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Everything posted by HellRuLeR

  1. any account with low elo and a lot of champs/skins left?
  2. Μπράβο ρε Zake καλή δουλειά για άλλη μια φορά :)
  3. ***UPDATED*** PayPal: IP Boost from 0,90 euro ~> 0,80 euro per 1000 IPs ELO from 9,50 euro ~> 9,00 euro XP Boost from 0,50 euro ~> 0,55 euro euro per level XP Boost change: Can be done now from 13-30 levels. Personally,I want to thank all those guys who trusted us from the first day of our services. We had 6 customers from the first day!:)
  4. I didn't know what smurf meant really.Anyway can you send me in pm the level of the account and the desired level please?Thank you.
  5. I understood that by the word "smurfs" you made fun on my services.Anyway, do you still want to exp them?
  6. you say that you want to xp your smurfs?Isn't that a troll?Lol. Edit:Anyway if I understood wrong,send me pm with the levels and the desired level.Thank you.
  7. Fail rates for mass pvp server...
  8. Hello guys. ;D I am here to present you Captain-Victory services and I have to tell you that they are the cheapest all arround this forum. How do we work? We are 2 people(soon maybe more because some guys are on vacations right now) who working together for you!We are trying to be fast enough so as you to be satisfied.You contant with us,you purchase what you want,and,after that we give you a time limit in which you are supposed to have taken the items/goods.Always,we give you a code which you have to show when it is to give you the items you purchased.If you don't show us the code you won't take any items.I hope you understand It's for personal safety reasons :). What we Offer? 1)For normall games: -Very fast XP -Lot's of IP's per day(about 1500 per day) 2)For ranked games: -Elo boost till 1500 3)Teaching Material -We can make theoritical and practical lessons via skype/teamviewer about problems you may have with a champion,suggesting you ways of facing different problems in game and finally we can practise on that in game as a premade team. (NOTE:We will stop the lessons you asked me when I see in game that you became "pro" with a champion for example.I won't leave you with unsolved problem. Also I provide guides for my students) Notes: 1)We can XP you from level 10 to level 30 2)If you wish to buy our teaching services you have to agree that you won't post the guides we give you to any forums or sites. 3)If you want to buy our IP boost services you have to tell me how many IPs you want and we give you an exact date when you'll have the suggested IP number(my average is 1500 per day) 4)About XP Boost: I'ts not necessary to xp you from 10 to 30 you can tell me how many levels you want to xp you and I will do it(ONLY with paypal) 5)For every IP you take during the XP Boost purchase you don't have to pay 6)If we pass the time limit we gave you, you can issue a refund.And we will do it 100%.We make safe purchases! PRICES These purchases can be only done by PayPal: -Leveling(XP Boost):1 euro per level(from 0~>30 levels) -Influence Points Boosts(IP Boost):0,80 euro per 1000 IP -ELO Boost(till 1500):10 euro per 150 elo These purchases can be only done by PaySafeCard: -Leveling(XP Boost):20 euro (from 10-30) -ELO Boost(till 1500):10 euro per 100 elo For teaching material lessons prices are discussable but not higher from 10 euros. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS! *Whoever buy our services from 20 euros ++ will get a special 5% discount to our services FOR EVER! *The first one who will give us 30 euros he will be rewarded with one level 20 account with 5000 IP(maybe more) **CONTACT** You can contact us: via facebook via skype:hellruler3(soon will add the official skype of the team) Soon will be added yahoo,msn options. STATUS Available workers this week:2 IP Boost:On XP Boost:On ELO Boost:On Teaching Material:On CAPTAIN-VICTORY,THE CHEAPEST AND THE SAFEST LEAGUE OF LEGENDS SERVICES ALL ARROUND!
  9. sorry I dissapoint you but I have a pic which says the paysafe card was full.Nice try.But go check yourself in the report section. NOTE:DONT TRUST THIS GUY HE'LL PROBABLY CHEAT YOU TOO.
