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Posts posted by 'Baggos'

  1. @Tryskell I completely agree with what you said(I don't have an opinion on BR users, so I can't say I agree or disagree), and thank you for providing all this information to protect users. I've never liked it when scammers target people who don't know the basics, and it still upsets me when I hear that they fall victim.

    Of course, I expect my payment, no good deed goes unpaid. 😂
    (Unfortunately, I see everyone talking about aCis everywhere, but no one came out to thank those who work to keep Interlude as clean and as stable as possible.)

  2. Hello everyone,

    Unfortunately, both Lineage II and the maxcheaters forum for this particular game have seen a significant decline in recent years.

    I would like to write two things regarding your purchases on l2jpacks at this time. You must be very careful when looking for a developer or a user to sell or collaborate with you as a developer on the project you want to use to open a server. There are very few trustworthy individuals left who also have the experience to give you what you want. I receive many messages that people have fallen victim, not only from here on maxcheaters, but also from Discord.
    Do not message old users who are no longer active because they may easily have an old project on hand that they will sell to you as "the best". It may have been one of the "best" in its time, but without updates, the best now becomes the worst.

    Pay attention to your purchases and actively consult individuals from this forum who have the reputation that shows they are trustworthy. We are now in 2024, and projects like jfrozen really are not worth your time. They have stopped receiving updates for many years, and you will find yourself fixing A, only to encounter a problem with B, and then C, and so on. Projects without updates really do not deserve any of your time. This has always been true!

    I want to thank maxcheaters, which has helped me since 2010 to evolve into a user who, self-taught with the help of this forum, works alone on jpacks. I want to give my respect to jacis, who still works on the project and keeps Interlude alive. Also, much respect to the users who help for free in the help sections and those who still share codes and guides.

    Best regards to everyone, and be careful what you buy and from whom!

    btw, I'm no  longer active user to jpacks. Do not message me, I can't help you, and thank for your trust.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, LoVe+ said:


    I've thought about this in the past, but I don't think it's feasible to do it the way the Lineage 2 client works, at least not for the older clients. However, there are definitely ways to implement a form of in-game communication, but not like how it's done in FiveM, for example.


    I don't have the exact knowledge to answer with certainty, but I believe that the way to achieve this requires a lot of knowledge both in the client, where the client plays the biggest role as it is the primary source of every sound you receive but also give through the microphone, regardless of whether you hear from various sources, as well as good knowledge of Java to adjust many malfunctions and spam that may arise.


    Also, regarding the chat GPT, it's important to value human opinion more than any other medium. I dislike this particular tool, and as long as it's not necessary in my life, I won't use it.

    • Like 1
  4. Hello everyone!

    Lineage II has some nice and entertaining events on its own, but they have been forgotten as no server has ever utilized them. I modified the retail Monster Race event so that it could be useful for servers.


    Here's how it works now:

    • The time has been reduced and it starts every 15 minutes.
    • Instead of adena, you can choose to bet any item you want. The betting amounts are 10/20/30.
    • Monsters talk to each other to create some "competition" between them. There is a delay of several minutes between messages. The video has been cut.
    • Added reward for second winner. The first and second winners will give a random odds between 0.4 and 0.5 || calculateOddsForLanes() works with another new way.
    • The first winner gets 100% of the betting amount while the second winner gets only 60% of the betting amount.
    • Players can buy as many tickets as they want without any bugs occurring, as the amount returned is much less if they buy all 8 lanes.
    • The name of the winner has been added to the SQL & HTML to display the top runners in the latest games.
    • No matter what Item ID you will use, the HTML will automatically recognize the name of the item so that it appears on the ticket purchase.
    • A significant clean-up has been done on the code to avoid any errors and to make it written in a more modern style, in a way.


    In short, it has been modified to function as an event that can entertain players and offer a very good reward, making the event necessary for players.

    All the odds above are indicative and can be changed as you wish, just be careful of any bad amounts that may cause huge rewards for players.


    code preview

    download link



    • Like 4
  5. Hello everyone!


    Below you will find a simple tutorial for new players, showing the basics and helping them acquire some items.

    • For every mob kill, they will receive/learning something different.
    • The TutorialHTML runs to explain various things to them.
    • Once the Quest is completed, they will receive 20,000 adena as a reward and have the option to either go to Town or somewhere else to continue their exp.
    • You can create the HTML exactly as you like it. 


    core preview

    download files



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    • Upvote 2
  6. 1 hour ago, scantraxx7777 said:

    Lucera and Mobius seems to be the most active and worth buying it.
    For ordinary Admins that doesnt have much knowledge is better, since they dont know what to do with the source anyway.

