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Everything posted by NumL0ck

  1. no, but if you think its allright in rev938, i think bug fixed:)
  2. say where need search, because i'm newbie on this fucking machine eclipse;D
  3. no frozen, rev 938, augment bug only in 936? because i find post in frozen forum and post here, in this good devs forum!
  4. no, example When you casting skills example you are sps and go farm you farming casting skills and boom you release skill, i need make that you have chance to release my custom skill, example chance 20% skill vampiric rage
  5. The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (25000 characters). so here enterworld.java https://www.assembla.com/code/L2jFrozenInterlude/subversion/nodes/trunk/gameserver/head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java
  6. you helped, but i don't know how add noble skill and remove heal skill //noble code here //code for re-adding heal skill(s)
  7. How make then i hiting with example dagger i have 20% chance to release example stun
  8. there's augmentation bug, when peoples buy a lot of items ( can be non,d,c,b,a,s grade ) and do restart some of all items become with augment. How to fix that?
  9. How make then you go into example primeval island you can't use bishop heal or other heal and gain auto noblesse? Thanks for help!!!
  10. no no you don't understand, its from teleport in navicat, then i teleport everywhere i don't teleport in my selected location i teleported a little bit random, how make not random?
  11. Maked by myself, vampir :DD, lock it
  12. Thanks for help, lock it!
  13. Please help to me... These tips don't help to me so much i understand but i can't make it...
  14. How make then player kill you, message to you example: Killed by MaxCheaters it's will be great then you killed example your self from high fail or from mob don't say Killed by
  15. yes and a bit random from chooesn location, how remove that? Here's my spawn in example lvl zone: -71433 258285 -3111
  16. i delete all quests, didn't helped.
  17. Please help, i don't understand how...
  18. all quests are disabled
  19. i don't understand, but thanks for your time...
  20. how remove ! from npc?
  21. L2TeleportLocation list = TeleportLocationTable.getInstance().getTemplate(val); if(list != null) { //you cannot teleport to village that is in siege if(!SiegeManager.getInstance().is_teleport_to_siege_allowed() && SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ()) != null && !player.isNoble()) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE)); return; } else if(!SiegeManager.getInstance().is_teleport_to_siege_town_allowed() && TownManager.getInstance().townHasCastleInSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY()) && !player.isNoble()) { player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE)); return; } else if(player.isInCombat()) { player.sendMessage("Can't teleport while you are in combat!"); player.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage("Can't teleport while you are in combat!", 5000)); return; }
  22. Don't working, only then i hiting mob i can teleport, but then mob hiting me i can teleport...
  23. i need char be | not <
  24. Then character spawn or teleports he spawns not | directly but in > Right or back:D I think you understand me. How fix this and make char be directly like this |
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