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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. He didn't mention his internet connection btw what's the ppl online?
  2. How many Freya features are working?(rly)
  3. what? yeah,and u know not all servers have mana pot
  4. can't u get a warez version of them?
  5. ye but in the end if u wanna work u should buy them :/
  6. That's a pitty @UnqArt when u come alive PM or Nudge me
  7. ur creation :))
  8. give meh one example,to check
  9. Guys,one suggestion try using Traxex hero render(from DotA) Believe me u will have an advantage ::) http://www.google.gr/images?hl=el&q=traxex&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=SmqPTNvGJ-OS4gbJ7bnVDg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQsAQwAA&biw=1600&bih=844 or w/e
  10. You don't even know to design in PS T_T
  11. What Graphic designers do?
  12. both Erol...
  13. What class at school are u?:o
  14. Erol loled at MaxSound's karma log meng...mess revived?
  15. enchant was like 45% but anyway,it's still a 5kk weapon with 1 or 2kk enchant
  16. maybe...i am waiting for a new song bored of all of them
  17. I turn in gothic songs this period-i am afraid :o
  18. heard about a thousand times in radio-still not like it...
  19. until Grisom decides to lock it and make a new
  20. and u have shiat brix
  21. why not this too? u want everything urs!(xd) who is gonna believe that a guy with 0 posts have the control of a 37k posts topic?
  22. or ED's
  23. posted again,u were fackin lucky ok stop advertising that thing kid also who cares for a +16 C grade dagger,an AS gives u the same dmg
  24. Reptant_

    I wants

    Ιf u ever find something PM me so i can sell it to my mother
  25. everyone knows that ventic saks even in his forum
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