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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. You donot said u are afraid xD
  2. 0χ0α0χα0χ0α0χ0α0χα0χ0α0χα0χ0α epic...we are corrupted yeah..
  3. translated someone?
  4. which is their team?;D
  5. i want to play with ppl i know-and be 30 level means burned not good every time ;D
  6. confirmed αυτη η ζωαρα ειναι.Ζητω IP ban προς παραδειγματισμο στο τι γινεται στους ηλιθιους
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=75432 Ηe is Nosfekain aka Νικολαος.Ban him from now plx i donot want to see GOST locked again.Already tried to start flame war with Coyote
  8. 1st with retail stats
  9. xaxa g00d motoboy
  10. it's the only one good left :/
  11. what other privs u have Mr.VIP member?
  12. k someone else even Nunu or XIN JAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. isn't it locked? and btw why the guy with 130 posts per day not banned yet?:S
  14. i cri now! give meh flipper or ashe or vladimir or another OP hero to pwn ur ass!
  15. Raule seriously,ask Maxtor for a BAN priv only ;D
  16. Εσεις πρεπει να ειστε απο αυτους που σας στελνει μυνημα ενας με ονομα announsements με \n\n\\n και του δινετε τα item σας ετσι;
  17. mg i wanna team
  18. there are many ppl selling their chars here in RPG x5 contact them as i saw all have antharas
  19. everyone till with 100+ posts per day has been banned for 1 week/perma and see,he isn't clearly spamming but in a way he doesn't seems too
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=75323 125 posts in less than day?if he continue like that he will have 1000 posts in a week lol..
  21. Ξερω ειναι λιγο παλιο αλλα εχω περιεργεια bump
  22. lol it isn't shit..many ppl love it but it's way too complicated..many quests and boring.. Rofl i cannot find the previous avatar!
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