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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Κάθε μέρα και με έναν τόσο βοηθητικό οδηγό. Πίστεψέ με, μου έλυσε μερικές περιέργειες, σε λάθη που είδα ότι έκανα. Σίγουρα πολλοί θα βγουν ευχαριστημένοι από εδώ. Και επειδή αυτό δεν είναι κάτι που θα το δεις μία η δύο φόρες και άντε τελείωσα, θα πρότεινα να γίνει ένα Collection με τους οδηγούς σου, και να πάει Sticky. Καιρός να αφαιρεθούν μερικοί παλαιοί και μισοεξηγημένοι οδηγοί. +1 για την δουλειά σου. (Δεν ξέρω αν επιτρέπεται να σου ξαναδώσω από χθες, όμως αν είναι το διορθώνουν) Καλή συνέχεια και ευχαριστούμε!!!
  2. I know. haha. many thanks for the help. Lock it.
  3. Is it work? public void increaseLevel() { // Set the current HP and MP of the L2Character, Launch/Stop a HP/MP/CP Regeneration Task and send StatusUpdate packet to all other L2PcInstance to inform (exclusive broadcast) setCurrentHpMp(getMaxHp(), getMaxMp()); setCurrentCp(getMaxCp()); + if(Config.LEVEL_TELEPORT_ALLOWED) + + if (getLevel() == Config.LEVEL_COUNT) + teleToLocation(-84318,244579,-3730); + sendMessage("You will be teleporting on bla bla"); }
  4. Yeah... i have error on public void increaseLevel() but with public void increaseLevel1() is ok... what i can to do with this?
  5. It's ok like that? L2PcInstance + public void increaseLevel() + { + if (getLevel() == 20) + teleToLocation(-84318,244579,-3730); + }
  6. I want a code where when a player gets 20 level ie make him automatically teleport to a another area. I have create this, but nothing. if (activeChar.getLevel() == 20) _activeChar.teleToLocation(-84318,244579,-3730, true); Then what you need to work?
  7. Δεν θα γράψω ούτε ότι είναι τέλειος οδηγός, ούτε κάτι που είναι απλές λέξεις. Έκανες κάτι που όχι μόνο θα βοηθήσει, αλλά θα χρησιμοποιηθεί πολλοστές φορές. Ευχαριστώ γι'αυτόν τον οδηγό. +1 λοιπόν.
  8. When the player is on Olympiad Match get Name Color. config: Index: net/sf/l2j/config/l2jmods.properties # Specified reward item rnd qty ChampionRewardItemQty = 1 + +#--------------------------------------------------------------- +# Olympiad Custom Name Color +#--------------------------------------------------------------- OlympiadColorSystem = false OlympiadNameColor = FFF000 + ===== Index: net/sf/l2j/config.java public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_ID; public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY; + public static boolean OLYMPIAD_COLOR_SYSTEM; + public static int OLYMPIAD_NAME_COLOR; L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionRewardItemID", "6393")); L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionRewardItemQty", "1")); + OLYMPIAD_COLOR_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("OlympiadColorSystem", "false")); + OLYMPIAD_NAME_COLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + L2JModSettings.getProperty("OlympiadNameColor", "FFF000")); ===== Index: sf/l2j/gameserver/Olympiad.java //Remove Clan Skills if (player.getClan() != null) { for(L2Skill skill: player.getClan().getAllSkills()) player.removeSkill(skill,false); } + + //Olympiad Color Title + if (Config.OLYMPIAD_COLOR_SYSTEM) + { + if (player.isOlympiadStart()) + player.getAppearance().setNameColor(Config.OLYMPIAD_NAME_COLOR); + broadcastUserInfo(); + } + //Abort casting if player casting if (player.isCastingNow()) Well a second Code. When the player is on Olympiad Match get Title "Go Fight". config: Index: net/sf/l2j/config/l2jmods.properties # Specified reward item rnd qty ChampionRewardItemQty = 