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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. which directx has this option?(i mean px 9 has it?) and all games are compatible?px i can play CS in 3d?
  2. What is better for a mod Just tell him the board like i did or as MaCe did(link of board) ?
  3. mi no shemale too bad paint has no .psd files
  4. Δυστυχως δεν υπαρχει ουτε στο ελληνικο ουτε στο αγγλικο βασικα ολα υπαρχουν εκτος απο αυτο..δυστυχως ποτε δεν μου αρεσει σαν class για να φτιαξω ενα για αυτο
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174214.0;topicseen to dev help gr
  6. Made by me
  7. who fackin cares +2 spam posts
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174183.0;topicseen to j/k
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174209.0;topicseen to request help l2 general disscusion greek
  11. i am waiting for my sign...if i still have adena after that i will send u
  12. [move][/move] mvvvvvvvvvv fackar
  13. u saks?what u saks?
  14. As saw both scooters,i can say Gregor's is faster
  15. riport! he is lying
  16. Of course?
  17. it's obvious,he didn't kill himself yet
  18. Ι have you some servers to try Download Interlude client
  19. PS 5 ή την βρισκεις στο internet οπως οι περισσοτεροι εδω... btw βαλε [GR] μπροστα στο topic σου
  20. ask to be a legendary like Setekh...
  21. Raule did u pay for vip or not?
  22. since u seem to be less than 10 year old,can i guess that ur mum is like 30-35 a good age...
  23. [Report Wrong Section Topics] and since no proofs..
  24. Εγω σκοπευα να το κανω πιο συνθετο,καθως θα εβαζα Πως ανοιγει η πορτα του CH(πως ανοιγει η αριστερη-πως η δεξια) Μετα πως ανοιγουν οι πορτες του Castle επισης θα εβαζα και ενα extra πως κανεις WYRM μεσω castle(καθως ουτε αυτο υπαρχει)
  25. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174199.0 to private servers+warn the spammer
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