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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Τhey suck,my mistake
  2. ah better bubu i have to admit,the only true ro spammer(lol) all the other trully saks
  3. Something else since gracia,ATK SPD doesn't affect ur skills cooldown so u don't need atk speed
  4. Do you have this at CTRL+V?lol anyway,welcome meng
  5. Νοw rly,ur avatar saks what da fack,is that?a woman that holds a mask?
  6. No,they saks anyway,if gm hasn't fcked up heavy armors,use them,or else use light simple
  7. old times saks xd
  8. no still confused by ur avatar...what the heck is going in this face?
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186958.0;topicseen author req
  10. kinda confused by ur avatar lol
  11. u iz saks
  12. It's first antharas if not,it will be the only who died T_T about AQ,if u can kill it alone(no enemy clan) 5 titans 1 bishop is just ok
  13. νεο style για tags Αν σου μειωσουμε το karma,απο οσο ξερω απο -3 θα παει -4 ;;
  14. Duelist has both masteries last time i checked
  15. Imo,since in higher server chronicles light armors kinda sucks,and since i don't think u may use ur evasion properly(more buffs etc) i would advice heavy armor
  16. if yes that's ok...i just can't find how adena can dissapear...i was looking at this ,then went to shop and boum 190k adena if it's that,lock it
  17. I ask maybe some can find clues anyway,mixmaster lost 70,commodus 40 these adenas can't just 'dissapear'
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=76440 Adenas: 193722.00 can this be connected with this? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187037.0
  19. Light armor mastery rocks and yes only in some shit L2jteon packs u may find it working
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=62592.0;topicseen holy cow..undig
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187061.0;topicseen L2J dev help(??) Seriously,i don't know where but sure not where it is now
  22. Oh shit ηταν και μελος του mxc,απο καπου εδω το πηρε απλα παρε ενα 3.5 phx,φτιαξε λιγο τις ρυθμισεις μετα οπως δειχνει το βιντεο,κανε τπ μια σαν αυτον(δηλαδη αγορασε gold bar,και μετα βγαλτα) μετα γρηγορο send,και θα γινει κατι τετοιο,αν δεν εχει γινει φιχ
  23. 25 € PSC και σου δινω αυτο που δουλεψε στον l2homehosted.tk
  24. you failed you wrote this same post with BadSystem account ....
  25. Γιου τιουμπ YouTioumB
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