    It is wrong to say "let's promote the project without sources to those who don't have knowledge." As a seller, you are taking advantage of someone who trusts your project, and first and foremost, it is wrong as a person to lead others to failure.
    Why failure?

    • Without sources, they will never learn what it offers to players.
    • Without sources, they will never become familiar with what they are working on.
    • Without sources, they will waste more time in support rooms than actually managing the server itself.

    However, in 2023, it is wrong for Maxcheaters to accept projects without sources since there is no way to help, no matter how much we want to help.


    If you truly "love" what you do, you will learn to work on it and even the basic and difficult things you will encounter by editing java sources.
    I started in 2009 with a simple notepad, without photos, without video, to open an L2 server on my PC for fun.
    Not knowing English, not knowing anything about java or any other programming language, as the years passed I learned the basics and even more on my own.

    What is the point of what I am writing? It is that, if you really want to learn something, you will do it no matter how difficult it is.
    By purchasing a project that does not give you the option to work on it yourself, then you start from scratch and end up with nothing.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Trance said:


    There are various factors that may prevent a user who uses the code from integrating Google Captcha to work properly with their server, considering that it requires a process to create an API and use it on their side.

    I was thinking of something different, perhaps sending a PM directly to the player with a 3-digit random number(nothing to do with Google, a PM directly from the server) where the player would have to type it once they receive the number in the PM to complete the specific quiz.
    I don't think Adrenaline has the ability to read PMs and type the number that the player will receive in the PM.

    Maybe in the coming days, I will look into this further.

  8. Hello everyone!
    Below is a simple MathQuiz where every x number of monsters the player kills, a window appears(if the MathQuizTaskManager is running) asking them to write an even number.
    If they answer correctly to the 1st question, the next step will ask for the addition of two random numbers between 1 and 10.

    The following mod does not provide high protection against bots, it is simply an action that will reduce the number of bots on the server to those who are not familiar enough to bypass it.


    How it works?

    • After a specific number of monsters (set in the XML file), the QuizTaskManager will start running. For example, if this number is 10 minutes, and a player reaches the required number of kills (set in the XML file) within that time period, an HTML window will appear. (Ex. If you kill 10 monsters, in the next 15 minutes a HTML window appears, unless if that time passed but you're in town).
    • If the QuizTaskManager starts running but the player moves to a town/village, the QuizTask will stop running and the killsCount goes 0.
    • Once the HTML is displayed, the player can continue to kill monsters and do whatever he wants without affecting his gameplay. The required number of monsters will not continue to increase if the player does not complete the Quiz. If the quiz is not completed, the player will either be transported to town or disconnected, depending on your XML file settings.
    • In the XML file, you will find the settings to set the values you want for the time Quiz Task needs to run, how many monsters the player needs to kill, the time they have to answer, what the punishment is, and how many attempts they can have.
    • Locate the Even number:
      It will display a pair of numbers consisting of an even and an odd number. They will have to type the even number that will be given to player randomly each time.
    • If the player doesn't answer within the required time or answers incorrectly after x attempts, depending on the punishment you have defined in the XML file, the appropriate action will be taken in 5 seconds.
    • Easy to apply into your sources.

    Code review: https://pastebin.com/71hEjgdu
    download patch diff: https://mega.nz/file/JjgWUAQS#vRyGA6Spn6UJcjiQGfh1gY47yoPuOFZlcUKgs0KWQy4



    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, MegaCheat said:

    thanks guys very mutch

    the problem is chronical Hi5

    Just changes the imports. Only in KillingSpreeTaskManager you get errors.

    Remove imports, rename Player to L2PcInstance and press Ctrl + Shift + O


    Instead of var change it to int


    World.announceToOnlinePlayers("Player " + getName() + ": reached " + value + " kills in a row!", true);


    And put

    Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player " + getName() + ": reached " + value + " kills in a row!", true);

  10. 1 hour ago, SpiritOfDarkness said:

    Thank you very much !!!


    Just to inform you, at your xml file, crystal type should be S Grade. Check other S grade items. 

    That's not for your icon issue, just for enchant. If the crystal type remains B or A, you can't enchant with S grade scroll, even if you change the grade icon from armorgrp.

