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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. no i can't even delete it now :/
  2. wellcum
  3. Last posts Nice share nice share + some undigs
  4. the ones beeing used now are uploaded in my imageshack acc ;D
  5. They day they deleted all of them we weren't saying the same example,maxtor lost all private server images
  6. ah i thought adena/items/enchantments would stay so,keep it same just for pvps/names? better wipe
  7. even my working MH for bnet isn't inside
  8. Still,doesn't worth since no wipe at least for me,never join this type of servers ;)
  9. did u know that tinypic one day deleted all pics there? also,german sakers sold it to photobucket
  10. cause imo,it's best site for upload now
  11. but why?ur sign looks fine from here anyway http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3435/pown.gif same shit
  12. no did current sign or all other signs i had ,were LQ?
  13. Yes.Emoquit cause they banned u in EP forum (many many times)and u got a dekarma here
  14. i have no problem with that anyway imageshack.us tinypic.com
  15. So basically,it's old server with new pack?
  16. `SiNoK or somehow that
  17. If you are so dumb to leave for a pixel,do it and don't come back
  18. wipe or else it isn't a new server
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189362.0;topicseen l2jbrazil preconf
  20. tell us augment skills all others can be farmed within 1 hour
  21. ah k did u server wiped or w/e?what's l2n
  22. ο μαγος εχει 1500 pdef(px) με το shield θα παει 1800-1900 εχει γυρω στα 8.000 matk(περιπου) Θα παει στα 8600-9000(δεν θυμαμαι) να ξερεις πως παντα ειναι σε αναλογια
  23. I personally wouldn't download gracia final better GE,or even Freya you say pvp server so x1000 with easy xp(custom mobs) safe enchant 4 max 16(i would suggest 10 for armor/jwl) no custom armor(lol) Normal scrolls with adena,and droppable by mobs(both).Blessed droppable in low chance by mobs and high chance by rbs 65% blessed 65 or 70
  24. what's ur relationship with leonidas georgiadis?
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