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Everything posted by KristetUtseende

  1. Buy adena Chars: Prophet 80 + Tyrant 80+ nobless Skype: Kristetutseende
  2. Like titel days need pp lvl 80+ perfere lvl 83 Skype: kristetutseende
  3. Like titel, Wtb powerlvl from 79 to 84/85 Also intressted in SA blue 15 Adena IF 1kkk is 20e Skype:Kristetutseende
  4. Gear: - Moirai Heavy set 900-1800 att - FB Focus 150 HOLY - Icarus hammer - Icarus spitter - Rur and adena IF its cheap(i already have some sellers so you need to be cheaper) Im not in a hurry so dont comeback here with imaginary prices! I iuse paypal only! IF you dont have many vouches you go first. I have been here for a Long time so ppl can vouch for me! SKYPE: kristetutseende
  5. WTB Cheap adena Vesper noble robe set Masterwork 1800 blessed freya
  6. Like the title says! WTB Nuker gear on Averia 50 x I have 40%discount on averia coins so you have to be cheaper than this
  7. Oh, nice! Been away fr.o.m. mxc a while, dident see this button
  8. Like title says, wtb dagger char on 3x server! I perfer PW or AW and I need it 78++ with Sub+nobless done !! I would Like to Buy it with Gear but naked will be OK also! Also WTB Dualist nobless Also want WC/SE 78+ I only Deal with PPL that have vouches!!!!!! PayPal only!
  9. Need this on the server Vesper Buster/Caster +7 or more (or any other good wep++++) Vesper MW/RAR robe set Blessed Zaken Baium Vorpal jewels Adena if its 3E or cheaper at big amounts Paypal Only
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