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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. we talk about many other guys too anyway,about playlist press HOUSE MUSIC in Youtube press Plus button from each song (anyway good song) u find make one of 15-20 songs and GiGi or listen to DJ BL3ND (pwnage!!)
  2. If i search all talks about staff,what u said became truth Like Furiosus/weird/erol/ed/setekh promote/ and some leaves i never remember something that didn't get true anyway btw it's a pity u aren't in staff cause mxc lost someone with correct sence of logic
  3. damn me Not only about Setekh about each promo/demote happened in here last 2 months Btw i made a playlist of House music in Youtube,pwnage :^:
  4. i think i did it only in GR section(?) damn ,i have to start using greeklish so they can't google translate me
  5. where?:( i want an answer of raulito xd
  6. who is the badass of the forum?;o no more sups in EOST bored of them
  7. something other i have seen something Every but EVERY time Raule said something about promo(even when not in staff) it became true after a bit i 've seen only one fail of him
  8. Grisom pawnah ^&^
  9. rly,who cares about it's other sections only for DEV HELP and SPam section GOST is one of most epic threads evah in forums imo
  10. nah,it would have the 12 yo kids asking for how to make a L2 server in exploits english in greek language
  11. what mxc needs.You got me But who cares,w/o spam section mxc would have half members each day i am thinking of going,i got some kilos lately
  12. hmmm not he still miss many ones
  13. ofc,out of here we all know We can remember that Justice paied once again to be a GOLD member here in the past
  14. Inactivity of Maxtor will be the final hit of dead of this forum Other things fcked it up,he could have face them he didn't,now Q.Q
  15. ventic was already a GMOD find me another way to make a 400 post unknown guy GOld member from nowhere(jajajaaj)
  16. oh noes,let's don't talk about this things in here
  17. As i know Erol-ED were something like spam moderators some time ago am i wrong?
  18. Chucky Weird got his ass off in report section Justice was GMOD on MaxHackers Anyway,in common members opinions many staff choices aren't normal,but who knows here to be promoted u need someone to put u in staff
  19. this would be failure to moderate some threads only? the only alive in mxc is GOST,let's face it
  20. ο hai who are we trolling?
  21. in some hours some hours it works
  22. Credits: se emena Οh rly; Αλλαξε τα γιατι βαριεμαι να κανω ρεπορτ
  23. bump server moved to a new host which can stand more players! and L2Walker dissalowed
  24. εγω παλια στις καλες μου σε αλλους σερβερ επερνα 1500 pvp την εβδομαδα(no donate φυσικα) Αλλα ο Pride ζει ακομα;Ποσα wipe εχει κανει;
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