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Everything posted by povis111

  1. yeah, like, that's what i tried, i imported a clean project, but it won't let me replace the existing files.... or make a patch...
  2. I imported the project with eclipse, but when i try to replace source files i get an error that they already exist... could anyone make a guide? Or explain steps of making a patch...
  3. what does this mean? it's been more than an hour like this
  4. i think i will upload the source to a svn xD hehehe https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/fake-acis-290-rev/ :DDD
  5. Hey guys, i just made a pretty cool Core Scheme Buffer for aCis 290 rev. but i can't share it, cause eclipse doesn't allow me to 'create a patch' :rage:, there's no such option in Team> :y u no?:. Could anyone tell me what's wrong or how i could make a patch? :poker face:
  6. I don't know if i'm going to use it, i just wanna see it :)
  7. OMFG, the zmodeler was f*cked up..... downloaded a newer version and works nicely ;)
  8. I always did that... Anymore thoughts what could be wrong?
  9. I think the last time i normally made some mods with meshes was a whole YEAR ago, not to mention that the last time i tried this was only few months ago and it didn't work, now, i'm asking what should i do, if the meshes look like this if using OAUKX :y u no?:
  10. i will only tell what to do(i think that would work): Add a sheduled General task in l2pcinstance at doDie() for 60 secons. at the task's run() void add a check of whether the char is alive or dead. if he's still dead, send him a packet of characterselectionscreen i guess and before sending the packet, run a character deletion void, i don't know how chars are deleted, just look through character deletion packet and you'll find...
  11. Well, he asked for the code in this topic http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=271490.0 but i haven't tested it when i wrote.... so, i think he might have not changed the '12345' to item ids he wanted to ask for ?
  12. A NPC with ID "0" is spawned in the world(SpawnTable), but missing in the NPC table. You could delete this npc from SpawnTable or create a NPC with ID of "0".
  13. there ya go, fresh and new :not bad: else if (command.startsWith("become_noble")) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); if (!player.isNoble()) { //then you check for the level 78 if(player.getLevel()>=78){ //then you ask for items if( player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(12345/**1 item id **/).getCount()>=12345/** Is bigger or equals required item count **/ && player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(12345/**2 item id **/).getCount()>=12345/** Is bigger or equals required item count **/ && player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(12345/**3 item id **/).getCount()>=12345/** Is bigger or equals required item count **/ && player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(12345/**4 item id **/).getCount()>=12345/** Is bigger or equals required item count **/ ){ L2ItemInstance tiara = player.getInventory().addItem("tiara", 7694, 1, player, null);//give nobless tiara player.getInventory().equipItemAndRecord(tiara);//equip the tiara if you want player.setNoble(true, true); player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player)); html.setFile("data/html/classmaster/nobleok.htm"); }else player.sendMessage("You don't have enough items."); } else player.sendMessage("Your level must be 78 or higher."); } else html.setFile("data/html/classmaster/alreadynoble.htm"); player.sendPacket(html); //and don't forget the imports for l2iteminstance etc.. }
  14. To be able not to tick that silly box, you will have to open 'EnterWorld.java' and add some lines, like: setBuffQStarted(activeChar); in the 'protected void runImpl()' and private static void setBuffQStarted(L2PcInstance player) { QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("Buffer"); player.setQuestState(qs); } at the end of 'protected void runImpl()', i mean after the void itself or, wait a sec, i just got an idea :D, will show it in the evening... the idea would help you not to edit source code evening: okay, so for now the idea doesn't work, i will try to make that later...
  15. Here's a Buffer.java with textbuilder changed to stringbuilder and getMaxLevel changed.. http://www34.zippyshare.com/v/28966145/file.html should work for any newer than 269 revision
  16. not, there's a imagesconverter in that server, that sends images from serverside to players. no client modding needed.
  17. when i needed that, i just took a c6 gmshop and remade it :D, well only multisells didn't match because of newer items
  18. I won't, those were very silly and just for testing...
  19. Thanks :) . About the skills... a few months earlier, before i made this buffer, i was making some custom skills... those were nothing special, F2 adds speed, F3 is simply lightning strike i guess...
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