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Everything posted by Belial

  1. 075 -----> v4 082 -----> v5
  2. L2J foi incrível, foi o melhor simulador de Lineage II, ele se tornou o mais usado no mundo todo. Então nós tivemos esse desafio. Como melhorar algo tão extraordinário? Nós do L2JWZ Team, fizemos exatamente isso!!! The package is based on L2JServer and has been developed for your enjoyment, our work has more than 5 years, we are survivors. I can say this pack is the most advanced, feature complete and custom modifications on the market today. We bring together the very best on the market in one pack, or that I think is our best work. Custom Features: Fully Retail Community Board (backup) Fully Custom Community Board: - *New Augmentation Manager - *New Rank Manager - *New Log Viewer - Gatekeeper - Buffer - GMSHOP - PartyMatching System - Class Master - Warehouse - BlackSmith - Raid Boss info - Grand Boss info - Donation - Auction - Ranking Manager - Achievements Manager - Friends Manager - Clan Managment - Enchant/Attribute Board - Character statistics board. - All kind of services as change sex/level up/ name color/reduce pk.. etc etc # Achievement System : - Over 40 achievements and easy implementation of new. - Configurable rewards. # Cancel Restoration system. - Return canceled buff after xx time. # Character Intro System - Accepting terms of usage - Setting up character security password - Setting email to recover password. - Referral system with rewards. - Different color name for clan members, ally members, clan war members. # Advanced Premium System - Fully configurable - Exp, Sp, Drop, attribute, enchant, karma, fame bonus. - Drop by item id. - Bonus functions: whereis command, infinity arrow/shots, can shop/buff/warehous/change class outside peace zone, usage of global chat. # Poll System - Ask your players questions related or not related with the server. # Captcha - Advanced anti-bot System. - Custom algorithm for catching bot players. - Options how to work captcha against bots. # Bot Report System. - Admin can review reports with options to check reported player. - Report for bot/fake shop/abuse/ etc... # Custom PvP System. - Killing spree messages & rewards. - Attribute items on pvp/pk kills. - Fame rewards - Enchant items on pvp/pk kills. - Special PvP zone with rewards and various effects. # Fake PC - System making NPC looking as Players. # Quest sAddon System - Adjust XP/SP/Drop rate/Rewards rate for certain quest. # Anti-Feed check by hwid/ip # Protected olympiad by hwid/ip # System to register account and recover password by email. # Secondary character protection, bind your IP/HWID. # Find Party command. Easy setup of party for instance or farming # Custom Shift + click for player and NPC. # Most of retail events are implemented and working. # Latest nexus-engine with custom fixes and mods. - Most advanced event engine with over events. - Support mini events. - Fully info nexus-engine.net (not supported anymore by the owner) # Character Control Panel - Enable/Disable character related functions. # Items 30000 - Donate Potion 40001 AiO Gemstone 40002 Gold Adena 40003 Aqua Stone 40004 Stigma Stone 40005 Torch Stone 40006 Vote Coin 41005 AioBook 41006 Raid's Skull 41007 Raid's Treasure Box 41008 The GM's Crown 40103 Vote Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) 40104 Safe Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) 40108 Vote Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 40109 Safe Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) # Npcs Fakes 5001 a 5006 e 6001 a 6006 News Npcs 60000 a 60014 REV 075 limited PLAYERS REV 082 limited PLAYERS Started tests and Preconfiguration, enjoy !!!
  3. sorry i foun my old account !!!
  4. erro file not found, link broken
  5. link broken reupload please!
  6. nice nice nice work
  7. nice very nice worck i use it!!!!!!!!!
  8. Archive is Encrypted or Password Protected cant download it !!!! please reshare it !!! ty
  9. very nice worck, downloading...
  10. the links dont work !!! please !! re upload this share is very usefull, ty sorry for my eglish is very very bad
  11. gracias y voy a probar estas alas!
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