  11. Hello maxcheaters,


    Since many users ask me in dms to "pay" me to update the bellow share for Epic boss manager, and not worth any payment for shared things, I updated it for aCis 401 but with many changes.


    Share uses the retail NPCs [Adventure Guildsman]. Those NPCs are spawned in many towns. If you wish, you can edit all of them. I just edit Giran's NPC.

    What's inside?

    • NPC Infom you the location for all Raidbosses as retail. This one, gives you the droplist of the Raidboss/Grandboss.
    • Droplist of all Raid/Grand bosses.
    • The info about Respawn time for Raidbosses [getRespawnTime not including at aCis 401, that's why users ask for update]
    • GrandbossInfo script:
      Informs for respawnTime,
      the Entry time if someone enter,
      allow you to Observe the battle between players and grandboss,
      Announce only if Grandboss is engaded in battle or Baium is awake.
    • iconData.xml 
      Since all shared iconData are bad coding, I share mine.


    Code only for review: https://pastebin.com/hzvqu9S9

    Download link: https://mega.nz/file/ciR3BLZR#L_Lo32V35IRm3d7JEBDeG7O7mVeoo6EFYGjV_JUd0-g

    Check at the following images:




    • Like 3
    • Upvote 3
  12. 12 hours ago, MegaCheat said:

    Hallo Max who can see if this code correct 

    I want after  10 points not to lost the points on tvt 


    What you mean exactly in this line? If you have 10 points(what those points are?) you don't want to loose those 10 points?

    If points get 0 after a value of 10, then somewhere in your code, is a check that set the points to 0.


  13. Hello everyone.


    I just edited the recipes.xml and I put different materials in some recipes. 

    The problem is that, in recipe shop doesn't show the materials that I put but it shows the retail materials that needs to create a item. When I try to craft, it working with the materials that I put.

    It's client problem? I tried to modify RecipeItemMaker and Recipe java files but nothing seems to work.. 

    Any ideas?


    Thanks advance.

  14. 10 hours ago, iliasgsxr1000 said:

    mesa sto databaseinstaller elege 5.5 egw evala to 5.7 alla me to java sto gameserver.bat m exei errors polla kati ginete me to compile apo oti katalaba .Otan exw java 8 den kanei kan log in sto paixnidi me 11 kanei alla exw ta errors . 😄

    Σβήσε όλα τα java και κράτησε μόνο αυτό που απαιτεί ο server. Αν 401, κράτησε μόνο το 11. Το 401 με την τελευταία mysql ή MariaDB θα ανοίξει κανονικά. 


    Στο eclipse θα κάνεις install jdk 11 μέσα από το πρόγραμμα. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Destorion said:


    Done! Thank you for your participation! Good luck 🙂 🙏❤️ 


    Thanks buddy. Just to mention something, if I win, just send the money somewhere you think are needed like "Φλόγα" for childhood cancer treatment or "Χαμόγελο του παιδιού", and just send me the picture of the donate.


    Good luck everyone!

  16. 27 minutes ago, iliasgsxr1000 said:

    kalhspera eyxaristw gia tis apanthseis tha ksanadokimasw.Baggo entometaksei afto to source pou brhka logika einai diko sou opote pisteyw tha bgalw akrh 🙂 giati grafei combiled by baggos

    Θα είναι παλιό αν το γράφει αυτό. Καλύτερα να κατεβάσεις ένα πιο καινούριο rev από acis. Θα σου πρότεινα το 381.

    Επίσης, πήγαινε στο database_installer και θα δεις πιο mysql θέλει. 5,7 ή 5,8 και από Java, εκείνο θέλει το Java 8.

  17. Καλησπέρα.

    Η αλήθεια είναι ότι το acis έχει αλλάξει πολλά από τα class του για τους περισσότερους κώδικες εδώ μέσα. Αυτό κατά την γνώμη μου, κάνει δύσκολη την "ζωή" για κάποιον που ξεκινάει τώρα, δεδομένου ότι θα πρέπει να κατέχει γνώσεις, τις βασικές τουλάχιστον, για να γράψει έναν ήδη shared code. 


    Θα σου πρότεινα να βρεις και να ασχοληθείς πάνω στο 381, αλλά αυτό θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να χάσεις τα "bug fixes/rework" κτλπ που υπάρχουν έως το 401. Όμως, θα είναι μία καλή αρχή μέχρι να μάθεις τα βασικά, και να πειραματιστείς. Ακόμη και να ασχοληθείς για να ανοίξεις server πάνω στο 381. 




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