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Everything posted by IrreligiouS

  1. Ha ha, awesome. You can escape, but there is a chance that You will be jailed +10 min ! lol, cool temptation :P Thx, really nice share !
  2. Very nice one ! I love this idea ! I will test if for sure ! Downloaded. Thx again !
  3. Thx kali ^^ But his Geo still have to be fixed - fortress are buged as hell. Walls, gates - I can walk through them... Anywa, thx for this :)
  4. Nice one, really nice mob ! To bad, that this is leech from Sacrifice...Thx for it, but stop leeching Sacri Patch :/ BB
  5. Pokemon Jewels ? Bleh, dont like this idea - its more like for kids, lawl :P
  6. He should make pink pills for this pet as well :P God work, but pink color - I dont like it :P Thc anyway
  7. @ up Well, You have to know that You will have a lot of work to do :P
  8. ha ha, lol - no. They where made by NCsoft ! :D Chandy just took them for CT2.3. And so far I found Ave modded Tysandy Bow for now.
  9. Aaaa ! Finaly ! I found it ! :D I was searching for it from a long time ! Thx my friend !
  10. So You dont know how to add patch ... ? Or what ? ???
  11. Hmmm, looks like vago pvp color, but thx anyway.
  12. I like them both ^^ Thx a lot ^^ Really nice work.
  13. Ok, as I se You still dont understand. If You want to use Your (custom) splash screen do what CE told You, but... If You want to use ONE screen - while each L2.exe start will be showed one ONE type of splash screen You need to edit whole splash screen from systexture (from _01 to _10 - for chronicles to CT2.2, and from _01 to _12 for chronicles from CT2.3 and newer) and make them look the same... Got it ? Bye
  14. G, then better close this topic ! :-X ;D Miss You Ave :'( Bye
  15. And this shadow is ... ? Or his name should be spoken ?
  16. And let me guess - Freya Armors, huh ? But maybe next time You will use PM ? Cus
  17. Hmmm, You have just put them together, right ? Those are others works, but thx for making it for those 3 chronicles ^^ Cya
  18. I dont like...It's ok, but at the end not so awesome. But thx anyway.
  19. I have to say that this is VERY USEFUL tool ! Really, thx a lot my friend, I will use it for sure :) Bye
  20. Hmmm, good one...for start :P Keep up ^^ Thx
  21. Devangell - and You see ? You even have serious problem with reading...LauQ already told You how it was. But all HIS latest shares from HIM were gone after GrisoM banned his account. So please, better dont say nothing if You dony know how it really was... Bye
  22. good work mate thanks a lot for adaptation
  23. Well, Ave is banned, so he cant reshare it. Bye
  24. Ha ha, nice one - but I'am still using Opera anyway ! :P
  25. Thx kali, nice to see, that here is still someone that knows what client modding means ... Stupid +1 karma for such huge work is nothing ...
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