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  1. Hi, I need help with aggression in Raid Boss, some players have told me that Aggression, Aura of hate, etc. They have very little chance in boss raid. They are good in players but the raid bosses do not fit, does anyone know how to solve it? I use L2jSunrise H5
  2. good contribution! do not have the files for the server?
  3. I was able to make it work, thank you very much everyone, please closed!
  4. thanks, I'll check if I can adapt it.
  5. I am trying to implement anti dualbox when entering the Queen ant zone. I already have a level check, which is working fine. But I need to add a check so that no more PCs with the same IP can enter Could someone help me? I don't know why the IP check doesn't work for me I am a newbie at this Use Java 8 private void checkCharacter(L2Character character, boolean isPet) { final L2PcInstance player = character.getActingPlayer(); int count = 0; for (L2PcInstance p : L2World.getInstance().getPlayers()) { if ((p.getIPAddress() == player.getIPAddress()) && (p.getObjectId() != player.getObjectId())) { count++; } else { continue; } } if (count > 0) { player.getActingPlayer().teleToLocation(-14417, 123749, -3117); player.sendMessage("Ya existe otro player con tu ip en esta zona."); } else if ((Config.QUEEN_ANT_CHAR_ENTER_LEVEL_RESTRICTION > 0) && (character.getActingPlayer().getLevel() > Config.QUEEN_ANT_CHAR_ENTER_LEVEL_RESTRICTION) && !character.getActingPlayer().isGM()) { if (isPet) { ((L2Summon) character).unSummon(character.getActingPlayer()); } else { character.getActingPlayer().teleToLocation(-14417, 123749, -3117); player.sendMessage("No puedes ingresar a la zona de Ant Queen, tu nivel es muy bajo."); } } }
  6. hi, i'm trying to decrypt this interface.u but i haven't succeeded. I have tried it with WOT and cannot extract the classes. Could someone help me with the extraction of these please: https://www.dropbox.com/t/1GSk09Soe1yCjAKL is High Five Client.
  7. Use this tutorial, You will find all the tools in the forum.
  8. I need not to allow dual box in some zones, specifically in RB zones, any idea how to do it? if anyone has any code that can help me, much better Thank!
  9. Hello, I have a H5 server, and I need help to incorporate dynamic adena to the server. For example lvl 1-40 x15, lvl 1-62 x12, lvl 1-76 x9, lvl 76-80 x6, lvl 80-83 x4, lvl 83-85 x2. If anyone has any ideas or has code ready, it would be helpful. Thank you
  10. Hello, I have a H5 server, and I need help to incorporate dynamic rates to the server. For example lvl 1-40 x25, lvl 1-62 x20, lvl 1-76 x15, lvl 76-80 x10, lvl 80-83 x7, lvl 83-85 x4. If anyone has any ideas or has code ready, it would be helpful. Thank you
  11. Can somebody know a java code for boost rates for Drop / Spoil in l2j high five? Thank you
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