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Posts posted by Dradden

  1. [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

    this error shows that one column has changed its data type for ex. from text to longint.


    change each insert to:

    INSERT INTO `custom_npc` ('id', 'idtemplate', 'name', 'serversidename', 'title', 'serversidetitle', 'class', 'collision_radius', 'collision_height', 'level', 'sex','type') VALUES ('90100', '30181', 'Aramiss', '1', 'Weapon Shop', '1', 'NPC.a_traderA_MHuman', '10.00', '24.00', '80', 'male', 'L2Merchant');

    But beware of the Values. remove all values after the type of the npc. that should work if they are merchants or npc not monsters.


  2. The best free L2J pack for Interlude. Thank you for making it free and improving it every day!


    Hardly. They have a few serious holes that need to be patched also. If you are going to run it live you better do your homework or endup like l2Main which was running their pack. Other than that have done some good work but focus to much on custom when so much core interlude things need to be fixed.

  3. This pack has alot of potential but it looks to me like somebody purposely made alot of bugs in it. From what I have heard of this project I don't see these bugs existing for real unless somebody screwed with it on purpose. Some clan quests don't work..masteries on every hit....can't even see yourself cause of the animation. Kasha eyes in DOE are not even near the camps and do not work properly....I could go on and on. So far it is more bugged than L2J though it is very smooth.

  4. So far this pack looks pretty good but def needs some fixing. Impossible to create a clan as it whines about missing airship column in clan_data. Added the column and now creation is possible but on server restart all clans are gone from DB. Also a ton of doors that need to be fixed and from some of their locations looks like Oly will not work properly if at all...going to try and test it today.

  5. # Allow old authentication method (w/o RSA encryption)

    AllowOldAuth = true


    Set like that and your ok. Still not sure how that impacts the server security though. Also you need at least 4GB free mem to run this with Geo. If you don't use Geo the server is unplayable. I notice alot of errors to due with doors being 0 size and collisions. looking into that but its going to take awhile. I don't read russian and all answers I find are russian lol.

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