1 + #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad Custom Title #--------------------------------------------------------------- OlympiadTitleSystem = false OlympiadTitle = "Go Fight" + ===== Index: net/sf/l2j/config.java public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_ID; public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY; + public static boolean OLYMPIAD_TITLE_SYSTEM; + public static int OLYMPIAD_TITLE; L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionRewardItemID", "6393")); L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionRewardItemQty", "1")); + OLYMPIAD_TITLE_SYSTEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("OlympiadTitleSystem", "false")); + OLYMPIAD_TITLE = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("OlympiadTitle", "Go Fight")); ===== Index: sf/l2j/gameserver/Olympiad.java //Remove Clan Skills if (player.getClan() != null) { for(L2Skill skill: player.getClan().getAllSkills()) player.removeSkill(skill,false); } + + //Olympiad Title + if (Config.OLYMPIAD_TITLE_SYSTEM) + { + if (player.isOlympiadStart()) + player.getAppearance().setTitle(Config.OLYMPIAD_TITLE); + broadcastUserInfo(); + } //Abort casting if player casting if (player.isCastingNow()) Credit's:Me Thanks to Fanky for the correction
  9. Σίγουρα υπάρχουν, αλλά είχα server με αυτό το project, οπότε κάποια είναι ήδη fixed. Επίσης, εάν εσύ ο ίδιος θα ήθελες να ανοίξεις έναν Freya server θα διάλεγες το L2J Server, θα το έκανες Compile και θα περνούσες μέσα κώδικες, αυτό έκανα και εγώ. Είναι Based L2J Server. Απλά σε παροτρύνω από το να περάσεις μερικά από αυτά που ήδη έχει. Δεν είπα πως έχω κάνει ΔΙΚΟ ΜΟΥ project, απλά πως πέρασα μέσα στο L2J μερικά πράγματα. Από αύριο θα γίνει Update σε Java Side.
  10. Κάνεις μεγάλο λάθος. Ούτε prencofigured Pack, έχει τα source του. Μπορείς να δουλέψεις πάνω σε αυτό. Αν για σένα έτοιμο Project είναι το Frozen, τότε καλά μυαλά!
  11. Εγώ φίλε απ'όσο θυμάμαι, όταν είχα server με αυτό, δεν είχα πρόβλημα με το flag στην ολυμπιάδα. Όμως με το ctrl ναι.... θα τα κοιτάξω.
  12. Έχω πολύ καιρό να ασχοληθώ με ένα από τα 2 project που έχω κάνει. Σκέφτομαι αυτό εδώ, αυτές τις μέρες να το φτιάξω κάπως περισσότερο!
  13. Ευχαριστώ παιδιά! Έγινε ακόμη ένα μικρό Update τώρα!!!
  14. ΜΕΡΙΚΟΙ ΟΔΗΓΟΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΠΩΣ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΕΤΕ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΕΝΑΝ SERVER [Οδηγός]Πως να κάνετε Compile με Eclipse. By ExTrEmEDwarf [Guide][Guide]Πως θα ανοίξετε έναν L2j Gracia Final Server.(Και πως κάνουμε Compile)!!! By Papaditsa [Guide]Οδηγός , τα πάντα όλα για τους new-developers! By RєVєnGeR^ [Guide]Πως Ανοίγουμε Έναν L2 Interlude Server. + Compiled. By 'Baggo's ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΠΩΣ ΝΑ ΠΕΡΝΑΜΕ/ΦΤΙΑΧΝΟΥΜΕ ΚΩΔΙΚΕΣ [Guide]Πως Περνάμε Έναν Java Code! By 'Baggos' By Frunk ΔΙΑΦΟΡΟΙ ΑΛΛOI ΟΔΗΓΟΙ By 'Baggos' By 'Baggos' By 'Baggos' By xepimetheus By supermac By MusicMaker By Frank By Stefoulis15 By SkySkase By `BoØmBoØm By M@n80$ By Jokers By kr1n0s* By kr1n0s* By Vampirenios By MixMasteR By ExCaLiBuR® ΜΕΡΙΚΑ ΕΤΟΙΜΑ LINEAGE II PROJECTS By 'Baggos' By 'Baggos' By insaNNe By Mhoska By HardCoded By GOld3x