  10. Hello.I was to buy an account at league of legends Nordic & east server and a guy called CarmineAngelo cheated me.He took my paysafecard and logged off from skype.Then I tried to see if he didn't cheat the pin number but he had already did that.So I will report him both here and at league of legends.Here are some proofs: Here is the whole conversation: [1:20:46 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ela re [1:21:02 πμ] 4ViCii: Ela re sy [1:21:06 πμ] CarmineAngelo: palia eixa pari [1:21:09 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ena blessed shope [1:21:10 πμ] CarmineAngelo: shop [1:21:12 πμ] CarmineAngelo: p eixes kani [1:21:24 πμ] 4ViCii: dn 8imamai [1:21:25 πμ] 4ViCii: anyway [1:21:27 πμ] CarmineAngelo: Cloud [1:21:28 πμ] CarmineAngelo: thimase? [1:21:33 πμ] 4ViCii: mpa xD [1:21:37 πμ] CarmineAngelo: np [1:21:38 πμ] CarmineAngelo: http://www.lolking.net/search?name=S%C3%B8NiC&x=0&y=0 [1:21:39 πμ] CarmineAngelo: des [1:22:13 πμ] 4ViCii: autos eisai? [1:22:56 πμ] CarmineAngelo: y [1:23:10 πμ] 4ViCii: re na sou pw [1:23:12 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ela [1:23:16 πμ] 4ViCii: fantazomai eisai trusted ee [1:23:21 πμ] 4ViCii: mhn upar3ei kanena problem [1:23:22 πμ] CarmineAngelo: les na riskaro sto mxc [1:23:23 πμ] CarmineAngelo: to acc m? [1:23:23 πμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [1:23:29 πμ] 4ViCii: afto lew kai gw [1:23:35 πμ] CarmineAngelo: re [1:23:36 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tora egw [1:23:38 πμ] CarmineAngelo: etimazo server [1:23:38 πμ] 4ViCii: giafto psaxnw gia typous san esena [1:23:39 πμ] CarmineAngelo: mazi [1:23:41 πμ] CarmineAngelo: me enan [1:23:42 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apo tin slovakia [1:23:43 πμ] CarmineAngelo: h4444x [1:23:45 πμ] CarmineAngelo: an ton kseris [1:23:45 πμ] 4ViCii: interlude? [1:23:47 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kai xriazomaste xrimata [1:23:47 πμ] CarmineAngelo: y [1:23:51 πμ] CarmineAngelo: gia dedi [1:23:52 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kai domain [1:23:52 πμ] 4ViCii: koble file mou [1:23:54 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kai mazevouyme [1:23:56 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apo opoy nane [1:24:00 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tora thes pistepseto [1:24:01 πμ] CarmineAngelo: thes exi [1:24:10 πμ] 4ViCii: nai re filara ara3e [1:24:15 πμ] 4ViCii: name? [1:24:19 πμ] CarmineAngelo: taxx [1:24:33 πμ] 4ViCii: pote 8a ton anoi3ete gt psaxnwmai gia interlude re file [1:24:54 πμ] CarmineAngelo: theli doulia ligo [1:25:03 πμ] 4ViCii: balance? [1:25:11 πμ] CarmineAngelo: genika ola afta [1:25:16 πμ] CarmineAngelo: me afton stin arxi [1:25:19 πμ] CarmineAngelo: itan na tou stiso server [1:25:19 πμ] CarmineAngelo: gia 5 euro [1:25:20 πμ] CarmineAngelo: wait an dis to topic [1:25:24 πμ] CarmineAngelo: alla meta sinergastikame [1:25:35 πμ] CarmineAngelo: diladi einai cool tipas [1:25:40 πμ] 4ViCii: me rwtaei o aderfos mou poious champions exeis(tou aderfou mou 8a einai to acc) [1:25:49 πμ] CarmineAngelo: 80 champ exis [1:25:49 πμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [1:25:51 πμ] CarmineAngelo: exi* [1:26:05 πμ] CarmineAngelo: katse na s po [1:26:06 πμ] CarmineAngelo: akrivos [1:26:08 πμ] CarmineAngelo: exi kai pola skin [1:26:09 πμ] CarmineAngelo: e [1:26:09 πμ] 4ViCii: vgazeis mia foto gt einai ligo ka8isterimenos? [1:26:26 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tora to acc to exi enas booster [1:26:29 πμ] CarmineAngelo: avrio [1:26:29 πμ] CarmineAngelo: thes [1:26:31 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ektos [1:26:33 πμ] CarmineAngelo: an thes na stous pw [1:26:35 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apo tora [1:26:40 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tous ksero apekso [1:26:43 πμ] CarmineAngelo: vsk tha sou pw pious den exw [1:26:46 πμ] CarmineAngelo: me simferi pio poly ;P [1:27:12 πμ] 4ViCii: photo mou leei 8elei na dei aliws dn dinei lefta :P ti tou les tr? [1:27:42 πμ] CarmineAngelo: w8 [1:30:22 πμ] CarmineAngelo: go l2 [1:30:28 πμ] CarmineAngelo: and create item id 9416 [1:30:35 πμ] 4ViCii: ?? [1:30:37 