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Everything posted by HellRuLeR

  1. maybe i should edit the options of no-ip?
  2. what things should i change in l2.ini in order to play..except from server address...??
  3. auto to eixa grapsei to kalokairi 3ana arxisa (gia to "telos to l2")
  4. Include me I'll join you for sure and if you want help with crest I am here :P Name:HellRuLeR
  5. ti prob pezei? edit: einai error sto GS.
  6. I decided to sell my char in l2 lastresort if you are intrested in buying him pm me here in forum. Site: l2lastresort.info Items: +25 heavy armor set,+25 jewels,Robe +20,+25 demonic bow,+25 demonic book,+25 demonic hammer -6 active skills: might,duel might,shield,focus,kiss of eva -price 10 euros -base class tyrant,subs=paladin,bishop (for more info pm me here in forum).
  7. also tell me archers dyes if you like I forgot them too :P
  8. Re magkes exw na pe3w poly kairo l2 kai dn 8imamai arketa pragmata,ena apo auto ine kai ta dyes merikwn char.Mporei kapoios na mou pei poia einai ta dyes gia soultaker?
  9. Hello leadies and gentlemen here is my first guide i am trying to do and i hope i'll satisfy you.This guide is based on league of legends webpage. Here is some info about who is Katarina: Katarina, The Sinister Blade As a militaristic state, it would perhaps come as no surprise that the primary responsibilities of Noxian women are raising strong children and providing succor for husbands who walk the path of soldiery. There are some, however, for whom nurture is not nature, and Katarina is just such a creature. Born the daughter of the feared Noxian General Du Couteau, the girl was always more interested in her father's knives than in the dresses, jewelry, and other trifles that her sisters spent so much time fussing over. A childhood dispute soon unveiled her uncanny knack for bloodshed, and her father, ever the opportunist, happily fostered her killer instincts. After training under the tutelage of the finest assassins the mighty city-state had to offer, Katarina first cut her teeth performing assassinations in the Ionian War. There, her ruthless mastery of the knife and dagger combined with her sadistic temperament to earn her the title Sinister Blade, a moniker that would follow her for the remainder of her career. She is most famous, however, for her exploits in the campaigns against Demacia, especially those surrounding her engagements with the nation's champion, Garen; a rivalry which began when she recovered the remains of Sion from a vanguard under his protection. With the demand for warfare somewhat arrested by the tenuous peace settling over Valoran, Katarina sought the allure of violence in its last remaining haven: The League of Legends. Some might say it was an inevitability that Katarina's chosen path would draw her to become a champion of the League, continuing to enforce the will of Noxus and bring prestige of war to her noble family. There, she continues to perform her bloody work - esteemed and reviled, feared and adored. ''The Sinister Blade of Noxus is like a black widow - beautiful, but deadly.'' Stats Damage 53 (+3.2 / per level) Health 395 (+83 / per level) Mana 0 (+0 / per level) Move Speed 325 Armor 14.75 (+4 / per level) Spell Block 30 (+1.25 / per level) Health Regen 1.39 (+0.11 / per level) Mana Regen 0 (+0 / per level) Recommended Items Doran's Shield Sorcerer's Shoes Rylai's Crystal Scepter Abyssal Scepter Banshee's Veil Zhonya's Ring Abilities Bouncing Blade - Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing magic damage. Katarina throws a dagger that hits up to 2/3/4/5/6 enemies, dealing 20/40/60/80/100 (+) magic damage. Each subsequent hit deals 10% less damage. Cost No Cost Range 600 Killer Instincts - Passive: Katarina's attacks deal increased damage. Active: Katarina's next basic attack has a bonus effect. Bouncing Blade deals full damage to every target hit and reduces incoming healing to the target, or after using Shunpo Katarina takes reduced damage for 3 seconds. Passive: Katarina's abilities and melee attacks deal 8/12/16/20/24 additional damage each hit. Active: Katarina's next basic ability has a bonus effect. Bouncing Blade: Deals full damage to every target it hits and applies 50% healing reduction for 10 seconds. Shunpo: Katarina takes 15/20/25/30/35% reduced damage from enemy attacks for 3 seconds. Cost No Cost Range 400 Shunpo - Katarina instantly moves to her target's location. If the target is an enemy, she deals damage. Katarina moves to her target's location. If the target is an enemy, she deals 90/120/150/180/210 (+0.75) magic damage to the target. Cost No Cost Range 700 Ulti: Death Lotus - Katarina goes into a state of extreme focus, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at up to three nearby champions. Katarina goes into a state of extreme focus, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at 3/3/3 enemy champions. Each dagger deals 50/65/80 plus the higher value between (0.3) or () in magic damage. Cost Channeled Spell Range 550 "Special" abillity: Voracity - After a kill or assist, Katarina gains 25 gold and her cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds. Tips * Try using Killer Instinct's active and Shunpo to increase your survivability while using Death Lotus. * Try waiting until the other team is distracted with fighting your team, and use Shunpo to teleport into the fray and unleash a devastating Death Lotus. * Using Shunpo on an ally or allied minion can be a great escape tactic. l Recommendes items(from me): grab a Doran's Shield instead of blade if u think u need the def more.After 1 or 2 kills u ll be able to buy Sorcerer's Shoes to hunt enemies easier and be able to get away when ur low on hp,then Relai's Scepter ,then buy hextech revolver.Depending on the enemy,if he feeds u buy mejai's soulstealer or if he doesnt buy Rabadon's Deathcap.And then choose any items u need depending on the circumstances. I hope you like it, HellRuLeR
  10. i suggest you now to get as items 2 phantom dancers,1 bloodthrister,boots for atck speed,infinity edge,and the last recommended item I tested and it works fine.I could kill 1v3 for fun.Try it. offtopic: Btw i found bug on vlad pm for info.....
  11. xa0x0a0xa0x0a0x0ax0a0x0a0x0ax0a0xa0 pezeis lol kai den 3ereis pws na deis ta leave sou?
  12. x0ax0a0x0a0xa0x0a0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa00xa0xa0xax0ax0a0xa0x0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0x0ax0ax0ax0ax0ax0a0xa0x0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0x0ax0a0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa0x0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0
  13. poios sou ema8e to kinhto screen o giannakis?Mia zwh 8a se gamaei o MIKE!Kai to exei apodei3ei ouk oliges fores..KOROIDO!
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