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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Δες το τωρα!Ειναι αρκετα απλο και ευκολο!
  2. before adenas...anyway since i am in a good mood when i have 1000 adena i will give them for an avatar for u
  3. Dekarma him long posts!FFS
  4. i have 2 in 1 !!!
  5. Any Brazzers premium?only for today!
  6. Οντως βαρεθηκα...δεν σκεφτονται κατι πιο προτοτυπο
  7. Magaki is teh BEST!!!! (Please MG send me a premium Brazzers RapidShare )
  8. tost
  9. I am with Magaki not because he gives me premium account for all websites but because he is right
  10. It's the new style report to be gold but most don't know that a bad report is bad for them :/
  11. their forum is down?
  12. i think you are not a moderator to ask ppl opinions for things like that Like BANNED colour name announcement you did It's Maxtor's and only Maxtor's business
  13. Δοκιμασμενα προσωπικα(σχεδον) μπορω να σου πω ως τα 70 level ειχα full A GRADE COMMON + Ασπιδα
  14. Κριμα που τον κανανε ban πριν κανει και το επομενο guide που ελεγε
  15. Ριπορτ! (φαινεται η IP σου);
  16. xax0ax0a0xa0xa0x0a0xa
  17. Chucky was asking for rename i think Chakar is gud!
  18. Chakar
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