  15. GM SHOP/CUSTOM SHOP INTERLUDE [share] New Interlude GM Shop {StinkyMadness} [share][iL]Gm Shop (For Mid) [share] =*GM Shop*= (Interlude) [share] GM-Shop Interlude [share]Interlude GM Shop by LuckyStr1ke ***Updated*** : 18/6/2012 [share] New Special Gm Shop By Calesty & BRABUS !!! [share]GM Shop Interface [share]GM Shop For Interlude L2JFree [share]L2j GM Shop IL[updated] [share]GM Shop By †SanJi†[L2J] [share]Custom Shop [share]Custom Shop For IL. [share]Custom Shop[iL] [share]Custom Shop [iL] GM SHOP FREYA/H5 [share] GM Shop for High Five [Collection][share]AIO Freya Npc's [share] GmShop Freya - by mathuza [share]GmShop Freya [sHARE]Gm-shop/SA Manager for Freya GATEKEEPER INTERLUDE [share] special Gk-int by traixz [share]new special RB teleporter by traixz [sHARE]Custom Gatekeeper [share]Global Gatekeeper IL [share]Gatekeeper..For Newbies;) [iL - Share] Global Gatekeeper - For a Serious server! [sHARE] Custom GateKeeper for l2j. [share]Custom Zones GateKeeper, Made By *{Me}* (Interlude) [share] Farming GateKeeper [iL] [share] Perfect Gatekeeper!!!! [sHARE-UPDATED] L2J Interlude Gatekeeper With Custom Areas GATEKEEPER FREYA/H5 [share] freya gatekeeper by traixz [sHARE][Re-Upload] Gatekeeper for Freya [share]GateKeeper for L2j Freya! [share][Freya] Gatekeeper [share]Gatekeeper[Freya Ct2.5] [sHARE]Gatekeeper for Freya [share][Collection]All my npc's ( Freya-H5 ) BUFFER INTERLUDE [share]Interlude Buffer by Demy [share]L2j Interlude Buffer New....!!! [L2J Interlude] L2jx Buffer [share]NPC Buffer [iL] [share][iL]Buffer [share] Custom Buffer [iL] [share] NPC Buffers [iL] BUFFER FREYA/H5 [share] Ultra Buffer (Freya and H5) [sHARE]The best freya buffer [sHARE] xXxLooPxXx's Buffer (Freya CT2.5) [Collection][share]11 NPCs for High Five [share]L2j Hi5 client Buffer!!! ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ NPC'S [share](Freya) Raid Boss Observer npc. [share][Collection]All my npc's ( Freya-H5 ) [share]Npc's Collection By *=Dev=LaRrOuKoS* [Ct2.3] [Mega-Share] Vesper Jewels For Gracia PT2 [share]Npc's for your PvP Server (Interlude) [share]Augment manager by traixz [share]L2Server Manager [share][symbol Maker] [share] Npc Enchanter Freya [share]Rb manager by me CUSTOM WEAPONS/ARMORS [share Interlude ]Pack of Weapons By SkySkase [share] Black Vesper Armor + Weapons [interlude] By Avenger Fail [share][interlude] Chaos Vesper By Grr [share] Titanium Armor ( Freya ) By Pape90 [share][interlude] Ixion Armor By Grr [share] Dark Knight Armor (Interlude) By Grr [share] Ixion Armor Set {H5/Freya} *Updated* By d0ds™ [share] Tauti Celestial Armor [interlude By Avenger Fail [sHARE] Lady's Fan*Lady's Fan {IL} By Stefoulis15 [share] Dinasty Pyro Weapons [iL] By NeferTiti [share]Silver Platinum Armor[interlude] By Dev [share]Ice Armor ]Gracia Final[ By Devangell™ [share] Olympus Armor Set (all races) Full Pack {Freya-H5} By d0ds™ [share] Poseidon Armor - Cold Soul Set{Freya/H5} By d0ds™ [share] Black Chaotic Weapons [CT2.5] By CriticalError [share] Celestial Weapon "Caladbolg" for CT2.5 By Jøker [share]All L2Pride Weapon(s) - Armors.[iL] By NewDivide [share][interlude]All Ixion Weapons to C6 By johnscott [share][High 5]Aion Bow Xeon By I-LeO-I [share] Embryo Weapons {Freya/H5} By d0ds™ [share]Vesper Cyber weapons[Ct2.3] By Devangell™
  16. JAVA CODES FIXES/PROTECTION SIDE: [share]Alternative damage for dagger skills [share]Pre frenzy and other shits for IT [share] Java CP Exploit Fix [share] Fix PvP Summon [share]Pvp Boting Protection [share]Moving Flood Protection [share]Multisell bug fix [share]Fix for augment stucking (transformation exploit) [share]Olympiad Anti Dual Box - The Simple Way [share]Trade bug fix] [share]No enchant near wh [share]L2WalkerProtection Fix! (Anti-Bot) [share]Anti feed same ip (Party-Clan etc) [L2J Contest - Share] Cute Anti Olympiad Farm