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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. if not in 1v1,with tank you will go ahaid and start hitting them...or in a raid boss party...yeah no need for - life..what us aid is only for pvp
  2. I see it black Seya+Sofaki are banned(the other topic was deleted) end of matter
  3. It's not allowed to be staff in a leeching forum (especially that) what maxtor told,we have nothing to do with it that forum leeched MANY topics that were hidden with POSTCOUNT here(undihidded) so...by beeing in staff u support it(as coyote said)
  4. no need to make such questions..
  5. yours rules,lol rofl,that shows nothing,omg
  6. συμφωνω Γιατι εκανες τουτο το undig και με συνχισες με αυτα που διαβασα;
  7. You will never reach facebook one's level
  8. who cares,who has mind,can see how shitty their website is and not choose them
  9. maybe i will make it signature some time later..
  10. They have internet in paradise..i am sure he rests now
  11. One more added
  12. yeah move them too...
  13. helped me a lot,thanks(even if reposted)
  14. In 1950 images had better quality
  15. it's common sence,no need hiding 500 posts also,jeez use song of vangeance
  16. Unintentional(no foul)
  17. cause u can't read the greek words below...
  18. 2 days before,i decided to upgrade my 64bit windows pc,by putting another 4 GB ram,reaching 5.5 as i heard,64bit can support much ram right? and this is my problem Only 3,12gb from 5,5 From searching the web,i found various answers i tried some things(place ram in another way,install again 64bit) but nothing I found some information 1-2:I have 64bit proccesor,i am running 64bit windows very well 3:I have Asus p5ld2,with chipset 955X that support 8GB ram space normally 4:My MAIN problem.I can't find in BIOS this option It tells me to update,i got into a newer driver(1900) but still no have this(i don't know where to find newer version too) also,i couldn't find 64bit version of BIOS,can this be the fault?all other drivers are 64bit If you can help me,use GR if u can't explain it easily
  19. 64bit;Ξερω τι φταει(νομιζω) και σε αυτο ευθυνεται chipset/bios
  20. Δεν φταινε οι RAM μου λεει:3,12 απο 5.5 χρησιμοποιουνται..
  21. /jk i am kidding
  22. Also Thismember ripped sig+avatar from this member
  23. damn u undiger anyway,for this forumakias.gr
  24. Δεν ηρθε να μου κοιταξει το pc μου λεει οτι εχω λαθος εκδοση των 64bit,για αυτο δεν δουλευουν οι RAM,και αποκλειει το προβλημα οτι ευθυνεται στην ελλειψη MEMORY MAPPING που δεν εχει το γαμω bios μου (μπορει να ειχε δικιο,αλλα τα εβαλα σε εναν φιλο και δουλευουν και τα 4 gb ram) ο Phoenix μου ειπε κατι αλλο,που δεν δουλεψε επισης
  25. εχω ενα προβλημα με τις RAM,ρωτησα Φοινικα+Τεχνικο και οι 2 αποδειχτηκαν λαθος
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