πμ] CarmineAngelo: lathos [1:30:38 πμ] CarmineAngelo: lathos [1:30:39 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ston alon pigene [1:30:43 πμ] 4ViCii: coin eee?xD [1:30:54 πμ] CarmineAngelo: akous [1:30:59 πμ] CarmineAngelo: epidei einai tora o booster se game [1:31:00 πμ] CarmineAngelo: thes avrio [1:31:01 πμ] CarmineAngelo: na mpoyme [1:31:03 πμ] CarmineAngelo: me skype [1:31:05 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tv* [1:31:05 πμ] CarmineAngelo: sto pc moy [1:31:07 πμ] CarmineAngelo: na ta dis ola [1:31:08 πμ] CarmineAngelo: analitika [1:31:19 πμ] 4ViCii: steile mou photo sto mxc [1:31:23 πμ] 4ViCii: h edw avrio [1:31:26 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ti wra [1:31:27 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ? [1:31:33 πμ] 4ViCii: e otan me vreis mesa [1:31:37 πμ] 4ViCii: e to prwi [1:31:39 πμ] CarmineAngelo: mpenis gia @@? :P [1:31:39 πμ] 4ViCii: 8a mpw [1:31:47 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ok an se prolavo kai simera [1:31:48 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apla na teliosi o alos [1:31:53 πμ] 4ViCii: koble [1:32:03 πμ] 4ViCii: ase pezw interlude.pro kai tous gamaw olous [1:32:12 πμ] 4ViCii: alla 3enerwsa kai arxisa lol pali [1:32:13 πμ] CarmineAngelo: server? [1:32:19 πμ] 4ViCii: interlude.pro [1:32:21 πμ] 4ViCii: site einai [1:32:24 πμ] CarmineAngelo: y [1:32:25 πμ] 4ViCii: etc legetai [1:32:28 πμ] CarmineAngelo: m to sitlan pm [1:32:30 πμ] CarmineAngelo: doulevi kai phx [1:32:30 πμ] CarmineAngelo: eki [1:32:34 πμ] 4ViCii: lol? [1:32:39 πμ] 4ViCii: ti les re plaka kaneis tr [1:32:56 πμ] 4ViCii: o poio sovaros server afth th stigmh trwei phx ahahahhahahaha lolen [1:33:10 πμ] CarmineAngelo: y [1:33:15 πμ] CarmineAngelo: alla to enchant einai efkolo? [1:34:08 πμ] 4ViCii: nai re 8elei ligo farm aspoume na bgaleis s grade na ta kaneis ++ kai na pareis jewels alla auto pou mou aresei sto srv einai oti dn xreiazetai na eisai olh mera mesa na perimeneis reward me to kwlo system auto [1:34:13 πμ] 4ViCii: einai fine [1:34:26 πμ] 4ViCii: sthn arxh egine malakia me ta ddos [1:34:34 πμ] 4ViCii: kai apo tote dn exei toso kosmo [1:34:40 πμ] CarmineAngelo: poso kosmo eixe [1:35:03 πμ] 4ViCii: 300-350 ppl kateu8eian 15 min molis anoi3e [1:35:08 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kali fasi [1:35:22 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kseris apo developing? [1:35:24 πμ] 4ViCii: nai re sou lew alla ta noobakia psaxnwntai gia koza servers [1:35:51 πμ] 4ViCii: persi h3era persi to kalokairi ekana ma8hmata me ena paidi ton plhrwna [1:35:55 πμ] 4ViCii: alla ta 3exasa [1:35:58 πμ] 4ViCii: xD [1:36:04 πμ] CarmineAngelo: :D [1:36:08 πμ] 4ViCii: eixa kanei kai kati codes [1:36:14 πμ] 4ViCii: alla exw kanei format tr QQ [1:36:41 πμ] 4ViCii: Twra mono glwssa programmatismou tou lukeiou kanw xD [1:36:47 πμ] CarmineAngelo: :D [1:36:50 πμ] 4ViCii: ante bgainw re file bb [1:36:56 πμ] CarmineAngelo: btw kati alo [1:36:57 πμ] CarmineAngelo: to sonic [1:36:58 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tha paei 1500 elo [1:37:05 πμ] CarmineAngelo: den pistevo na iparxi thema [1:37:07 πμ] CarmineAngelo: tsampa boosting [1:37:07 πμ] CarmineAngelo: troei [1:37:08 πμ] CarmineAngelo: etsi ki alliws [1:37:09 πμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [1:37:13 πμ] 4ViCii: koble [1:37:18 πμ] CarmineAngelo: xpara ena acc [1:37:19 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apo 15 lvl [1:37:20 πμ] CarmineAngelo: 30 [1:37:25 πμ] CarmineAngelo: kai tha me anebasi 120 elo [1:37:26 πμ] CarmineAngelo: apo 1400 1520 [1:37:31 πμ] 4ViCii: kai egw twra auth th douleia 8a kanw [1:37:36 πμ] 4ViCii: 8a poulaw lvl 30 acc [1:37:38 πμ] 4ViCii: me elo [1:37:55 πμ] CarmineAngelo: to main s acc [1:37:55 πμ] 4ViCii: ase pou 8a paw kai sto west gt sto east einai ola ta ka8isterimena [1:37:56 πμ] CarmineAngelo: pio einai? [1:38:01 πμ] 4ViCii: 4ViCii [1:38:31 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ta crit runes [1:38:33 πμ] CarmineAngelo: pezi na kovoyn [1:38:34 πμ] CarmineAngelo: poly crit [1:38:35 πμ] CarmineAngelo: :D [1:38:46 πμ] 4ViCii: exw crit runes kai dn to 3erw? [1:38:59 πμ] CarmineAngelo: y [1:39:04 πμ] 4ViCii: ahahaahaah [1:39:14 πμ] 4ViCii: twra 8elw [1:39:19 πμ] 4ViCii: kai alla rune pages [1:39:27 πμ] CarmineAngelo: egw exw 12 [1:39:29 πμ] 4ViCii: na valw ap me penetration k etc [1:39:30 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ta ftiaxnw apo tin arxi [1:40:00 πμ] 4ViCii: egine re thn kanw gt avrio exw kourema to prwi xD [1:40:01 πμ] 4ViCii: cya [1:40:14 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ok [1:40:16 πμ] CarmineAngelo: gn [1:40:17 πμ] CarmineAngelo: ta leme [1:25:28 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ela [1:25:30 μμ] CarmineAngelo: molis ksipnisa [1:25:49 μμ] 4ViCii: ela re [1:25:52 μμ] 4ViCii: exw thn paysafe [1:25:59 μμ] 4ViCii: alla eimai game sto lol [1:26:02 μμ] 4ViCii: otan teleiwsw [1:26:04 μμ] 4ViCii: 8a er8w [1:26:05 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok w8 [1:26:07 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na se valw [1:26:08 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok [1:26:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: teliose [1:26:11 μμ] CarmineAngelo: prota [1:26:18 μμ] 4ViCii: trava tis pic kai steile [1:26:31 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha mpeis me skype [1:26:31 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na dis [1:26:52 μμ] 4ViCii: steile photos re [1:26:52 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gt ama stilw pics meta stelnis email riot oti einai diko sou acc i oti to poylaw [1:26:53 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai qq moy :D [1:27:02 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tspa [1:27:06 μμ] 4ViCii: oxi krypse to name sou [1:27:12 μμ] 4ViCii: kanto apo th zwgrafikh [1:27:36 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kala [1:27:38 μμ] CarmineAngelo: des thes apo skype [1:27:40 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na dis an lew alithia [1:27:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: + pics [1:27:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tespa [1:27:43 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok :P [1:27:47 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kontevis na teliosis? [1:28:05 μμ] 4ViCii: oxi re tr mphka [1:28:06 μμ] 4ViCii: xD [1:28:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: po me gamis :P [1:28:48 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kle timazo pics [1:33:39 μμ] CarmineAngelo: etimes [1:33:39 μμ] CarmineAngelo: oi pic [1:35:08 μμ] *** CarmineAngelo εστάλη Χωρίς τίτλο.png *** [1:35:12 μμ] *** CarmineAngelo εστάλη Χωρίς τίτλο1.png *** [1:35:15 μμ] *** CarmineAngelo εστάλη Χωρίς τίτλο2.png *** [1:35:17 μμ] *** CarmineAngelo εστάλη Χωρίς τίτλο3.png *** [1:40:52 μμ] CarmineAngelo: lipon kai kati allo . [1:40:54 μμ] CarmineAngelo: to boosting tou account [1:40:57 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha teliosi kata tis 7 [1:41:02 μμ] CarmineAngelo: thes na kanoyme traed tora? [1:41:04 μμ] CarmineAngelo: i tis 7? [1:41:06 μμ] CarmineAngelo: molis teliosi [1:41:08 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na to paris 1520? [2:03:25 μμ] 4ViCii: twra [2:03:44 μμ] 4ViCii: katse na mou er8oun oi pics [2:03:48 μμ] 4ViCii: dn exw teleiwsei to game [2:04:06 μμ] 4ViCii: el teleiwsame xD [2:04:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: katse na dis tis pic [2:04:20 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na mn les mlks [2:07:27 μμ] 4ViCii: ela koble [2:07:47 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tora omws tha wait [2:07:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na teliosi o booster to game [2:07:56 μμ] 4ViCii: instant to trade ok? [2:08:01 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [2:08:13 μμ] 4ViCii: kane m pm otan finish [2:08:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok [2:08:26 μμ] CarmineAngelo: mexri pote tha eisai mesa? [2:08:42 μμ] 4ViCii: xalara 1-2 wres akoma [2:08:45 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok [2:28:05 μμ] 4ViCii: teleiwse o booster? [2:28:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: no [2:28:29 μμ] CarmineAngelo: thes na to kanoyme to apogevma? giati ton exw plirosi [2:28:30 μμ] 4ViCii: spane inhibitors? [2:28:32 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai tora einai malakia [2:28:34 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na to xasw. [2:28:46 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ektos kai an den mpeis to apogevma [2:28:59 μμ] 4ViCii: apogeuma paizei na paw mpanio 99% [2:29:04 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai ti wra tha mpeis? [2:29:11 μμ] 4ViCii: e mporei na mhn 3anampw [2:29:29 μμ] CarmineAngelo: katse na skefto kati [2:29:31 μμ] CarmineAngelo: .. [2:29:32 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na mn xasw to boost [2:29:35 μμ] 4ViCii: siga re dn exw problem gia 100 ligotero elo [2:30:01 μμ] CarmineAngelo: e egw exw dwsi xrimata omws re [2:30:05 μμ] CarmineAngelo: giafto vgenw ligo xamenos xD [2:30:13 μμ] CarmineAngelo: diladi aftos hta kani misi doulia [2:30:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai tha pari 2x lefta? [2:30:21 μμ] 4ViCii: ti pragma xaneis re dn katalavainw [2:30:25 μμ] 4ViCii: pff kala [2:30:33 μμ] CarmineAngelo: esu viazese? [2:30:41 μμ] 4ViCii: e viazomai ligo [2:30:47 μμ] 4ViCii: opws sou eipa eimai middle man [2:30:56 μμ] 4ViCii: tou aderfou mou 8a paei to acc [2:31:15 μμ] CarmineAngelo: den thes to apogevma kata tis 6-7? [2:31:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 100% omws [2:31:26 μμ] 4ViCii: kala 8a to palepsw [2:31:30 μμ] CarmineAngelo: orea [2:31:32 μμ] 4ViCii: alla dn sou uposxomai kati [2:31:35 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de pirazi re [2:31:37 μμ] CarmineAngelo: den viazome [2:31:41 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kseris oti opios viazete oxi skontafti [2:31:44 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla exi vromodoulia [2:31:46 μμ] CarmineAngelo: egw de viazome [2:31:48 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla gt na vgi kerdismenos aftos [2:31:55 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ( o boster) [2:32:09 μμ] 4ViCii: poios einai apo to forum? [2:32:13 μμ] 4ViCii: elo boost agorases? [2:32:21 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [2:32:29 μμ] 4ViCii: noble?xD [2:32:33 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eixa kai ton noble [2:32:40 μμ] CarmineAngelo: stis arxes [2:32:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: meta allaksa :P [2:32:46 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla ton noble tsampa [2:32:48 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gt kaname mia sinalagi [2:33:59 μμ] 4ViCii: kalos einai?3erei lol? [2:34:11 μμ] CarmineAngelo: e oxi san ton noble [2:34:15 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla arketa ftinos [2:34:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :) [2:34:32 μμ] CarmineAngelo: enoow [2:34:33 μμ] 4ViCii: poso sou phre? [2:34:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 10 [2:34:44 μμ] 4ViCii: koble [2:34:52 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla kali doulia [2:34:54 μμ] 4ViCii: pooo spinomai kai egw [2:34:58 μμ] 4ViCii: gt 8elw ligo elo boost [2:35:03 μμ] 4ViCii: eixa ftasei 1600 [2:35:09 μμ] 4ViCii: kai me ta kwlonooba pou epeza [2:35:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ama thes na ton kanonisw [2:35:12 μμ] 4ViCii: phga 100 [2:35:12 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai me ekptosi [2:35:16 μμ] 4ViCii: 1000* [2:35:34 μμ] 4ViCii: 8a sou pw [2:35:39 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok [2:35:43 μμ] CarmineAngelo: lipon tha ta poyme opote ksanampis [2:35:45 μμ] CarmineAngelo: mn viazese poly [2:35:49 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha vgi kalitero to account [2:35:50 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :) [2:36:02 μμ] 4ViCii: re den tn noiazei to elo tou aderfou mou [2:36:07 μμ] 4ViCii: normal games paizei [2:36:13 μμ] CarmineAngelo: aa [2:36:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: e kala [2:36:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de pirazi [2:36:18 μμ] 4ViCii: varietai ta ranked [2:36:20 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na exi onoma toulaxiston [2:36:21 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :D [2:36:23 μμ] 4ViCii: xD [2:36:35 μμ] 4ViCii: mporei na to kratisw egw kai na tou dwsw to diko