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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. still,if not stolen shared
  2. yeah i know but that doesn't rly matters what matters is that Account isn't be used by normal owner by someone else shared/stolen account must be banned according the rules (PS:I have one more guy with stolen account,PM for info if want)
  3. ed make a list,as GrisoM did in past?Xd
  4. lol it was hard to understand,even after i saw the true wtf
  5. mxc is mother of all,jajajaj xd
  6. y i wasn't rly expecting that
  7. i know,what is visible to us ;) GrisoM has made a list in 3rd page also
  8. ventic got banned my grisom here in EOST?remember? about the others,i don't know who decision.. btw i can see MixMasteR unbanned lol
  9. xaxa it has already failed damn it and features were amazing
  10. it wasn't only the fact that they leeched i mostly believe it was GrisoM...xd
  11. Ye,i don't exactly know if it was an argument between maxtor and ventic or GrisoM and Ventic...
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=75795 lol real Leki is georgian how he posts greeklish? i ask atleast a ban according to the rules
  13. i think ye
  14. maybi
  15. he has done this basically the reason is something else,of all these bans
  17. hey it wasn't going to be leeching(at least for most sections) but since it's gaming forum L2 is a game some retarted leeched-what ventic could do?
  18. Σιγουρα δεν φταιει το pc;
  19. why restore?you acted retardly and u deserve it
  20. xai
  21. battle force/spell force any many others
  22. Βασικα,τα troll του mxc καλυτερα ειναι
  23. Ναι αλλα δεν επιασες το νοημα το ΦΕΤΙΝΟ FIFA ειναι σαν pes2009/2010 Σε αντιθεση με το PES2011 που ειναι μια αποτυχια,ουτε καν ισαξιο των προηγουμενων εκδοσεων του
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