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Everything posted by ExCaLiBuR®

  1. perna ta arxeia sto eclipse kai trava ekei photo ta errors. i
  2. tin perases kai sou vgazei kapoio error ?
  3. seriously now ? why you dont test it ? do you want to create a full HTML file for you ?
  4. ti akrivos kanoun oi "hakers" ? bot kai etsi ?
  5. <td width="38"> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1"> Page1 </a> </td> <td> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 2"> Page2 </a> </td>
  6. sorry about my patch. on olympiad.java find this private static final String GET_ALL_CLASSIFIED_NOBLESS private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER and replace olympiad_nobles_eom to olympiad_nobles
  7. perimene tha vreis pollous... den to lew eirwnika oute me kamia. apla sto lew gia na stamatiseis na elpizeis oti tha vreis testers
  8. (no custom ofc because it counters the logic of your projects policy). yes ofc no custom codes. acis have only one custom java code the buffer
  9. iam not sure. try this ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0 #P aCis_gameserver Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/olympiad/Olympiad.java =================================================================== --- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/olympiad/Olympiad.java (revision 14) +++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/olympiad/Olympiad.java (working copy) @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ private static final String OLYMPIAD_SAVE_NOBLES = "INSERT INTO olympiad_nobles (`char_id`,`class_id`,`olympiad_points`,`competitions_done`,`competitions_won`,`competitions_lost`, `competitions_drawn`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_UPDATE_NOBLES = "UPDATE olympiad_nobles SET olympiad_points = ?, competitions_done = ?, competitions_won = ?, competitions_lost = ?, competitions_drawn = ? WHERE char_id = ?"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_GET_HEROS = "SELECT olympiad_nobles.char_id, characters.char_name FROM olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.obj_Id = olympiad_nobles.char_id AND olympiad_nobles.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles.competitions_done >= " + Config.ALT_OLY_MIN_MATCHES + " AND olympiad_nobles.competitions_won > 0 ORDER BY olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles.competitions_done DESC, olympiad_nobles.competitions_won DESC"; - private static final String GET_ALL_CLASSIFIED_NOBLESS = "SELECT char_id from olympiad_nobles_eom WHERE competitions_done >= " + Config.ALT_OLY_MIN_MATCHES + " ORDER BY olympiad_points DESC, competitions_done DESC, competitions_won DESC"; - private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER = "SELECT characters.char_name from olympiad_nobles_eom, characters WHERE characters.obj_Id = olympiad_nobles_eom.char_id AND olympiad_nobles_eom.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done >= " + Config.ALT_OLY_MIN_MATCHES + " ORDER BY olympiad_nobles_eom.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_won DESC LIMIT 10"; + private static final String GET_ALL_CLASSIFIED_NOBLESS = "SELECT char_id from olympiad_nobles WHERE competitions_done >= " + Config.ALT_OLY_MIN_MATCHES + " ORDER BY olympiad_points DESC, competitions_done DESC, competitions_won DESC"; + private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER = "SELECT characters.char_name from olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.obj_Id = olympiad_nobles_eom.char_id AND olympiad_nobles_eom.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done >= " + Config.ALT_OLY_MIN_MATCHES + " ORDER BY olympiad_nobles_eom.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_done DESC, olympiad_nobles_eom.competitions_won DESC LIMIT 10"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_DELETE_ALL = "TRUNCATE olympiad_nobles"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_MONTH_CLEAR = "TRUNCATE olympiad_nobles_eom";
  10. you can take the event 1vs1 from the forum. its shared but i dont remember the "name" and you can change the member from 2 -> 12 (6vs6)
  11. TopzoneFirstPageLink = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/list TopzoneServerLink = http://l2topzone.com/lineage/server-info/2923/l2-saga.html try this and tell me.
