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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Sido no matter who is kid or not,who is the mature and who not isn't determinated from that
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184954.0 hey wtf move it to report/jk i think it's an router port problem,so offtopics or L2jdev help gr
  3. u fcked up the legs btw,photop cs1?lol
  4. I don't know...i think i am kinda late?
  5. what the hell are u doing?
  6. What i thought exactly
  7. What?where?link?wd btw that imagehost rocks
  8. what?;d
  9. test?xd
  10. not :/
  11. Is that a good day to make My Intoduce Yourself Topic ?
  12. that's why i searched and found an old karma abuse ...
  13. yeah... but as like at Ghost hunter guide,there was a word from darkslayer 'I am very good at ghost hunter,impress me and u have +1' and ok.. L2General disc is missing like 15 classes guides(while gr is full) still quests + in dota we can make up to 90+ guides ::)
  14. look even in theory,you can get what's the best armor/what's best tactic,cause most skills haven't changed,just added new armors but it doesn't worth,cause it is not something that i would like
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=180241.0 i have to translate this :/
  16. Ok yhn it's a matter of fact,that i have made some guides,that i wanted karma but some,like Ghost hunter/storm screamer,1 guide to newcomers at GR and a quest guide(my latest) and a WALKER GUide were ,not for karma,just to help people,and prove some things(like at DS)
  17. I wanna translate a guide from GR to EN now to get sticky.. sticky is better than karma
  18. It's nice sharing things,and karma is a way to say hello even if here it's fcked up
  19. i mean, i haven't played any mage class except spellhowler and i can't make a guide about a class different from mage right now,it's BIG duty
  20. thank you meng Not me,but the whole community
  21. Basically,if i play Epilogue i will make guide i usually make,when i play a class somewhere else...and not only at epillogue cause interlude sucks i never played something different than spellhowler in epilogue to know...(from mages part) so...
  22. I don't know a shit about freya It will be all in theory since i haven't played
  23. ehmm...what do u think for that?;D
  24. yeah check in AIO in general section
  25. Check my spellhowler something like that will take me ~1 hour max while posting here too
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