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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. @Resistance You selfreq demote and flamed maxtor and forum why the heck are u still here? and yes it is this story when u share nothing and promo is something like 'award'to guys that help forum unqart did it
  2. and ofcourse MD needs some trust so much time in here he has shown great things i can't understand why he NEVER joined the staff
  3. let's do it yeah! People here have no critical judge(w/e it is called) They can't keep a thread clean that's why they always fail(anyway,in the fact i thing maxtor cares for 95% of promotes from what his staffers say and not public away @Coyote:Promoting shows some activity from administration... @unqart:i really can't understand why you are here and theme is gonna change i think i don't know it was a quick thought but ex.if u are in GMOD instead of chandy(ex) forum would be ALOT cleaner
  4. VeGe το τελευταιο βαλτο sign Intopic:Που ειναι το δυσκολο ρε,ουτε καν last hit δεν θες...
  5. Flame to MaxSoM
  6. by writing this kind of things u show 0 judgeness
  7. YES unqart,w/e u say @Coyote About privs in spam section maybe u are right in some points anyway Also [*]CriticalError Promote Sofaki Demote CE is very active and helpful last days and Sofaki inactive as hell
  8. [*] Furiosus to L2 mod Guy with great maturity who wants to help the forum [*]Demote webm0nst3r and I don’t know maybe Commodus Inactivity [*]Demote Emrys.He is Inactive plus no needed for WoW Section [*] Make a LOL section and give privs to AION section and MGN to Phoenix4 Mature enough with great judge and very good knowledge to games [*]Give someone privs to SPam section [*]Give MasterDisaster a chance .I think he deserves it [*]Promote CriticalError.Very helpful in Client mod(+ some privs there) [*]Demote Sofaki.Inactivity?
  9. and then what will coyote will be?
  10. and that proves what?
  11. 17 and why this question?:O
  12. next time we will wait for you
  13. it was not his business and start flaming him i think cause he can (?)
  14. flame x2 to a head gmod
  15. Q.Q
  16. we moved to gost his 4k posts were thanks kk ofc he got banned for spamming (jk)
  17. nah nothing betta from GodPower in 4chan !!!
  18. GrisoM still has it ;)
  19. with gummy bear should pwn
  20. if GrisoM puts them in his sign,you will be very famous
  21. lier :D
  22. 10$ PSC to give me this folder
  23. i am gonna emo-quit now i am very afraid
  24. Rule number one:Never give details of ur personal life in the internet http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs277.snc1/10428_100812379939825_100000331914345_17581_3719027_n.jpg let's go on 4chan again?
  25. see what i can manage? i know many things about you-You don't know a shit o wait,u know my IP congrats I see many haters in here :O you will be like some other 20 yo guys that came to my village and guess what:Cowards
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