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Everything posted by NumL0ck

  1. How make then you in combat mode, not in karma or flag, but IN COMBAT MODE. You can't use TP?
  2. i looked, but how?
  3. How make you can't close window
  4. Can anyone help to me? Because after this error, server don't load. How fix?
  5. How do, that pet no need food or how remove food from pet? How make that you can't target pet?
  6. [Hidden post: You need 2 karma to see it. You currently have 0.] It will be very good if make only with topic... Sorry for spam, but i think its very usefull code.
  7. lock it...
  8. bla bla bla
  9. yes i'm scamer, best hacker in the world, now i'm scaming one of the best bank, because i don't have sponsor:(
  10. ;D ;D
  11. if any one interested, please contact me via skype: lineage.forever also you can find it in website
  12. This server need sponsor. http://lineage2forever.eu
  13. its very easy to do this, because it is votepanel from elfocrach transformed into this. So its not your work:) and make this in kill rows very very easy:)
  14. thanks, lock it.
  15. fixed, thanks to Grr, lock it.
  16. i found this if it help i say: http://l2topzone.com/forum/l2-guides/%28guide%29-how-to-make-peace-zone/
  17. you don't understand i need make custom zones peace but how? as i remember need zone_verticales.sql etc etc...
  18. Hello how make custom peace zone, because i don't wanna players pk in lvl etc... guards sux;D big thanks for help! :)
  19. how make private stores (buy/sell) works only example in giran on search i don't find, so please, help me, and don't lock post...
  20. my english is bad, explain better
  21. How make example only here sell/buy shops works?
  22. thanks, but can you put flood protector because, i can all time use refresh
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