m] [2:36:36 μμ] 4ViCii: xD [2:36:41 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :P [2:38:11 μμ] CarmineAngelo: RE [2:38:14 μμ] CarmineAngelo: TO tribunal [2:38:15 μμ] CarmineAngelo: to kseris? [2:38:18 μμ] 4ViCii: nai [2:38:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: p kanis report pios na fai ban? [2:38:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: akou fasi [2:38:21 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 1/41/4 [2:38:22 μμ] CarmineAngelo: score [2:38:28 μμ] 4ViCii: ka8e mera mpenw [2:38:28 μμ] 4ViCii: ahahahahha [2:38:56 μμ] CarmineAngelo: omg [2:38:56 μμ] CarmineAngelo: proti fora to eida [2:38:57 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xaxax [2:39:04 μμ] 4ViCii: ahhahha kali fash [2:39:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :P [2:39:10 μμ] 4ViCii: ola ta ka8isterimena sto east [2:39:12 μμ] 4ViCii: einai [2:39:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gamiseta [2:39:22 μμ] 4ViCii: tous kahmenous tous skandinavous loipamai [2:39:23 μμ] 4ViCii: xD [2:39:29 μμ] CarmineAngelo: egw [2:39:30 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exw agorasi [2:39:33 μμ] CarmineAngelo: sot west account [2:39:34 μμ] CarmineAngelo: waait na dis [2:39:43 μμ] CarmineAngelo: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247095.0 [2:39:44 μμ] CarmineAngelo: afto to acc [2:39:45 μμ] CarmineAngelo: des. [2:40:05 μμ] 4ViCii: lol [2:40:12 μμ] 4ViCii: 3 euro peripou [2:40:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 4.50 euro [2:40:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:40:18 μμ] 4ViCii: mia xara [2:40:26 μμ] CarmineAngelo: giafto to dinw to acc mu [2:40:28 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha asxolitho sovara [2:40:28 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eki pera [2:40:41 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exw kai ena allo bot acc sto nordic [2:40:43 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kia tha me komple :P [2:40:47 μμ] 4ViCii: poo les na paw west xD [2:40:55 μμ] 4ViCii: exei kalitero epipedo ekei? [2:41:01 μμ] CarmineAngelo: nai [2:41:06 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla [2:41:07 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exi akoma 1-2 [2:41:09 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ilithious [2:41:10 μμ] 4ViCii: exei ka8isterimena k etsi? [2:41:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: e [2:41:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exi [2:41:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: merika [2:41:18 μμ] CarmineAngelo: oxi oso to east [2:42:06 μμ] 4ViCii: ela psi8ika [2:42:09 μμ] 4ViCii: kanw acc sto west [2:42:13 μμ] CarmineAngelo: aha [2:42:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: oxi re den aksizi na xparis [2:42:21 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:42:23 μμ] CarmineAngelo: egw pira 4 euro [2:42:24 μμ] CarmineAngelo: account [2:42:25 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :P [2:42:32 μμ] 4ViCii: kwlofarde xD [2:42:36 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xaxa [2:42:37 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 26 lvl e [2:42:38 μμ] CarmineAngelo: einai twr [2:42:38 μμ] CarmineAngelo: a [2:42:39 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :P [2:42:42 μμ] 4ViCii: nai re mia xara [2:42:43 μμ] 4ViCii: 4 euro [2:42:44 μμ] 4ViCii: koble [2:42:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :) [2:43:21 μμ] 4ViCii: re [2:43:27 μμ] 4ViCii: to amerikaniko einai kalitero? [2:43:36 μμ] 4ViCii: h exei ka8isterimena amerikanakia xD [2:44:01 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de exw peksi [2:44:02 μμ] CarmineAngelo: pote [2:44:02 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eki [2:44:08 μμ] 4ViCii: ekei 8a mpw [2:44:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: alla oloi tha einai poly xontroi [2:44:10 μμ] 4ViCii: efyga [2:44:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:44:15 μμ] 4ViCii: mono agglika 8a milane re [2:44:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [2:44:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [2:44:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: