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Posts posted by Dradden

  1. dont quote me if you dont care for my opinion kid


    not my fault you cant accept that server failing and soon will close


    only brain damaged kids plays there now


    Somebodys butthurt..why so mad? Server is not failing and anybody that is active there will know better so gtfo with your propaganda.


    @TheDude - Zranger does not work. Did you actually get it working or did you assume it works?

  2. U can bot here,dunno what shit program can be used but Ive seen many bots IG.


    I have been ingame non-stop since opening and frequent all the farming grounds I have yet to see any, so if you are seeing them would love to know where and when. Either way we have a patch coming for the protection this weekend which will break any that people may have go going which i have yet to see. Still waiting to see on Zranger and if it works we will find a way to break it as well.

  3. There is no botting. If somebody does manage to bypass which I doubt we will just patch it.


    Funny how people qq without even reading. The donation section on the forums was for people to post in and get help because we were having issues with the donation system. Anyways it was a bit of a rough start but things are smoothing out and the online count is averaging around 1600 and slowly climbing as players come back. Our donation list is one of the smallest and least impact on the game that I have even see across any of the larger low rate servers.

  4. Murphies law if it can happen it will. Sucks everybody waited all day but the issues that kept popping up were unexpected to say the least or we would have just moved the launch date to sunday. Everytime we thought we were close something would come up and put us back again.


    Believe me when I say we gave it our best all of us up 30+ hours straight and drooling on our keyboards. Anyways even after that we are still working to make sure we have it ready for you guys. As for muting irc and the forums for a bit with that amount of people you have no choice to be honest. Everything is open again now.


    See you all tomorrow!



  5. I need official changelog - 1/2nd quest buyable or no ?

    There is no buffer npc thats for sure and any other things we need to know.

    In nostalgia forum changelog is too old  :not bad:


    The updated information on features donations etc will be posted shortly after the cms comes back online. Which should be today unless somebody spills a beer in our webserver.

  6. I will not bullshit people about online numbers. In my opinion people are way too obsessed with online counts. Go in server see if there are enough people to have fun. If not than leave, if so then stay. I will never inflate online counts because I will not lie to people. When you will see our online count it will be real and if it is not enough for you then play on another server.  :)

  7. Yeah I hope so to  :D


    I keep getting asked about the site since the downtime has been longer than anticipated. We had been using our planned production web server as a dev server and just had the site on shared hosting. Once the CMS was ready we moved to our production server (VPS) and noticed almost instantly performance issues. After troubleshooting and some tweeking I decided it was on the providers end and most likely they had our node oversold. After talking to them a few times it quickly became clear that they were not real experienced. I asked them to check the disk IO on the hardware node and their reply was "There are no errors everything is fine" which shows they are pretty much clueless...time to get out. I didn't need to talk to support for anything in the 2 months before that so had no way to know that they would be that inexperienced.


    So I have moved to another provider which has the added bonus of being on a ddos protected network. I did a few benches this time right away and performance looks good. we are also going with a little different setup (nginx + Varnish) and completely hardened the entire server. That combo is amazingly fast and efficient.


    The site will be up in the next 24 hours. It is bad timing but better now than on live. Sorry for the wall oftext I just wanted everybody to know the full story on the downtime.


    //50foottextwall off





  8. And about internet speeds even on 100 or 1000 mb port net-pipe flooding will be inevitable in any attack attempt. But still a gigabit port is more than welcome.


    The 1 gbit port was not for helping with an attack but because we will use over 100mbit/sec at launch and for sieges/masspvp. Granted the 1gbit port gives a little more freedom on a very small attack but I would never get a 1gbps port because of that as it would be a waste. We are now on a actual ddos protected network that specializes in mitigation. So hopefully that will not be a issue.


    People will lag no matter if you have a gigabit port or not, it depends on their connection streaming towards your server.


    Yes there will always be people that lag but it won't be due to any bandwith limitation and our line being saturated. it will be because of routing/latency caused by location and their ISP routing or possibly even routing on our end but we do have the ability to work with the DC on our BGMix.


    What you specificy about SSD and Gigabit port is good, no...its great, but what im saying is that it what you got or will get wont be used on its full power.


    I agree with you completely, we will not. But I would rather have too much than not enough :)


    Good luck tho.


    Thanks  ;D


    I will not be offering any alternate proxy routing for live. It includes massive research and testing to get the right spot for the majority and I won't have time.


    If people have any latency issues I would suggest the "Leatrix Fix", battleping, or wtfast. Leatrix is free so try it first (not a proxy) the others are paid (prox). All 3 can do the job depending on the cause of latency.



  9. A l2 server works awesome on SSD, but in fact it never uses not even 75% of its power. Therefore a SSD its not used on its full capacity....in my opinion thats just a useless hardware. For a l2 server what is most recomended is a Raid Master 0 made by two identical drives of 7.2k RPM on 64MB buffer, even this is more than enough for "any private l2 server". On a setup that i mentioned there is no posible way to have any IO bottle neck, the bottle neck you mentioned is valid only for the poor coded files based on a low-end server machine.

    Having a SSD is just a show-off for the "eyes" of the players, tho real test is actually ingame.

    Same goes for the 1Gb port, there is no private l2 server that has ever used the full capacity of a gigabit port, thats again a show-off scenario.



    A server with 1-1.5k will choke a SATA 7200 RPM drive (IOPS), and RAID 0 I gues you prefer that bit of extra speed over your players data which is no good. Now with 2 SSD you can use RAID 1 which gives you at least some redundancy and data security for your users and never worry about performance issues unlike the lowly 7200 which chokes at what 15-20k IOPS?.  Your post looks "Google Found" to me. I never said any server would use a 1gbit port but I will say that a server with 1.5-2k on will reach a 100mbit cap and people will lag...badly. We went with 1gbit to make sure that people don't get lagged out hitting the 100mbit cap. It is called forsite.

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