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Posts posted by Dradden

  1. 3k different views everyday is kinda far-fetched,dont u think? ;p


    Just be careful with 2 things,big lag (it was a usual problem in low rates few years back) and demonic weapons from srv start.


    Analytics tells me that for the entire site. :) Granted some of those 3k are repeats the following day but the 140k is solid. I have not advertised this server in the normal way, I tried hard to go outside the box and focused on the onsite and offsite SEO which I know well and something other servers don't do. rather than using pay to win vote sites, spamming other servers, and every other L2 related site. We have constantly climbed the SERPs for our keywords and with the rise in rankings came the increase in traffic from search engines. That has helped quite a bit.


    Zariche is disabled for the first 14 days. Much of that lag in the early days (especially item lag) was caused by the massive disk IO reading and writing (random) to mssql which even SAS 15k drives had a hard time with. This is why we have went with Commercial grade SSD (Intel 330). There will be no IO bottle neck and thus no item lag. The next biggest cause of lag was Disk IO spiking CPU and causing other types pf lag. SSD also eliminates that. We are also on a dedicated 1gbps port as for a good size launch and the mass pvps after 100mbit just doesn't cut it.


    Thanks for the good luck!!




  2. awesome way to promote the server, with almost last days offline and with no time. They should give atleast 3 or 4 weeks more to get time to get a nice community.


    The site gets 3k unique visitors a day and majority of the low rate clans know about us. better we have a little downtime now to make sure we do not have it on live. We are spending money and time moving everything over to fully ddos protected networks for our players. Granted not the best time but we need to do it now whether we want to or not. Those 140k visitors we had over the last month and few days know where we are.


    It will be a big launch.

  3. There is already a topic for this server why you made another one ?


    The other thread was way out of date and the first post quite misleading and I was not able to edit it.


    Lol, isn't this supposed to be a low rate server ? Easy A sets...


    There is a possibility that I drop those rates some. If I do it will be in the next 4-5 days.


    I just hope its not like some old x7 srvs where demonic weps were dropped after 10min of opening,lol.


    Zariche will be disabled in the first few days of the server.

  4. There are C5 download links on forum, but still if your internet is somehow limited and you can't download it, I think that it is possible to play it trough Interlude client, because one guy actually succeeded in doing it. However you will still have to download server system file which for the beta was almost 300 MB , but I'm not sure how it's going to be for the live edition. Still, my recommendation would be to download C5 by any means, because you don't want some bug popping in your face when you 're least expecting it.


    On topic, Dradden said that we can expect ETA today :)


    You need to download C5 which you can use our fileserver or our torrent tracker which will be much faster. Interlude will not work once we activate our protection. I have announced our live date!  >>> http://l2nostalgia.com/forumpvp/news-and-announcements/live-date!/

  5. It's nice to see there are still some oldschool ppl, who want to bring back at least a portion of true older L2 versions. I quited L2 some time ago, but seeing project like this in motion, I can say I will play here if it will be what it promotes to be at start of live.


    Just question, we can request to be in CB with PMing you on your forums? Would realy like to test a bit before realy jumping on this wagon :).


    P.S. Take your time with the project!


    Hop on our IRC and PM me with your CB request :) All CB testers are required to be on IRC when testing anywhoo.

  6. There are more extender developers than you might think, not just the "known" ones

    Even if you "created" your own extender on the C4 leak you're doing it for "nothing" since noone is interested in C5 since a long way back, same goes for IL.

    This C5 may be started out of lolish passion of L2 coming from the old-school players (maybe), continue your stuff, after 1-2 weeks of your live you'll start to agree with me that C5 is a waste of time/money and stress. Plus i saw the forum basics and since you started it...you gathered only those people ? Sincerly i would not even think of live with those people.

    About the existent bugs/exploits and duping methods, there are many, not even on the mighty Vang or Fred latest files are fixed with some exploits, and you state that your old C5 extender has everything fixed ? Seriously... learn to respect people without these invalid statements, not everyone is braindead.

    And no im not interested in joining your beta, i dont have time for these lolish things. ( If you pay me i can show you few thing about certain exploits, work aint free )

    But anyway, good luck with your project.


    There is still lots of interest in C5 but I guess we will just have to wait and see to prove that :) This project was started because we enjoy the game, the community (with the exceptions of a few people), and the work and in that regard it can never be a waste in any form. What are "only those people" exactly? Where did I state that we have fixed all exploits, dupes, and bugs? I doubt I would say that as it would not even be considered L2 at that point. Of course we have not fixed/patched them all it is damn near impossible, but we have done our best to test all the ones known to us which are many considering we have all been around the "scene" since the days of PP.


    Whats statements were invalid and where exactly did I disrespect you or anybody else?


    Thanks for the good luck :)

  7. No, I c4n't ''t4lk'' -type- norm4l, c4u$e my keybo4rd i$ broken.


    Too b4d, I've he4rd $ome $tuff which pointing $ome other $tuff out.


    Doe$n't m4tter. 4$ I've $4id, I'm not here to h4te.


    b4i b4i


    Go steal a keyboard lol. I would like to hear about this "some stuff pointing some other stuff out" when you have time. Feel free to hit me up on PM and we can chat on Skype if you like.


    C5 ) , most likely you're using Azure files the ones shared on MXC some months back, even so C5 is highly bugged in alot of ways, i highly doubt you know all the flaws in C5, not to mention you "state" about creating your own extender.


    I can point out over 50 exploits working on your "extender" ))

    Plus low rate ? seriously ? )) i doubt you'll get more than 150/200 players.


    I don't blame you for not believing considering there are only like 3 real extender developers left active (not including Russians). We are not using those Azure scripts either. If we were not lucky enough to have one of those remaining extender devs join us I would not have started this project because I refuse to do things 1/2 assed or use a plugNplay pack full of bugs and with no access to source. Anyways I can say we did develop our own (based off one of the C4 leaks of course) until I am blue in the face and some people will still refuse to believe. If you could see whats happening in CB you might change your mind as many of the implemented features and fixes required a good amount of extender development.


    As for low rate and only 150/200 players -> We are still in CB with no ETA announced and the forums are seeing 400+ people a day so yeah.


    I can point out over 50 exploits working on your "extender" ))


    By all means please do or even better join our CB and try them out, we encourage this.


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