afto gamaei [2:44:19 μμ] 4ViCii: kalitera [2:46:26 μμ] CarmineAngelo: den exw peksi [2:46:27 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eki [2:46:28 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exw ean acc 9lvl [2:46:32 μμ] CarmineAngelo: otan proto arxisa to lol [2:46:41 μμ] CarmineAngelo: epeze enas filos moy [2:46:46 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai eipe oti exi po;lous kalous pextes [2:46:48 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tora alithia psemata [2:46:49 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de ksero :P [2:47:06 μμ] 4ViCii: paw na gamhsw ligo amerikanakia [2:47:10 μμ] 4ViCii: :P [2:47:14 μμ] CarmineAngelo: haha [2:47:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: posa lvl eisai [2:47:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na mpw me ena 9lvl p exw [2:47:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na peksoyme? :D [2:48:39 μμ] CarmineAngelo: theli update [2:48:43 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ok tha perimenw :P [2:50:19 μμ] 4ViCii: exei update re [2:50:28 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [2:50:34 μμ] 4ViCii: alla 250 mega [2:50:41 μμ] 4ViCii: 8a tous gamhsoume olous [2:50:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :P [2:50:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: posa lvl [2:50:53 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eisai [2:50:59 μμ] 4ViCii: 0 [2:51:00 μμ] 4ViCii: xD [2:51:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: orea [2:51:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: egw 9 [2:51:12 μμ] CarmineAngelo: eki pera [2:51:13 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:51:17 μμ] CarmineAngelo: epeza otan protoarxisa to lol [2:51:21 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ithela na agoraso ton xin zhao [2:51:23 μμ] CarmineAngelo: san parapligikos [2:51:25 μμ] CarmineAngelo: itan poly op tote [2:51:26 μμ] CarmineAngelo: para poly op [2:51:28 μμ] 4ViCii: ahahaha [2:51:34 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai ton mperdepsa [2:51:36 μμ] CarmineAngelo: me singed [2:51:36 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:51:42 μμ] 4ViCii: ahahhaha lol [2:52:04 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 2010 [2:52:06 μμ] CarmineAngelo: arxisa [2:52:06 μμ] CarmineAngelo: august [2:52:09 μμ] CarmineAngelo: na pezo [2:52:31 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 268 mb update [2:52:36 μμ] CarmineAngelo: haha [2:52:37 μμ] CarmineAngelo: asto de mpenw [2:52:38 μμ] 4ViCii: re 8a mpoume 3 paidia egw esy kai enas 3adelfos mou 8a gamhsoume kwlarakia xD [2:52:41 μμ] 4ViCii: aok [2:52:50 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 1mbps internet [2:52:57 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha kani kamia wra [2:52:58 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [2:53:05 μμ] 4ViCii: exw exw 6 [2:53:16 μμ] 4ViCii: na sou pw [2:53:21 μμ] 4ViCii: o server sou pws paei? [2:53:42 μμ] 4ViCii: (sto l2) [2:53:46 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha allaksoyme pack [2:53:47 μμ] CarmineAngelo: simera [2:53:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gt telika tha ton kanoyme low rate [2:53:56 μμ] 4ViCii: acis valte gia lowrate [2:54:03 μμ] CarmineAngelo: afto [2:54:05 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha valoyme :P [3:00:11 μμ] CarmineAngelo: af [3:00:12 μμ] CarmineAngelo: k [5:08:34 μμ] 4ViCii: etoimos? [5:12:12 μμ] 4ViCii: akous re? [8:20:05 μμ] 4ViCii: re [8:20:22 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ewla [8:20:23 μμ] 4ViCii: kanoume to trade now gt prp na fygw? [8:20:24 μμ] CarmineAngelo: molis girisa [8:22:05 μμ] 4ViCii: ela to kanoume to trade tr mpam mpam sou dinw mou dineis kai koble [8:23:00 μμ] CarmineAngelo: entaksi alla omws o allos den pige 1520 [8:23:00 μμ] CarmineAngelo: :/ [8:23:09 μμ] 4ViCii: dn peirazei [8:23:20 μμ] 4ViCii: ela eisai etoimos? [8:23:44 μμ] CarmineAngelo: perimene na allakso password sto email [8:25:38 μμ] 4ViCii: ela alla3es? [8:25:50 μμ] CarmineAngelo: nai [8:25:51 μμ] CarmineAngelo: dwse psc [8:25:59 μμ] 4ViCii: tsaba allazeis re afou 8a alla3w e-mail xD [8:26:00 μμ] 4ViCii: tespa [8:26:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha kratisis [8:26:12 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai to diko moy [8:26:13 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gt an parw to email [8:26:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: mporw na sto ksanparo [8:26:19 μμ] CarmineAngelo: piso to acc :P [8:26:29 μμ] 4ViCii: ee? [8:26:37 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha paris kai to registration email [8:26:40 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gt ama stilo ena email stin riot [8:26:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai dwsw to email moy [8:26:44 μμ] CarmineAngelo: mporw na to parw piso [8:26:45 μμ] CarmineAngelo: giafto sto dinw [8:26:49 μμ] CarmineAngelo: gia na mn iparksi pareksigisi [8:26:52 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ktlves? [8:26:59 μμ] 4ViCii: katalava [8:27:17 μμ] 4ViCii: kai apo to e-mail auto mporw na alla3w kai egw kwdiko meta ee? [8:27:20 μμ] CarmineAngelo: y [8:27:21 μμ] 4ViCii: 8a mou peis anyway [8:27:25 μμ] CarmineAngelo: tha sta pw [8:27:26 μμ | Ο-Η 8:36:03 μμ απομακρύνθηκε] CarmineAngelo: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε από το Διαχειριστή [8:27:48 μμ | Ο-Η 8:36:06 μμ απομακρύνθηκε] CarmineAngelo: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε από το Διαχειριστή [8:28:04 μμ] 4ViCii: 0717591401403456 [8:28:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: check [8:28:11 μμ] CarmineAngelo: w8 [8:28:14 μμ] 4ViCii: ante [8:28:38 μμ] CarmineAngelo: w8 [8:28:41 μμ] CarmineAngelo: mn fovase [8:28:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de se kanw tipota [8:28:42 μμ] CarmineAngelo: xD [8:28:51 μμ] 4ViCii: dn fovamai re [8:29:14 μμ] CarmineAngelo: exis kapio pass? [8:29:17 μμ] 4ViCii: oxi [8:29:28 μμ] 4ViCii: ante paysafecard.com [8:29:49 μμ] CarmineAngelo: sec [8:29:53 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ginete install adobe reader [8:29:55 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai lag [8:30:03 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ksanalew mn fovase :P [8:31:43 μμ] 4ViCii: ante re akoma na thn pareis xD? [8:31:57 μμ] CarmineAngelo: re file kolaei eleina [8:32:00 μμ] CarmineAngelo: kai den anigi browser [8:32:01 μμ] CarmineAngelo: perimene [8:32:04 μμ] CarmineAngelo: de kanw poustia [8:32:08 μμ] CarmineAngelo: nato [8:32:10 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ksekolise [8:32:12 μμ] CarmineAngelo: update ekane to adobe reader [8:32:48 μμ] CarmineAngelo: ela mpenw [8:32:49 μμ] CarmineAngelo: sec [8:32:57 μμ] CarmineAngelo: [8:28 μμ] 4ViCii: <<< 0717591401403456 [8:33:23 μμ] 4ViCii: to checkara molis twra einai koble ante des an dn me pisteueis [8:34:04 μμ] CarmineAngelo: w8 [8:34:16 μμ] CarmineAngelo: 0717 5914 0140 3456 [8:34:37 μμ] 4ViCii: nai auto einai [8:37:23 μμ] 4ViCii: gt to ekanes auto? [8:45:17 μμ] 4ViCii: filarako ti 8a ginei exeis dioria 5 lepta prin se kanw report kai sto lol alla kai sto maxcheaters esy apofasizeis... [8:48:49 μμ] 4ViCii: Loipon tsoglane epeidh den vlepw na se noiazei 8a fas to report sou kanonika kai 8a xaseis kai account sto mxc kai sto lol QQ sou twra.Epilogh sou htan... [8:49:05 μμ] 4ViCii: cheater vlaka Here are some photoes of the conversation: I hope you ban that kiddo. Note:If you want english translation i can make it.
  11. Hello guys.Is there any possibility to get cought from the customs if i receive a packet sended by ems from china?The transfer is from china to greece.Thank you.
  12. Update* I give 25 till 25 euro Payment method:Only paysafe card. Sorry for that guys It's for fckin personal reasons.I hope you understand.
  13. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=248491.0 lock it mods Finito:Banned and report to RIOT. Thanks a lot Finito.
  14. To mikro IQ ginetai eukola antilhpto.Apo atoma san esena pou epiti8ese sto sunomilith sou xwris o idios na se exei prokalesei.Na loipon poioi einai oi ouga ouga pou lete.Typoi san kai sena.Kalitera kapoios na einai agrammatos para na sou moiazei. Kapoios moderator na kleisei to topic giati 3efygame apo to 8ema. Kai euxaristw ton OverStyled gia to link.
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