Method[updated!] [share] Trade bug fix v1 for Interlude [share][Fix]Attacking in peace zone! [share] More 99% Enchant Protection Enchant Protection Packet [share] Java Anti-Phx Enchant [share] Anti Critical Error PHX [share] Java Anti-Phx Announce [share-Java Code] Solution For Corrupt GM's [share]OverEnchant Fix! (Anti-Hacker) [share]Anti-Pk Protection for low level characters [share] Server Bypass Protection. [share]Symbol(dyes) Bug fix OTHER SIDE: [share]PvP skills reward. [share] Newbie Zone [share]Visual NPC to PC transform [Freya/High Five] [share] Castle Cloaks for High Five [share]PvP Color system [share]Enchant System for custom servers [share]Refresh your buffs time. [share] Custom PvP Reward System [share]Deaths Counter [share]Reward PvP/pk System and Altenative Pk System [share]Custom Shift+Click on character [share]PvP Rewards table [share]PvP Skill Reward System [share] Combo PvP System v2 - Updated :3 [share] PvP Nobless NPC Hi5 & Freya [share] Anti - Heavy System - IL [sHARE]H5 clan leader color hero color and special color for clan leader & hero [share] Combo PvP System - Nice mod for PvP. [share]Clan Leader Name*Title & Members Title Color [share]Balance Classes [share]Hero Effect For New Players. [share]Auto Flag at PvP Zones [sHARE]Online Players Up Right On The Screen. [share] Hero, Donator Announce (Config Included) [share] Mail for Community Frozen [share][Gr][Enchant Armor Effect.(Hero Aura)] [share]Scroll For Clan rep points [share]Enchant Chance by Weapon Type [share]Disarm skill for Interlude [share][Gr]Clan Reputation Item [share]Pvp Auto Enchant System [share]Donators skills Dropped enchanted items from mobs Disable weapon for classes v.2 (aCis) [share] Rec Item [sHARE]Subclass maximum lvl 85 [share] Any subclas on any Grand Master [RE-SHARE] Interlude Admin Panel [share]Level Reward System [share]Announce Hero Login [sHARE]Hero skill for subclass in a different way! [share] Custom Starting GoldBar [share]Mob Counting System [updated][share]Screen Message!(No Client Modding) [share][GR]Ευκαιρία leader να βοηθησει τα members του κανοντας απλα Pvp [sHARE]No item consumption [sHARE] Noblesse Custom Item [sHARE] Interlude Retail Olympiad [share] Change class without go to cat [sHARE] Disabled Attribute system [share]Custom Max Level [share] Normal Players Can Equip Hero Weapons [share] Announce Hero,Noble,GM,Donator,New Char In Login Share Custom Tattoo's Share][Custom Class Master] /*Java*/ [share]Change Respawn Location [share] Quake PvP Announce me Effect! [share]Chance augument skill and glow [share]Namer System. [share]Custom Enchant System [share]Add Exp And Sp At Pvp!!! [Guide] Announcement spawn Raid boss. [share]Enchant Hero Weapons [share] name server on restart [share - L2JFrozen]Server Name On Server Time On Start! [share]Starting custom items [share]Custom PvP Related Hero Status + Announce including [share]Hero reward for pvps [share] Change Spawn For New Characters (l2jfree) [share] Color Community Board [share] Teleport to other player for an item [share]Mana Potion in pvp [share]Startings Buffs [share] Custom Jail Quest [share]Clan lvl 9 & 10 for IL [share] Crystal/Blessed Scrolls Max Enchant [share]Don't Remove Buffs On Death [sHARE] Custom starting lvl [share] Java Code LvL 80 SubClass Fake PCs, NPCs as PCs[Hi5 100%] [share]Restore HP,MP,CP [share] Damage configuration, Useful for PvP Servers [share]If you have this item you will get double XP [share] /unstuck teleports you in ADEN [share][iL]Fireworks & Social Action (victory) When Login! & Enchant