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Everything posted by IrreligiouS

  1. This is the description that You will find at Yours itemname-e.dat file :) Change it whatever You want. Bye
  2. Well, as I told You at the second Error type - You have messed up in Your weapongrp.dat ^^ You have put 2 textures, and first of them is at the ANIMATION place :) You deleted animation for You bow, so tell me how You texture will appear ? Remove at Your first code "custom.textur.bow" and place oryginal path to animation. Second mark (custom.textur.bow) for Your texture is ok. Bye
  3. "Golden.." ? ??? And where is the gold ? Texture quality suck...and colors are even worst. Sorry, I dont like it :/
  4. Just quote the code....
  5. Nice, but what part of this sword is animated ? ??? Blade ? This red/pink color is changing or what ? Thx anyway
  6. Error 1: When You have info that Your files are corrupted problem can be solved by encrypting *.utx file - like You already told :) Error 2: If You can't see Your custom item in game, problem can be in armorgrp/weapongrp *.dat file (wrong path to texture) or You messed up something in *.xml file that You made for Your item. But normaly when You messed up something in *.xml file there will be warring in GameServer logs :) If Your *.xml file was loaded and You still can't see Your item, go into Your *.dat file and check if everything is ok. Bye
  7. Well, I dont think that You will be able to do something like that...All textures are basically made for high graphic mode. When You use atl+p (low frame mode) texture is changing by pixelising. This mode is using PixelShader levels, and simply cant change it...There is no way to make texture looks like at high res mod while You use low res mode... Bye
  8. I really don't like it - at all...Blade should be rotated (now is f*$%ed), this "thing" from antharas is to big and textures where untouched to make them look as a one part of item. Maybe its a good try, but at the end it suck :/ Bye
  9. Very nice share...Thx You for re-sharing it ^^ Bye
  10. There will be no rest of weapons set like this, coz Ave is banned :) Try to use Tysandy weapons from Freya client, but they will be without animations. Bye
  11. Devangell™ You really shouldn't be doing this - this is not Your work, and if You don't know, AVE IS BANNED ! So stop share his work for ppl who don't give a shit about him ! Stop re-sharing his work ! He is banned, there shouldn't be re-share of his work for ppl who banned him !
  12. Ok, as I see You dont know this armor at all, just like You dont know Ave ^^ 1. Armor is called OLYMPUS FIRE ! At the beginning it was called Vesper Ice Armor, but it was something like "prototype version". At the end, armor get called as OLYMPUS FIRE. Why ? Because Olympus Fire was blue / iced one ^^ 2. There is only Human Heavy part, not whole set. Bye
  13. Black glow ?? ::) There cant be black glow at all...All colors that going to black are transparent...So how You want to get the black glow ? ::) You can change glow like it was at LauQ SS mod, but thats all....
  14. OK, thx man, I will try that - I hope that this will work for me as well ^^ Cus
  15. So what do You mean ? Just remove "activechar" part from code ? And make it like this: + case 5: + ExShowScreenMessage case5 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 5 killing spree!", 10000); + sendPacket(case5); + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player: " + getName() + " :reached 5 kill in a row!"); + break; or like this: + case 5: + ExShowScreenMessage case5 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 5 killing spree!", 10000); + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player: " + getName() + " :reached 5 kill in a row!"); + break; ?
  16. Hmm, but isint the victory clan already get their reward ? THE CASTLE ?
  17. Hi, Listen, I was adding this code manually, to the latest L2JFree pack (rev.8149). While compilation I get this: What is wrong with this ? I will be grateful from info or help ^^
  18. +1 ! This is what i meant to in my first post...
  19. Isin't it already shared ? www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=a1dbbfa64cbe58314b37d664e6154518&topic=130954.0 Anyway, thx...
  20. ALREADY SHARED ! www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=2cb484c5724ed8d9448c4957190d9a6c&topic=116204.0 Man, search before You post...If You cant make something new, check if thing that You want to adapt wasn't already shared...::) Bye
  21. You know...from childhood >:( xD
  22. Hmm, not so bad - I like Your idea, but this "thing" at the top of the hood seems a little bit...funny, I think :P Looks like from teletubbies ^^
  23. Spammer detected >:( http://i42.tinypic.com/358dqft.png Cus
  24. Well, I saw it at L2Brasil :] Seems You took it and adapt for Interlude... Thx anyway BTW: Orc texture is more red, because the original Dark Vesper Armor at Orc have different color as well - at original Dark Vesper this yellow (or orange, i dont know :P) color is a little bit different than the same color at Human race for e.g. :) So...when autor put the red color whole over the place, Orc armor still have different color anyway. Cya
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