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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Θα ειναι update στο sticky
  2. Certi (Class specific) ειναι 3.Αν ξερεις το συστημα,το καταλαβαινεις,πρεπει να κανω guide Αυτο με τα buffs καλη ιδεα θα το κανω Plated Leather γιατι δεν χρειαζεται η αλλη....καλυτερα fast xp με +4 Str
  3. To tell you the truth,i liked the old one more Simple and good
  4. Can't u level up with party at Hellbound? also pagans temple has good xp,or instances
  5. Vote thing is a bad thing also here,good servers stay in top from good server,they don't let them go bottom
  6. it could be a little bigger,but i love it <3!Thanks
  7. Δεν εχω κανει ποστ σε αυτο το topic..w00t anyway,παρα πολυ χρησιμο,οι περισσοτεροι δεν ξερουν πως να βαζουν crest,και βοηθαει πολυ thanks
  8. you ,pro L2 and dagger user...mr critical rate=success at blows
  9. and jesus,u are missing many things you can't understand from GR
  10. big point,the xp at 1-40...yeah... i forgot to remove it..i had all mage buffs u know... in dagger we use earth or holy,but MOST times earth.If u don't know >_> about dance of earth...u told xp buffs we are in freya..so many slots all pvp buffs are there,except some resist dances,where no slots u pro,pve big point,especially in mid rate...but even in low rates that's not a too big point
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187516.0;topicseen req exploits gr
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187506.msg1516880#msg1516880 junk
  13. put L2J in ur title as for features,make ur post somehow better,it's a mess
  14. About the (?) it's like advertisment's bots he doesn't want to sell something,check it better
  15. o Blacksmith δεν δουλευει ποτε;Δηλαδη ουτε καν οταν ειναι η ωρα του(δηλαδη οταν ειναι κλειστες οι catabombs?)
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187503.0;topicseen junk http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187507.0;topicseen L2jdev help en
  17. You know,hyperlinks aren't transfered by c/p
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187484.0;topicseen req dev help gr + Warn astralized http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187488.0;topicseen private servers + title fix OR Junk http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187477.0;topicseen general marketplace?or w/e ,u know,surely not there http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187502.0;topicseen L2 general disc?lol
  19. I knew u mozilla,and ur works i was talking to Akken anyway,even with that,i think Adronix can create better things than u,even now
  20. The first buff was from a missclick at buff sceme,and i forgot to remove it about C i know,then i was bored to take screenshot again... dagger...big point about vampire rage...yeah but u know in most servers people use one kind of buffs,and talking about 'newbies' they won't take different.Also,instead of vampire if u take an earth resist(ex) it won't save ur ass.Prolly u will have much attribute in ur armor,so... who will get a focus weapon just for farm...and enchant it+attribute lame yeah i know,it's so easy finding mistakes in a 15.000+ characters guide,when preview needs 5 minutes to be done
  21. Man, .com is important believe me.And consider having .com domain also,server Off or java?
  22. Welcome,read rules(before everything) and sure,hf
  23. Yes sir,you are pro
  24. Reptant_


    another one by me(ISP dissconect,new IP ;d)
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