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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. dickhead is back?? ???
  2. welcome !
  3. αυτο λεω και εγω δεν μπορεις να χωρεσεις ολη την Java σε ενα topic
  4. better than dickhead ::)
  5. i have a better idea ban ventic so no poll change &^ i call it bad english
  6. Please j/k it! Chucky will kill himself
  7. rofl what was the [EN]Official Spam Topic. created by ED in j/k?
  8. now go and //cry @leeching forum with 5 online members.Show them how pro L2jDev u are!
  9. impossible
  10. i am not racist i donot hate emos i donot have gays but i hate emo+gay(ventic)
  11. i voted for GrisoM donot change to Ventic
  12. +1 good post
  13. Kяaσh=wine?
  14. rofl even a dog is better than ventic
  15. Fixed and u are right if u take blowjob from someone it's like you beeing gay to..
  16. β1tch
  17. ok,let's don't reveal in public that u made a blowjob to GrisoM ::)
  18. ? really now i knew that Gmods get an award in their profile how did u donator member?
  19. how the fack?
  20. You is a pussy with money,why don't u go at him?;D
  22. Actually,u only lose time...u don't win anything
  23. omg..no sense of sarcasm
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