked pvp char i want with full Equipment. Så drop suggestions.
  2. Like titel say WTB + 20 Items on l2 toxic
  3. Edited 21/6 looking for: •All Epics •VNR rare set •GMCs •Caster/Buster +10 or more •Veniplant/Rising Star •Big Stock adena I use PayPal only! I have made many trades on MXC and many ppl can vouch for me!
  4. WTB Attribute Stones and crystals Adena in big amount and cheap since adena have low value on server Nuker wep++++++ Skype: Kristetutseende I USE PAYPAL ONLY!
  5. WTB List! BAIUM B zaken anthty Vala ELEGIA JEWS+++ Veniplant++++ All stat Belt defense+++ Vesper NOBLE found robe set1800 +++++ Adena Huge stock IF its cheap!!! Can also be intressted in full Glad gear or dagger gear! I use paypal only! I have made many trades here over the years since 2009 so many ppl can vouch for me!! SKYPE: kristetutseende
  6. Need IC heavy set Adena Of its cheap S duals +7 or more TTS +6 or more PM me here or add me on Skype: Kristetutseende i use paypal only!
  7. Need 1char 79-70 +sub 76++ Also need adena /gear IF its rly good price! PM me here or add me on Skype: Kristetutseende i use paypal only!
  8. New Update, only looking for high enchanted Items now!!
  9. Added on skype
  10. ONLY WANT ++++GEAR Drac set +7 or more Dc robe set+7 or more Epics IF they are +7 or more Drac bow +8 or more AM+8 or more As+++ TTS JEWS +9 or more PM here or add on Skype: Kristetutseende I USE PAYPAL ONLY
  11. I vouch for this Guy, IRL friend Of mine so trade is safe
  12. Like title say. Sell adena 10e/bil have 8++ bil in stock Paypal only. Skype: Kristetutseende
  13. Have 1 strong char that is rdy for olympiad farm! This char comes with gear of 25kkk+ value I only accept paypal I can also trade for good CSGO skins! PM me for info about this account Only seriously buyers
  14. Add me:Kristetutseende
  15. Price for char+dagger?
  16. Need: Vorpal Robe set 1800 Vesper NOBLE robe set 1800 Buster/caster clean or acumen Adena cheap Skype: kristetutseende
  17. Like The titel say
  18. WTB NOBLE SWM 84+
  19. Trusted seller, fast and good delivery! +1
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