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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Δεν ξερω πολλα απο java,αλλα δεν βλεπω να το εβαλες επισης,γιατι αυτο ;
  2. Very funny make 15 topics in Dev Help asking how to open the gameserver and how to configure it ,and then put a free forum and name server 'L2Revenge' your sir,failed
  3. definitely needs a warn/dekarma more if u see the topics he posted LP
  4. Καντο,να δινει και hero aura και ειναι τελειο :)
  5. http://cdf.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3292 διαβαστε το και πειτε μου τις εντυπωσεις σας δεν αξιζε να το κανω c/p ολο εδω παρακαλω μην κλεβετε!
  6. you mean in 'private servers' right?
  7. Το maven ειναι η τελευταια εκδοση;
  8. Τοσους σερβερ σου ειπαμε λεφτα αξιζει να δωσεις μονο σε διασημους low rate αρχισε rpg-club x15,παρε το bonus xp απο donation/αγορασε adena απο εδω εκει θα αξιζει
  9. last posts
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188477.0;topicseen request γενικη βοηθεια
  11. also,u don't even know,how many people asking me for tips of starting L2..in net/msn
  12. i was considering of playing,now not retarted server
  13. me 2
  14. yes gonna much nerves now cause 10yo tardos come and pk me while farming
  15. me retrying this
  16. hell,some people do need it
  17. lock till cleaned http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187845.120
  18. μου αρεσει που κανεις share τοσα site,που ο καθενας μπορει να κατεβαζει με ενα free προγραμμα
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182456.msg1539623#new Server closed
  20. Server is closed we can easily understand this by site seems ,that from all these fights,we had here,i was proven right :)
  21. -_- lock it
  22. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189381.msg1541385;topicseen#new junk
  23. Here,he was warned by WeirdSituation But seems he doesn't care Check posts after warn of wrd,in ur local time
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