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About GodDamNeD

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  1. Wow you dont accept your copy omg.. how tard can you be rly.. i was playing eternal sin athena server that you tried to copy and failed. Now you copy the eternal sin valkyrie ... Still you need media or old site from valkyrie?? Btw i had +20 wep on vaklyrie the only one.. anyway you will fail again but gl
  2. Valkyrie haha another try to copy an old c3 server.. you are so creative good job.. you will do the difference
  3. I dont try to insult l2extreme.. is a decent server out there but every server with content based on grandbosses last 1 week.. anyway you know what i mean.. you know l2 scene better than me.. hope the best for server.. interlude need good serve
  4. Nice try but will be another 1 week server... This problem exist in every corrupted interlude mid rate server nowdays.. with this grandboss respawn times you forced clans to play only for grandbosses and the only contect will be yhe grandbosses.. after one week clans will be bored to fight for them and only 1 clan will take them all.. classic story
  5. 7 hours left for the grand opening download our new patch and be ready. 1 hour left for the grand openning.
  6. tommorow will be open beta at 18:00 gmt +2 until grand openning. you can win vip status via dice the roll event at 20:00 gmt+2.
  7. 4 days left for openning
  8. hey dude drops and rate doesnt prove nothing. the gameplay is custom also the drop rates.. dont judge without know please.. also server is no p2w what you said about donation isnt real
  9. Grand oppening date 8.4 20:00 GMT +2. (Final) . also some Updates to topic
  10. yes dragic why delete my post... i want to inform all admin with what kind of human they have to deal.. players dont know that fight he has with admins players must stop go to his topsite also he has low and FAKE TRAFFIC LOOK!
  11. Huge discount for this quality!! Dont miss it guys try and you will understand
  12. Hope you the best... Last season was perfect.. all pride style lovers will must be there
  13. the serius question is why there is a dragon in my logo?? ok then ill answer you.. its a dragon becouse i like it..
  14. hey splicho you are a moderator here and you spam for my logo and name of my server.. wtf? i will call my server as i want its not your job.. whats your problem excactly? stop spam please
  15. yeah fron snake became dragon at final. if you could done your job would be snake... btw you are a great designer its nake with dragons head
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