Announce [share][Freya] Killing Spree [share]Anti buff shield [sHARE] PC Bang Points] [share] Configurable GM Message !! BUFFER SIDE: L2j Freya Scheme Buffer.JAVA Fully working AIO buff system [share] Sell Buff System [share] Simple instanced buffer. [share] Script Buffer For Interlude [share]Core Buffer [share] Sell Buff System Interlude (L2jFrozen.948) COMMANDS SIDE: [share]Voiced Command Buffer! [share] Name Colors with Command ¦ [share] SetTeam Admin Command [share]Vote for the next auto event [GR][share].yes .no voting System [share]sit,stand,rangesit,rangestand admin commands [share]Join and leave olympiad commands [share]Voiced Command .heal .cancel!! [share]Grand Bosses Commands [share] .levelup and .leveldown command [share]Voiced Command Buffer! [sHARE].earthquake command [share].help VoicedCommand [share] Vote Buff .rewardme Command [sHARE]VoiceCommand .teleport [place] [share] Admin voiced command //recallall [share] Admin Command Mass Hero [share] .cl voice command - Teleports you to your clan leader [share][GR].giran Teleport Command! Interlude [share].increasepvp command! [share] .nobless Voiced Command [share].pvp Voice Command [share]Give Item voiced command [Guide] .info Voice command handler - L2JFREE [share].reward VoiceCommand [share] DressMe command + VCH in bypass Comand .Dressme for weapon and armor. [share] Gear Command - v1 , soon v2 coming out! [share][updated] Transformation Voiced Command [iL] [share] Vote For The Server Restart [share] Online Players Voiced Command for L2J (Updated) ! [share]Blessed Soe In Command! [share] .stat Voice Command - Info about target [share][Freya] TvT Commands VOTE REWARD SYSTEM SIDE: [share]Hopzone & topzone vote reward system. [share]New HOPZONE vote reward system [GR][sHARE]Vote Reward System[FREYA]!! [JAVA][HOT] Multiple site support vote reward system [ Share ] Hi5 Vote Reward configurable [ Topzone - Hopzone ] [share]AutoVoteReward Topzone [share] Freya HoP/ToP Zone Vote Reward [share-Gift] HopZone Vote Reward [iT] EVENTS SIDE: [L2J Contest - Share] Triple TvT Event [share] Event Engine [L2J Contest - Share] Raid Event - Interlude [share]LastHero Event [share] Automatic Quiz Event [share] Quiz Event [share] DeathMatch Event [share] Last Man Standing Event [share] Phoenix Engine [share]TVT Kill Reward [share][GR]Αυτοματο Hidden Drop Event [share] Event is a capture of base [share]PvP Event(Semi auto). [share]PC Bang Points Event [share] Automized GvE Event Engine CASINO SIDE: [sHARE] Kino [share]L2jSigmo's Casino [sHARE] Casino Mafia by Ovenus
  17. Επειδή όλοι λέτε πάρε L2J κάνε addapt Java Codes, λοιπόν αν πάρουν το L2JFrozen, εφόσον ο άλλος ξέρει, που θα είναι το πρόβλημα?
  18. Πρέπει να είσαι πάνω από 18. Όπου και αν πας, για να τραβήξεις τα λεφτά, θέλει αληθινά στοιχεία. Θα σου ζητήσει και φωτογραφία της ταυτότητάς σου!!! Τέσπα, μία άλλη εταιρία είναι η Bwin.
  19. 1) Σου απάντησε ο Knipex. 2) Πέρασες τα Script, μα άλλαξε τα Imports, αν σου λέει στο GS για Database Factory, απλά σβήσε αυτή την γραμμή από init. 3) θα το κάνεις με πρόγραμμα. ΔΕΣ ΕΔΩ
  20. 1) Σου απάντησε ο Knipex. 2) Πέρασες τα Script, μα άλλαξε τα Imports, αν σου λέει στο GS για Database Factory, απλά σβήσε αυτή την γραμμή από init. 3) θα το κάνεις με πρόγραμμα. ΔΕΣ ΕΔΩ
  21. Μπορώ να σου δώσω Κάρμα, όμως θα ήταν καλύτερα πρώτα να κάνεις και με τα υπόλοιπα RB το ίδιο. Πολύ καλή η ιδέα αυτή, ακόμη καλύτερη για όλα! Αν δω περισσότερη προσπάθεια, σίγουρα θα το αξίζετε και όχι μόνο από μένα!
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