  12. HopzoneServerLink = http://l2.topzone.net/lineage2/details/74078/L2World-Servers/ lol ?
  13. you can send me our configs? i want to see the topzone / hopzone URL
  14. remove the @Override and press ctrl + shift + o for organize the imports. and change the L2ItemInstance to ItemInstance
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197078-l2j-velvet-engine/
  16. package ... import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory; public class TopPlayers { protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(TopPlayers.class.getName()); private static final String SELECT_CHARS = "SELECT SUM(chr.points), SUM(it.count), ch.char_name, ch.pkkills, ch.pvpkills, ch.onlinetime, ch.base_class, ch.online FROM characters ch LEFT JOIN character_raid_points chr ON ch.obj_Id=ch.obj_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN items it ON ch.obj_Id=it.owner_id WHERE item_id=57 GROUP BY ch.obj_Id ORDER BY "; private int pos; private final StringBuilder _topList = new StringBuilder(); String sort = ""; public TopPlayers(String file) { loadDB(file); } private void loadDB(String file) { switch (file) { case "toppvp": sort = "pvpkills"; break; case "toppk": sort = "pkkills"; break; case "topadena": sort = "SUM(it.count)"; break; case "toprbrank": sort = "SUM(chr.points)"; break; case "toponline": sort = "onlinetime"; break; default: break; } try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { pos = 0; PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_CHARS + sort + " DESC LIMIT " + Config.TOP_PLAYER_RESULTS); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(); while (result.next()) { boolean status = false; pos++; if (result.getInt("online") == 1) { status = true; } String timeon = getPlayerRunTime(result.getInt("ch.onlinetime")); String adenas = getAdenas(result.getLong("SUM(it.count)")); addChar(pos, result.getString("ch.char_name"), result.getInt("base_class"), result.getInt("ch.pvpkills"), result.getInt("ch.pkkills"), result.getInt("SUM(chr.points)"), adenas, timeon, status); } result.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, getClass().getName() + ": Could not Select Top Players " + e); } } public String loadTopList() { return _topList.toString(); } private void addChar(int position, String name, int classid, int pvp, int pk, int raid, String adenas, String online, boolean isOnline) { _topList.append("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=050505 height=" + Config.TOP_PLAYER_ROW_HEIGHT + "><tr><td FIXWIDTH=5></td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=27>" + position + ".</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=160>" + name + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=145>" + className(classid) + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=60>" + pvp + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=60>" + pk + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=60>" + raid + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=150>" + adenas + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=150>" + online + "</td>"); _topList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=65>" + ((isOnline) ? "<font color=99FF00>Online</font>" : "<font color=CC0000>Offline</font>") + "</td>"); _topList.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\">"); } public final static String className(int classId) { return String.valueOf(ClassList.className(classId)); } public String getPlayerRunTime(int secs) { String timeResult = ""; timeResult = ((secs >= 86400 ? Integer.toString(secs / 86400) + " Days " + Integer.toString((secs % 86400) / 3600) + " hours." : Integer.toString(secs / 3600) + " Hours " + Integer.toString((secs % 3600) / 60) + " mins.")); return timeResult; } public String getAdenas(Long adena) { String adenas = ""; adenas = (adena >= 1000000000 ? Long.toString(adena / 1000000000) + " Billion " + Long.toString((adena % 1000000000) / 1000000) + " million" : Long.toString(adena / 1000000) + " Million " + Long.toString((adena % 1000000) / 1000) + " k"); return adenas; } } public class TopPvpPlayers { private int _counter = 1; private final TextBuilder _topPvp = new TextBuilder(); public TopPvpPlayers(String file) { loadDB(file); } private void loadDB(String file) { for (PlayersTopData playerData : CustomTable.getInstance().getTopPvp()) { if (getCounter() <= SmartCommunityConfigs.TOP_PLAYER_RESULTS) { String name = playerData.getCharName(); String cName = playerData.getClanName(); int pvp = playerData.getPvp(); addChar(name, cName, pvp); setCounter(getCounter() + 1); } } } public String loadTopList() { return _topPvp.toString(); } private void addChar(String name, String cname, int pvp) { _topPvp.append("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=111111 width=750>"); _topPvp.append("<tr>"); _topPvp.append("<td FIXWIDTH=40>" + getCounter() + "</td"); _topPvp.append("<td fixwidth=160>" + name + "</td"); _topPvp.append("<td fixwidth=160>" + cname + "</td>"); _topPvp.append("<td fixwidth=80>" + pvp + "</td>"); _topPvp.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"735\" height=\"1\">"); } public int getCounter() { return _counter; } public void setCounter(int counter) { _counter = counter; } }
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