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Posts posted by Dradden

  1. i cant install the c5 client.. it says that i already have lineage 2 in my pc... what should i do?



    Copy your Lineage 2 install folder to another directory than uninstall through Control Panel. re-install using C5. You can still launch the other version of L2 from the folder you copied over to the other directory.

  2. Er, I was hoping for something a lot closer to mid...x15 or something like that!

    But keeping it low means your project will attract more people that are willing to stay longer than just a couple of weeks. About the box thing, don't allow more than two per pc/ip, but don't go for only 1...

    It'll drive away those who can't spend more a couple of hours per day grinding!

    Best of luck


    Thanks adsfa :) The dual-box thing is  such a touchy subject it is really hard to find out what will make the majority happy. The main reason people usually want to dual-box is to have buffs all the time. What we are thinking is we may implement offline buffshops, this way buffer classes can make some money while off and people never have a hard time finding buffs. At the same time it doesn't take anything away from active buffers that want to get in a duo or party and go lvl as people will want that over coming back to town every 20 minutes. The offline shops also raise the amount of Adena that goes into the server economy which is a great thing.


    If we implement offline buff shops than no boxing would be allowed. What do people here think about that?

  3. Pardon me for being Offtopic, but have you made a final decision about server rates?

    Many suggestions have been provided by users, but i would like to have a clear answer by the staff.




    The decision was just made today on the rates which will be base rates of 7x. We feel this is the most balanced number based on the feedback we have received over the last 2 weeks.

  4. Make the website, so I can spam clan leaders and everyone else about it. Can't really do that when the website is at that stage. :)


    Hoping for a low-rate server, mid-rate community is dead nowadays, in a sense that people got no motivation and they quit after 2 weeks. Much bigger chances of having succesful server if you for low-rate setup. Might advertise it for some Russian clans as well, although considering you plan to host it in NA might make it less likely that they'll come, but who knows~


    Will be a few weeks until the main site is ready :) We are coding a L2OFF based CMS from scratch so takes some time but should be worth it. We look forward to your spam :D

  5. It wasn't just the ddos that ruined insomnia, you couldn't even dualbox there + some emoquit after 1st month!

    Just look at all the low rate servers with Interlude or older chronicle, they close/wipe after 1 year... Its what l2 community does these days, rush -> get geared -> quit !


    One of the beauties of having our own extender is the freedom to extend the game if we see it is needed to keep interest :) Really there is not much we can do about emo quitters. We have not completely decided on the dual-box rule as of yet and some it will be based on the rate we choose. If we do choose no-dualbox than we will implement offline buffshops so buffer classes can make some cash while offline and people can always get buffs.

  6. I have talked with a few people about Insomnia and from what they have said Insomnia failed because of a ddos that would not let people login to the server for days, not because of lack of interest or a bad setup.


    Rates are still up on the air. there is a poll active on our forums so if you are interested in seeing a certain rate make sure to vote on the poll.

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